View Full Version : Premiership star faces rape probe

05/10/2005, 9:44 AM
Premiership star faces rape probe
05/10/2005 - 10:05:07

Detectives are investigating claims that a Premiership footballer and a friend took turns to rape two women in a five-star hotel, it was reported today.

The unnamed star, reportedly a multimillionaire international, is alleged to have taken part in the attack in a £1,000 (€1,470)-a-night penthouse suite in central London.

The women have claimed the men raped them in the early hours of Sunday after meeting them in a nightclub.

A Scotland Yard spokeswoman said: “We can confirm police are investigating allegations of serious sexual assault at a location in central London in the early hours of Sunday.”

The Sun reported that the footballer could not be named for legal reasons and that police had yet to identify his friend.

According to the newspaper the player has yet to discover he is the subject of a rape inquiry as police are still deciding whether to pursue a case against him.

Forensic officers were said to have sealed off the penthouse in the hunt for clues and the whole floor was reportedly emptied of guests.

Officers also visited the nightspot where the footballer met the women to collect CCTV footage and interview staff, according to The Sun.

Scotland Yard’s specialist sexual assault unit Operation Sapphire is investigating the rape claims and statements have been taken from the women.

05/10/2005, 12:43 PM
The unnamed star, reportedly a multimillionaire international,Ok, who wants to start guessing?:confused:. I'll say eh, the Liverpool captain;) (still not naming anyone:rolleyes: )


05/10/2005, 1:51 PM
Premiership star faces rape probe

Unfortunately title for sensitive article.

I'd say he'll be outted before end of thursday.

05/10/2005, 2:05 PM
I'd say he'll be outted before end of thursday.
I'd say you're being kind at that..prob at some stage today I'd say the rumour mill will kick in with suspects.

05/10/2005, 2:20 PM
I'd say you're being kind at that..prob at some stage today I'd say the rumour mill will kick in with suspects.
I can see the same thing that happended with the "roasting" case last season, the pics in the Star (might have been the Sun) were the players pics on the official site, just blackened out

05/10/2005, 2:28 PM
anyone got a link to this story

05/10/2005, 2:30 PM
Red Issue (the man u fanzine) have their own ideas already...

05/10/2005, 2:37 PM
i want to know what happens these girls after the case is trown out , shouldnt they be given a few years in jail for trying to get innocent players locked up .

there was the roasting case , G stack , R van persie all these case's the girl lied tried to ruin a players carrer and get them locked up ? its no wonder only 3 % of rape cases get a conviction when you have sluts like this casting doubt on all rape cases !

05/10/2005, 2:38 PM
If you go to the fourm on football365 and look up tpoic that starts "lets ascertain something about a certain player............." you get the jist fairly quickly

05/10/2005, 3:37 PM
....3 % of rape cases get a conviction when you have sluts like this casting doubt on all rape cases !

Hold on there fella. Who made you judge, jurer and executioner. That's a very unfair statement to make. What if this girl is telling the truth. Be very careful what you say.

Also I wouldn't speculate on who the footballer is - don't want to get Foot.ie taken from the www. It happened to a popular website during the "roasting" incident.

05/10/2005, 3:54 PM
There's ways of narrowing down the numbers. What teams were playing in London or the area last weekend??

05/10/2005, 4:10 PM
its no wonder only 3 % of rape cases get a conviction when you have sluts like this casting doubt on all rape cases !Please quote or link to a source for this claim or I'll delete the post.

I'm watching this thread like a hawk. If any claims are made that will put Foot.ie at risk, I'll delete it. Please use common sense when posting.


05/10/2005, 4:24 PM
Please quote or link to a source for this claim or I'll delete the post.

I'm watching this thread like a hawk. If any claims are made that will put Foot.ie at risk, I'll delete it. Please use common sense when posting.


it was on jerry ryan's show about 2 years ago so i dont have a link to it i just remember it ,

that report said that the % was 3 % but according to amnesty ireland its 5 % now. sorry for the mistake my stats were out of date plus im relying on my memory of a conversation i heard 2 years ago .

Link : http://www.amnesty.ie/content/view/full/4138/

if that doesnt work here is the part cut and pasted

Violence against women in Ireland
18% of Irish women have been abused by a current or former partner.
Rape Crisis Centres took an estimated 45 000 help line calls in 2004.
95% of rape cases end without a conviction.
The Women's Aid National Freephone Helpline responded to 12 908 domestic violence calls in 2003.
A study conducted by the Rotunda Maternity Hospital found that in a sample of 400 pregnant women,12.5% (1 in 8) had experienced abuse from their partners while they were pregnant.

Poor Student
05/10/2005, 4:33 PM
Thank God you're watching this thread Adam. As the admin says keep your sense when posting this and keep any idle speculation to yourselves.

05/10/2005, 4:38 PM
Hold on there fella. Who made you judge, jurer and executioner. That's a very unfair statement to make. What if this girl is telling the truth. Be very careful what you say.

Also I wouldn't speculate on who the footballer is - don't want to get Foot.ie taken from the www. It happened to a popular website during the "roasting" incident.

hold on your self if your going to quote someone dont take it out of context here is the full comment i made

"there was the roasting case , G stack , R van persie all these case's the girl lied tried to ruin a players carrer and get them locked up ? its no wonder only 3 % of rape cases get a conviction when you have sluts like this casting doubt on all rape cases !".

now my comment only refers to the 3 case's that all charges against the players have been dropped , not this case allthough i know who the player and his mate are and who he plays for im not stupid enough(dispite popular opinion ) to either risk getting myself or foot.ie into trouble

05/10/2005, 4:47 PM
I'm watching this thread like a hawk. If any claims are made that will put Foot.ie at risk, I'll delete it. Please use common sense when posting.

If someone sees another website mention a name is it ok for a foot.ie post to mention that with link. Don't newspapers usually wait for 1 publication to mention first & then requote?

05/10/2005, 4:50 PM
There was a name insinuated on about five different threads on a different forum but all 5 threads were deleted and the users banned!!!!!!

05/10/2005, 4:59 PM
Link : http://www.amnesty.ie/content/view/full/4138/Thanks anto.

If someone sees another website mention a name is it ok for a foot.ie post to mention that with link.I don't see how I can stop you. I fail to understand why you'd want to do it intentionally though.


05/10/2005, 5:02 PM
I don't see how I can stop you. I fail to understand why you'd want to do it intentionally though.

I haven't looked anywhere else but was just seeing what rules were for posters. I just presumed once a name is in popular media posters will be aloowed name otherwide might as well just close thread & ban discussion before gets to that stage.

05/10/2005, 5:05 PM
If people quote or link an authoritative source then I guess that would be ok, but I don't consider forums authoritative. That's the rule as far as I'm concerned. As I've mentioned elsewhere, since no-one's actually broken the rules (that I'm aware of), I don't see why the thead should be deleted. Since we've discussed this in detail now though, I reckon that anyone that does break the rules proably warrants a permanent ban.

(One of these days someone will actually compile these mythical rules. Maybe even some of them won't contradict one another!)


05/10/2005, 5:34 PM
The 'papers usually preface naming the person with "it is reported"

06/10/2005, 7:14 AM
i want to know what happens these girls after the case is trown out , shouldnt they be given a few years in jail for trying to get innocent players locked up .

there was the roasting case , G stack , R van persie all these case's the girl lied tried to ruin a players carrer and get them locked up ? its no wonder only 3 % of rape cases get a conviction when you have sluts like this casting doubt on all rape cases !
Hang the fook on. Just because there isn't the evidence to convict doesn't mean they weren't attacked. People cleared are innocent, but at the same time you can't just assume that because there is no conviction the other party lied. If the accussed being cleared meant automatic conviction for the accussor then that 3% figure would be worthless - cases would never be brought.

06/10/2005, 8:37 AM
Hang the fook on. Just because there isn't the evidence to convict doesn't mean they weren't attacked. People cleared are innocent, but at the same time you can't just assume that because there is no conviction the other party lied. If the accussed being cleared meant automatic conviction for the accussor then that 3% figure would be worthless - cases would never be brought.

again im refering to 3 case's in which the girl lied ,she consented to sex and then claimed rape , the judge even said in one that she had invented the rape as a way to justify what she had done .

97 % dont get a conviction so surely there must be women claiming they were raped , when is the last time you heard of a woman getting jail time for false rape allegations ?.

it hinders the case's of genuine rape victims that do need to be taken seriously but doubt has been cast over there case because of such women lieing , in a fair world it shouldnt be like that but thats the way the world is .
after all those case's every time you hear of a story involving a prem player and a rape case espeically when they go to the sun first to sell the story then to the cops ,
do you think hang the scum bag for raping the poor girl or this is a scam ??

i think scam because of past case's , and what im afraid of is there will come a time when so many of these case's have come and gone that no one will belive the girl when it actually happens .

06/10/2005, 9:36 AM
Again, this is looking to be all smoke and mirrors; in other words total horse-sh1t.

See the stun sez it so its gotta be true. (http://www.thesun.co.uk/article/0,,2-2005460437,00.html)

06/10/2005, 9:38 AM
Paul, do not name names without sources.

06/10/2005, 9:42 AM
after all those case's every time you hear of a story involving a prem player and a rape case espeically when they go to the sun first to sell the story then to the cops ,
And what of it when it's the accussed running to the paper denying it?

06/10/2005, 9:43 AM
And thats the end of this thread.:rolleyes:

06/10/2005, 9:46 AM
no im just saying yer not a knob.

06/10/2005, 9:50 AM
no im just saying ye knob.

Name calling - always shows intelligence.

Read the thread - no names. It puts Foot.ie in jepordy. I'm sure Adam will delete asap.

Poor Student
06/10/2005, 9:58 AM
Paul, Adam has been informed of this. He'll decide what to do with you. Thanks for reading the clear instructions of the thread before you did that.:rolleyes:

06/10/2005, 10:14 AM
Paul, this thread has boundaries, and rules that we all go to great lengths not to cross or break. I suggest you do the same.

06/10/2005, 10:39 AM
How many players have actually been convicted of rape arising from some gash story that appears in the red tops? None that I can recall. Basically some slapper out to make a few quid for herself cries wolf, the wild specualtion begins and its all forgotten about in a few weeks. I can't believe anyone actually takes any notice of this rubbish anymore.

06/10/2005, 10:55 AM
The Daily Star over here has actually gone as far as saying it's a young Manchester United player. Hmmmm I wonder.....

06/10/2005, 11:21 AM
The Daily Star over here has actually gone as far as saying it's a young Manchester United player. Hmmmm I wonder.....
Was about to make the same point. They must be very sure of their ground.
In a way this is a worse situation because every one of the accuseds young team-mates will be a suspect until it comes to court.:confused:

06/10/2005, 11:34 AM
Was about to make the same point. They must be very sure of their ground.
In a way this is a worse situation because every one of the accuseds young team-mates will be a suspect until it comes to court.:confused:
If what gets to court??:confused:
This is, at most, an allegation thats being investigated. No arrests have been made, and the police have said this morning that it is increasingly likely that the individual involved won't have any case to answer.Stop all the idle speculation about court cases etc.

06/10/2005, 12:07 PM
If what gets to court??:confused:
This is, at most, an allegation thats being investigated. No arrests have been made, and the police have said this morning that it is increasingly likely that the individual involved won't have any case to answer.Stop all the idle speculation about court cases etc.

why? its a great bit of scandal.

well, not for the young one involved, obviously

06/10/2005, 12:24 PM
im not sayin it did or didnt happen, but these girls shouldnt be going back to players' houses, everyone knows the reputation some players have, so why put yourself in that situation, you konw yourself going back that something is expected etc.

not advocating it at all but ye know what i mean. rovers dont be so sure its a girl crying wolf

06/10/2005, 12:31 PM
Thread locked. Do I need to tell you who's to blame?