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View Full Version : POTM October - Nominations

08/10/2005, 4:14 PM
Ok guys, get your nominations for October in now, make sure you show what post you are nominating and in what thread. Have fun!:)

If you want to discuss a nomination, then go here (http://foot.ie/showthread.php?t=30142)

13/10/2005, 3:13 PM
The first nomination, and for our very own God himself....;) :D

Here (http://foot.ie/showthread.php?p=367593#post367593)

Plenty of Star email addresses in the member database. If they do anything untoward I'll just delete the lot of 'em. Fascism rocks!

I wouldn't worry about it though, Star readers probably don't understand most of the words.

(Star writers probably don't understand most of the words.)

13/10/2005, 3:26 PM
This one by anto1208 made me laugh.

Here (http://foot.ie/showthread.php?p=367842#post367842)

note : if playing pro evo in the toilet at work dont cheer when you score ! its impossible to explain why you were cheering in the toilet !!

14/10/2005, 3:29 PM
this made me chuckle


Your off to a flyer Alan. Half a dozen posts and you're insulting my game (I prefer the term "football" to americanisms like "soccer" btw) because someone's not overly impressed with your pet band that you've apparently only bothered posting to plug.

I for one, while wishing them no specific ill-will, won't be feeding into or from the chum-bucket of X-Factor type programmes or X-Factor type contestants like the Conways (were they not in that Eurovision thing too?).

Now for a critique ...clicked on the link to their site and they're vile. A quartet of faces that apparently caught fire and were extinguished with the back of a shovel -something that wouldn't bother me in the least (but will bother their target market plenty) if the songs were any good -but they're not.

In fact they sound like a toned down version of Emma Bunton (no ...I wouldn't have thought that possible either but they've managed it.) tacked onto a half @rsed Corrs tribute band.

16/10/2005, 5:15 PM
he always gives me a laugh

I nominate The Stars, for this (http://foot.ie/showpost.php?p=363633&postcount=18), in this (http://foot.ie/showthread.php?t=30043) thread

The Stars
19/10/2005, 5:06 PM
wild rover for this http://foot.ie/showthread.php?t=30459
worth a mention

Bald Student
19/10/2005, 7:59 PM
My nomination:


Green Tribe
20/10/2005, 4:38 PM
I nominate this......

Yeah ok didnt do myself or my GENDER any favours with the smartest race remark i am blonde and i work hard and i get tired (ahhh) through the day not like you men that have all day to be on this website.

Its quality not quantity i agree wit that but the how you use it dont know i prefer a fella thats hung like a ...... (thats for Ronnie B):D

from Biggest turn-off's in men thread.....:D

20/10/2005, 8:01 PM
The following from wws. Best post ever on here, never mind post of the month!!


A face
23/10/2005, 7:33 PM
This is the thread (http://foot.ie/showthread.php?p=374783#post374783) and this is the post !! (http://foot.ie/showpost.php?p=374779&postcount=12)

Classic !! :p

24/10/2005, 9:44 PM
Lawlor Thread (http://foot.ie/showthread.php?t=30609&page=3)

Peadars post (http://foot.ie/showpost.php?p=375175&postcount=54)

Most of us here aren't familiar with the standard practice when transporting your hooker,


26/10/2005, 6:00 PM
[RETRACTED, SEE HERE (http://foot.ie/showthread.php?p=377323#post377323).]

Dunno if I'm allowed nominate (particularly after telling sligoman I didn't think he should be), but if I am, I nominate the entire sirhamish thread. It's the funniest thing I've read in ages, and it just gets funnier as it goes.


I don't know or care what's going on, the man's a character and no mistake.


27/10/2005, 3:06 PM
In light of dahamsta's retraction, I will nominate the sirhamish thread.

27/10/2005, 10:24 PM
I vote for 4tothefloor's honest contribution of limerick fc's season to date. It wasn't designed to make us laugh but it sure as hell got the point across.

I agree with jebus. I think the carry on at the club has been a joke this season. There was a honeymoon period at the start where things were promised, the squad was big and competition for places was rife, people were willing to give NOC a second chance and nobody really knew much about our new owner Danny Drew. Less than half way through the season things went sour, and now almost at the end the whole impression of the club is a shambles.

In that time we have learned that NOC hasn't changed one bit, still has a problem regarding personality clashes with players (and always the good ones), and can't manage for sh!t. As I said before, he doesn't know the difference between a tic-tac and a tactic. His football is utter rubbish. Absolutely useless. He's a butcher alright, that's for fcukin sure! :rolleyes: .

We have also learned that our chairman is a bit of a maverick, has no people skills and wouldn't know manners if they slapped him across the face. He may have business acumen and a nose for making money, but he needs to learn the ropes of running a football club by taking a back seat because he is out of his depth in football matters. His treatment of LFC supporters and certain players, especially Tom McGauley will not be forgotton. Him coming on these boards giving verbals, and then seeking the identities of posters at matches is both sad and pathetic and proves my point above perfectly. He'd do well now to disappear into the background and hand the chairmanship over to a real football man who knows his stuff, because otherwise attendances aren't going to get any better.

The whole Jamie Nolan thing has capped things off really. Fans have a right to jeer a player if they feel he is not putting in the effort. The player does not have a right to stick his fingers up at the fans and spit in their collective faces. The fans pay to watch Nolan and indirectly pay his wages. That's how football works. Nolan is paid to play, not to disrespect, insult or bite the hand that feeds him.

On the plus side I think Kieran Judge is one of the few people to come out with praise this season. He has done a fine job, and also assembled a very talanted U21 panel. He has also conducted himself very well throughout the season. It's guys like him that the club need. Bernard O'Neill has also improved the PR of the club, although it could be a lot better. But other than that, the whole thing stinks. I haven't been at the last few home games either, partly because I was away in Cyprus following Ireland, because of work, but also because like jebus I'm just turned off the whole thing. There are many more like me, so keep it up lads..... :rolleyes:

31/10/2005, 10:01 PM
11 Post of the months and 1 thread of the month nomination(:rolleyes: :D ). Two will have to be dropped. I'll be closing this thread in 1 hour so, if you think there's another worthy post out there then get it in quickly;). Thanks everybody for nominating:)

31/10/2005, 11:06 PM
Thread now locked. Dont forget to vote;)