View Full Version : Trigger to manage Ireland?

29/09/2005, 9:20 AM
from http://www.unison.ie/breakingnews/index.php3?ca=94&si=79975

Jason McAteer hoping to one day become Irish manager
Thursday September 29th 2005

Jason McAteer has revealed his desire to one day become Irish manager.

The 34-year-old, who is currently a player and coach at Tranmere, made the revelation at the draw from the semi-finals of the FAI Cup last night.

Asked about the Irish manager's job, he said: "You've got to aim and you've got to dream and that's something that hopefully will come true."

29/09/2005, 9:29 AM
He's got a better chance of being a stand-up comedian. :rolleyes:

29/09/2005, 10:04 AM
that idiot... all he can do is the scarshy and hutch rountine over the bonnet of cars. Not a chance matey.

29/09/2005, 10:14 AM
that idiot... all he can do is the scarshy and hutch rountine over the bonnet of cars. Not a chance matey.

That was Babb & Kennedy. But agree - little chance!

29/09/2005, 10:49 AM
Hey Jolly no wonder you ignore Eirebhoys posts as he has a habit of getting his facts right.

I agree no chance of Mc Ateer ever to manage Ireland.

29/09/2005, 10:52 AM
no its for other reasons Neil.

Mc Ateer was never our finest player. I always got the impression he thought Ireland was all about getting wasted and having the craic and not football.

29/09/2005, 12:07 PM
no its for other reasons Neil.

Mc Ateer was never our finest player. I always got the impression he thought Ireland was all about getting wasted and having the craic and not football.

McAteer was one of our most committed players during his tenure. If anything he was over committed as his attitude in Saipan showed. I can't recall him ever pulling out of 'Meaningless Friendlies' and was always ready and willing to play, even during his Liverpool days.....

I can't see him ever managing anyone but I'd never dismiss his contibution to the green Jersey.

29/09/2005, 12:27 PM
I can't recall him ever pulling out of 'Meaningless Friendlies' and was always ready and willing to play, even during his Liverpool days.....

This might be true but he was also very selfish during the world cup when said he was fully fit to start against Cameroon when he was really still injured from pre world cup friendly. Due to that we had to waste one of our substitutions by bringing Finnan on at the start of the second half when he should have been playing from the start.

He also threw a sissyfit when he told he wasn't included in the starting 11 for the Saudi game (might have been the German game). He even packed his bags and was ready to go home. If I was Mick I would have told him to go ahead. What sort of b!tchy behaviour is that from a 31 yr old professional footballer? Some might argue that these two instances show how much he wanted to play for Ireland but I would just call it selfish and childish.

29/09/2005, 12:31 PM
Im not going into the Roy Keane Vs Mc Ateer thing but I always thought RMK was right

29/09/2005, 12:31 PM
This might be true but he was also very selfish during the world cup when said he was fully fit to start against Cameroon when he was really still injured from pre world cup friendly. Due to that we had to waste one of our substitutions by bringing Finnan on at the start of the second half when he should have been playing from the start.

He also threw a sissyfit when he told he wasn't included in the starting 11 for the Saudi game (might have been the German game). He even packed his bags and was ready to go home. If I was Mick I would have told him to go ahead. What sort of b!tchy behaviour is that from a 31 yr old professional footballer? Some might argue that these two instances show how much he wanted to play for Ireland but I would just call it selfish and childish.
If you were told you weren't going to play in the World Cup after scoring the goal that got your country there, you'd be p!ssed too.

dynamo kerry
29/09/2005, 12:32 PM
source of facts there praha?

29/09/2005, 12:49 PM
source of facts there praha?

i think he even admitted it in his column/diary with the indo (?) during the world cup.

he didn't actually score the goal that got us there (robbie keane v iran was the vital one) - even had it stayed nil nil against the dutch, we would still have got the play-off.

but his carlsberg ad was great!

29/09/2005, 1:05 PM
dr peepee fair point, irish people have awful short memories. we are begrudgers in this country, i am too, but someone who gives the service to his country like mcateer, mccarthy etc should be respected and not dissed/made fun of!

29/09/2005, 1:13 PM
If you were told you weren't going to play in the World Cup after scoring the goal that got your country there, you'd be p!ssed too.

Of course he should be annoyed/****ed off/disappointed but after the stunt he pulled in the first game could he be trusted if he said he was fit enough to play a full game? Plus he was still required as backup if Finnan or Reid got injured during or just before the game. He would have badly let the team down if he ran away to sulk in the corner when he was needed as a sub. It's the manager's job to decide who's in the starting 11, not the player's. If all the other fringe players had this attitude there would have been only 11 players left in the squad after the team was announced. Also it's not as if he was clearly out best option at RMF at the time so he had no divine right to be in the starting 11.

However, I believe his heart may have been in the right place and he had huge desire to play in such an important game. The team was already away from home for a few weeks and this can be very stressful in addition to the Roy Keane affair, maybe it all just got to him in the end and he needed a big sulk. Maybe this was yet another instance to show how ill prepared we were for the last world cup. IF we make it this time I hope Kerr is sensible enough to employ a small team of (sport) psychologists so the players have someone to talk with to let off some steam.

30/09/2005, 1:11 PM
that idiot... all he can do is the scarshy and hutch rountine over the bonnet of cars. Not a chance matey.

A goal in both games against Holland worth 5 pts I believe so he did get us to Korea/Japan and also did friendlies.

Why should he be ruled out IF he became a successful manager in the club game in England ?

30/09/2005, 1:16 PM
Although he did score against Holland he was terrible that day and the goal covered a multitude but fair play it was a great finish. He played much better out in Amsterdam. At the moment having heard him talking about football he does not appear to be the most intelligent of guys and you can get away with this as a footballer but not really as a manager.

30/09/2005, 2:58 PM
As I said IF he was a successful manager in England, why would we not have him as our manager ?

Dan K
30/09/2005, 5:52 PM
As I said IF he was a successful manager in England, why would we not have him as our manager ?

I see no reason not to have him, provided he makes the grade.

30/09/2005, 8:44 PM
Personally i would rather have an irish born manager .. i think there are loads of options

Plastic Paddy
30/09/2005, 9:31 PM
Personally i would rather have an irish born manager .. i think there are loads of options

If you're not being "ironic" in the football-commentator sense of the word, forgive me while I sh*t meself laughing... and those "options" of a "reeeeal" Irish manager would be who exactly? :confused: :rolleyes:

:ball: PP

01/10/2005, 1:54 PM
I'd love to see McAteer as Ireland manager - if anythig just to **** of those Keano heads! Go one Jayo!

01/10/2005, 2:04 PM
who knows paddy i mean this is years down the line

01/10/2005, 2:16 PM
In the meantime he can just use foot.ie and pretend like the rest of youse :D The lad was just answering a question, how would you expect him to answer it? 'The Ireland job, wha me? wouldn't be good enuff mate!" :rolleyes:

01/10/2005, 3:07 PM
I'd love to see McAteer as Ireland manager - if anythig just to **** of those Keano heads! Go one Jayo!

Great to see you'd like to see the international team suffer to '**** off those keano heads!' - some people really are sad :rolleyes:

02/10/2005, 8:31 AM
Has anyone read in the papers that Keano is being linked with the Ireland job. Kerr is such a sitting duck. One small slip up over the two weeks and he's out the door , maybe St Pats will take you back, bye bye kerrD :D:D:D

Lionel Ritchie
04/10/2005, 3:10 PM
Trigger has as good a claim to the job as Roy -who's being peddled by some of the papers this week. He was very unprofessional not to tell MMcC he was carrying an injury in Japan but he gave his all in the Green shirt in his day -that's all I ask.

04/10/2005, 5:43 PM
Personally i would rather have an irish born manager .. i think there are loads of options

To quote the Duke of Wellington( born in Meath) " Being born in a stable does not make you a horse" or I would wager make you a good international football manager. I would have no objection to someone like Johann Cruyff,
Ottmar Hitzfeld or Marcello Lippi personally taking over whenever Brian Kerr's comes to a reign be it next summer or in 4 years time!

Lionel Ritchie
05/10/2005, 1:25 PM
To quote the Duke of Wellington( born in Meath) " Being born in a stable does not make you a horse" or I would wager make you a good international football manager. I would have no objection to someone like Johann Cruyff,
Ottmar Hitzfeld or Marcello Lippi personally taking over whenever Brian Kerr's comes to a reign be it next summer or in 4 years time!

Agreed -I can actually see many valid reasons why the Manager SHOULDN'T be Irish -for all the reasons Ian Wright thinks Englands manager should be English. Wright spoke a load of nonsense about SGE not having it in him to "reach into the hearts" of his players at half time in a WC Semi final and how the manager has to act on his passion and instinct at that stage.

All of that is utter bullsh1t of the highest order. if there was even a grain of truth to it you wouldn't need managers at all -or better you could pluck fans from the stands and make managers out of them for the day.

The fact is you want a highly skilled manager who will make astute tactical decisions based on experience and cold analysis of the situation -not some over romanticising pumped up nationalist who'll make emotionally charged but poorly informed decisions with his judgement clouded by some eroneous belief that his nation somehow deserves it more.

The manager is essentially a technician with a particular skill base.
You don't hear anyone oppining that the team would be better if the team doctor was Irish or the bus driver who took them to training was Irish.

05/10/2005, 10:04 PM
Although he did score against Holland he was terrible that day and the goal covered a multitude but fair play it was a great finish. He played much better out in Amsterdam. At the moment having heard him talking about football he does not appear to be the most intelligent of guys and you can get away with this as a footballer but not really as a manager.
You should also consider that at that time Mc Ateer was probably getting his match practice in the Combinations league div.2. Do you not remember his first defining impact in that game, just after Duff got whacked by Neuman, Mc Ateer went up for a ball and managed to pull off a majestic innocent looking back hander which floored Neuman. The whole Dutch team stopped playing for a period while Neuman was getting stitches. Neuman after that lost a good bit of his bite.
If Mc Ateer had a terrible game I did not notice it so much, I was too busy cursing Gary Kelly.
As regards manager material I would rather wait for Kenny to hang up his boots (year 2010?) in the mean time we could see if Mickety Harte has some free time.

dynamo kerry
06/10/2005, 12:58 AM
I'm amazed ye all remember that game so well
I remember the following

hazy running around in the first halk keane belting up the pitch with the ball

second half - the goal(triggers celebration), lots of belting the ball at our net

stauntons header, every available dutch striker on the pitch and general happiness and edginess

I think trigger should be involved in the irish set up for one reason at least - to explain how to celebrate

"ya see lads.. ya run a little bit but instead of hugging anyone, you speed up like mental - more than you would in the game, open your gob, roar and go to the fans for adulation."


Lionel Ritchie
06/10/2005, 9:14 AM
I'm amazed ye all remember that game so well
I remember the following

hazy running around in the first halk keane belting up the pitch with the ball

second half - the goal(triggers celebration), lots of belting the ball at our net

stauntons header, every available dutch striker on the pitch and general happiness and edginess

I think trigger should be involved in the irish set up for one reason at least - to explain how to celebrate

"ya see lads.. ya run a little bit but instead of hugging anyone, you speed up like mental - more than you would in the game, open your gob, roar and go to the fans for adulation."


Shouldn't that be "peh-fich"? ;)