View Full Version : Big Prediction

30/09/2005, 3:55 PM
Well I have a lot of time of my hands at the moment and spent a good while looking at the European Qualifying groups and the remaining fixtures for the world cup. So if anyone's interested here's my prediction on what the out come will be. My line up for the playoffs look daunting for Ireland (fingers crossed for a Norway playoff)


Czech Repubic (Best runner's up)
Poland (Best runner's up)


Ireland (optimistic)

Big teams to miss out:


30/09/2005, 5:18 PM
That seems to be a fairly accurate prediction.
The only teams I'd fear from that group of runners-up are Spain and Turkey. We'd be well able for the rest.

30/09/2005, 6:01 PM
I would love to get England in the play offs and knock them out. I'm sick of listening to them telling me that their team is the best in Europe and how much better they are than us. I might have to move home if they do well in the WC (unlikely).

01/10/2005, 2:30 PM
I would love to get England in the play offs and knock them out. I'm sick of listening to them telling me that their team is the best in Europe and how much better they are than us. I might have to move home if they do well in the WC (unlikely).

I'm not sure where you've been but Norn Iron beat the sassenachs 1-0 earlier this month, the worst Norn Iron team in living memory so you're all set then! And there was that embarrassing 4-0 drubbing at the hands of the Danes to rub salt in the wound. And just talk about Svennis, that'll drive'em potty.

Lionel Ritchie
03/10/2005, 9:01 AM
Galls me to say it but at the moment I don't think we have the form to beat England over two legs. In fact -of that list - I really only fancy us against Slovakia ...and maybe Norway ...just maybe.

03/10/2005, 11:46 AM
I think slovakia is the best for many reasons. A game we could win. A great trip in my view, as its easy to get too very cheap, great beer, great women. If there is a god, we get Slovakia and beat them over 2 legs.

I have just woken up.

03/10/2005, 1:05 PM
I think slovakia is the best for many reasons. A game we could win. A great trip in my view, as its easy to get too very cheap, great beer, great women. If there is a god, we get Slovakia and beat them over 2 legs.

I have just woken up.

Im not sure Neil. Im never sure about Eastern European women. You have to be careful as you dont know what you could pick up off them.

03/10/2005, 4:23 PM
Im not sure Neil. Im never sure about Eastern European women. You have to be careful as you dont know what you could pick up off them.

Speaking from personal experience :p ??

I didn't go to the Estonian game a few years back but my friends that did still rave about the women there.

One of our best away performances as well and without Keane in the middle.

03/10/2005, 6:13 PM
Speaking from personal experience :p ??

I didn't go to the Estonian game a few years back but my friends that did still rave about the women there.

One of our best away performances as well and without Keane in the middle.

Definitely not speaking from experience. There's about as much chance of me touching an Eastern European wan as there is of me going any where near a wan from the northside. In other words, no chance.

No disrespect Owlsfan but I've seen Irish fans on the beer before, Paris springs to mind. Most of them would do anything with a pulse and would have little appreciation for classy wans. All I can say is an Eastern European wan would want to be pretty special to have a chance with me.

04/10/2005, 12:36 PM
Definitely not speaking from experience. There's about as much chance of me touching an Eastern European wan as there is of me going any where near a wan from the northside. In other words, no chance.

What's the buzz man? Just stick ten raincoats on and a dollop of quick drying cement on the top and you'll be fine. Estonian women are rapid.

What's wrong with our Northside women also? They put out for a bag of chips surely that's worth something. Southside women think they're Miss World even if they've bandy legs, buck teeth and are ****-eyed.

04/10/2005, 5:30 PM
Definitely not speaking from experience. There's about as much chance of me touching an Eastern European wan as there is of me going any where near a wan from the northside. In other words, no chance.

So you don't like fake jewellery and real orgasms then huh? :D

Eastern European women are on average better looking than the lot back home.

06/10/2005, 4:19 PM
defo agree college tili die...
estonian women were superb...i never seen as many lads shift at an ireland away
jamaicanpm...maybe your angry after being knocked back by so many women:mad:

06/10/2005, 4:35 PM
If I remember correctly one of the posters (perhaps a UCD one)was in exile in Ljublijana? And was riding a Slovenian bird too!

07/10/2005, 9:57 AM
gotta agree with the eastern birds thing there - we were in Riga in 94 - bloody hell they were great - or was it just the 15% beer!!! :eek:

btw = best memory of that trip was seeing a tank roll up the main street with a tricolour on it - think the civil war had just ended!!! :D

07/10/2005, 10:51 AM
defo agree college tili die...
estonian women were superb...i never seen as many lads shift at an ireland away
jamaicanpm...maybe your angry after being knocked back by so many women:mad:

Mandrake, you couldn't be more wrong. I don't get knocked back by women. I just expressed the opinion that the overwhelming majority of Eastern European women would have no chance with me.

With all due respect to you and a lot of other foot.ie users, you wouldn't really be used to seeing the top notch Irish wans. I'm talking about UCD and its immediate surroundings, within the context of the South County Dublin area. I remember being in Paris last October when I realised that the majority of Irish soccer fans would hop on anything. On the other hand, myself and the guys (we're talking Dillo, Don Vito and $leon$) had too much respect for ourselves to lower our standards.

Block G Raptor
07/10/2005, 10:58 AM
is this the way to slo vak ia ...............I'm There;) :cool: ;) :cool: ;)

ne way theres enough eastern european birds in dublin these days to go around
or on second thoughts maybee there lucking for all the bohs fans that got them preggers in 2001 leeeeeeeeeeegggggggggggggiiiiiiitttttttttttttt lads the CSA are coming