View Full Version : Why do we bother?

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03/10/2005, 7:37 PM
Found this on an Irish league forum

Do you ever wonder sometimes why you bother? I mean, how easy would it be to forsake the local version of the beautiful game for the warm and cosy alternative offered courtesy of your satellite dish?

You've got your numerous camera angles, expert analysis, build-ups, post mortems and all manner of gadgets and gizmos at the other end of a wee red button.

Hard to beat, isn't it? Irish League football doesn't really stand a chance. So why do we bother?

Maybe it's something to do with a sense of belonging, a sense of pride in your own community. Your local club, well, they're YOUR team.

You know the players - and they're ordinary blokes like yourself.

You pass the ground on a regular basis, you've seen it develop over the years - the lights, the new stand.

You've maybe went down on a winter's morning to help clear snow so the match that afternoon can go ahead, maybe turned up in the summer months to give the old place a much needed lick of paint.

You sell programmes, raffle tickets, attend club dinners, sponsor a player, buy a brick. You do your bit.

Then there’s the match itself. That feeling when things go right on the pitch. The last minute winner enjoyed in the company of your mates not forgetting the despair during the bad times. You’re all in this together.

After the game, walking home, getting stopped in the street, queuing at the corner shop for the Pink, "How’d they do today?". You’re a real supporter, a true fan. You’re recognised as such. There’s something in that.

And woe betide anyone who dares rubbish your team, especially some ‘expert’ who claims to support some bunch of overpaid prima donna’s they’ll only ever see on the box.

What do they care? It won’t ruin their weekend if ‘their’ team loses or make it if they pick up those precious three points.

Leave them to their replica shirts and their once a season trip over to scoff their prawn sandwiches. They’re not fans, they’re customers.

With you it’s different. It matters. It matters a lot

The Stars
03/10/2005, 7:42 PM
Very good....

Conor H
03/10/2005, 8:06 PM
Ya excellent agree with it 100%

03/10/2005, 8:57 PM
Very good.....seen it before do

Conor H
03/10/2005, 8:59 PM
Very good.....seen it before do
Where..was it in a newspaper?

03/10/2005, 9:01 PM
I'm pretty sure someone else put a link to it on here a few months ago.

It was penned by A guy called Martin Harris, a Ballymena UTD fan.

03/10/2005, 9:25 PM
I'm pretty sure someone else put a link to it on here a few months ago.

It was penned by A guy called Martin Harris, a Ballymena UTD fan.

I know Martin he is a gent and genuine fan like most of us here.
I won't bother getting a satellite dish cause they don't show Red Star Belgrade matches:D

Poor Student
03/10/2005, 9:41 PM
I know Martin he is a gent and genuine fan like most of us here.
I won't bother getting a satellite dish cause they don't show Red Star Belgrade matches:D

Serbian TV even as far as Slovenia has a horrendus quality. The reception is like 3rd quality.

03/10/2005, 9:45 PM
Class.Most fans on here could relate to it...............

03/10/2005, 9:48 PM
Yeah was posted on here before.. good though. :)

03/10/2005, 9:52 PM
Serbian TV even as far as Slovenia has a horrendus quality. The reception is like 3rd quality.

I know I had to watch RTS a few times while staying there. Waiting for Crvena Zvezda TV to start up :D

04/10/2005, 2:19 AM
thats the type of thing that should be made into an ad to promote soccer in ireland. maybe could be done for the setanta cup next year and maybe get the guy who penned it to read it over shots of games and fans and stuff.

04/10/2005, 6:42 AM
Thats a very good piece, the most hitting point is that
supporting your local team is what makes real fans, as
opposed to being a customer of a foreign team

04/10/2005, 2:20 PM
That is absolutely ****ing brilliant. Should be printed in a newspaper, give armchair fans an idea of what its like to be a real fan

04/10/2005, 2:39 PM
thats the type of thing that should be made into an ad to promote soccer in ireland. maybe could be done for the setanta cup next year and maybe get the guy who penned it to read it over shots of games and fans and stuff.

Beat me to it, almost like the "choose life" speech from trainspotting.
Choose EL etc. could be really good campaign.

Mayo Red
04/10/2005, 6:37 PM
Great stuff, I'll be pointing it out to the many barstoolers I know!:)

05/10/2005, 12:46 PM
Found this on an Irish league forum
Which Sligo fan are you on that forum??:confused:

Conor H
05/10/2005, 2:46 PM
Which Sligo fan are you on that forum??:confused:
What forum is it.There is 1928 on irishfootie.net

05/10/2005, 3:26 PM
I saw it in the Irish League section on ukfootballforums.