View Full Version : Boring Boring Football

29/09/2005, 7:49 AM
I decided to sit in and watch the Liverpool Chelsea game last night and it was unbelievably boring. 2 sides playing negative football with 1 striker up front. There wasn't 1 decent chance in the whole game. You'd expect the European Champions against the Premiership Champions to provide some form of entertainment - its a disgrace.
Dunphy was furious after about the standard of football and he was dead right.

I'll be taking me eyes elsewhere next week - I think my mate is painting his bedroom. I might go watch it dry.

29/09/2005, 8:00 AM
The game had 0-0 written all over it before a ball was even kicked. As per usual I didn't put my money where my mouth is though.

Have to say I didn't think it was really bad, certainly not the worst 0-0 I've ever seen. True there wasn't a lot of clear cut chances but the game had plenty of bite to it, especially in the second half.

29/09/2005, 8:03 AM
Shocking alright, Pool should have had afew spotters but what can you do.
The most entertaining piece of the whole night was Eamo @ HT and Eamo @ FT, hilarious to see him rant and rave.
Liverpool were Ragball Rovers and Drogba was a big donkey.

29/09/2005, 8:19 AM
I decided to sit in and watch the Liverpool Chelsea game last night and it was unbelievably boring. 2 sides playing negative football with 1 striker up front. There wasn't 1 decent chance in the whole game. You'd expect the European Champions against the Premiership Champions to provide some form of entertainment - its a disgrace.
Dunphy was furious after about the standard of football and he was dead right.

I'll be taking me eyes elsewhere next week - I think my mate is painting his bedroom. I might go watch it dry.

This "knock football" trend gets better. When AC Milan defend like William Wallace and his lads it's tasty, intricate, stylish tactics. When Rafa and Jose send out sides to do exactly that, the dirty drunk on murte goes off on one cos he can't stand to see the domination of "radio roy" has finally ended.

A point suits both sides in the group situation and there ends this debate, anyone naieve enough to tune in last night expecting free flowing football, hasn't, I'm afraid got a clue.

Also, how anyone can still worship at the outdated and quite frankly idiotic ramblings of drunken dumph is beyond me, Robben useless? Yeah right. When Drogba and Reyes buy frees it's slated, when horsey and the dancin chipmunk buy frees its their right apparently. Get fcuked liquid lover your not controversial any more, just boring.

29/09/2005, 8:28 AM
didn't bother watching it as it was obvious how it was going to go by the way they play the rest of the time never mind in a situation where a point will do. Anyway, a borefest is Liverpool's traditional european tatic going back decades....

29/09/2005, 8:30 AM
Anyway, a borefest is Liverpool's traditional european tatic going back decades....

:rolleyes: C'mon Macy, it's too early in the morning for anyone to bite....

29/09/2005, 8:35 AM
:rolleyes: C'mon Macy, it's too early in the morning for anyone to bite....
I don't know what you mean... :D

29/09/2005, 8:44 AM
Get fcuked liquid lover your not controversial any more, just boring.Ah in fairness it was fun to watch, his fascination with Manure is tedious but he has his moments.His mentioning of MUFC & Real in the same breath to them being alike is more to do with them falling on hard times than them being the great entertainers.
His loyalty to Roy though is unfailing. In praising Crouch, Brady said that he reminded him of Niall Quinn, to which Dunphy growls "He's got more skill than Quinn". U gotta laugh. :D

29/09/2005, 8:57 AM
A point suits both sides in the group situation and there ends this debate, anyone naieve enough to tune in last night expecting free flowing football, hasn't, I'm afraid got a clue.

Its not just last night though - Chelsea and Liverpool's approach to football matches is a very negative one. It may win games, in Chelsea's case anyway but it doesn't entertain. I'm neutral when it comes to the Premiership but I'd way prefer to watch Arsenal to Manu, Chelsea or LongballPool.

Give me the Spanish League any day of the week - Barcelona show how it should be played.

29/09/2005, 9:06 AM
Ah in fairness it was fun to watch, his fascination with Manure is tedious but he has his moments.His mentioning of MUFC & Real in the same breath to them being alike is more to do with them falling on hard times than them being the great entertainers.
His loyalty to Roy though is unfailing. In praising Crouch, Brady said that he reminded him of Niall Quinn, to which Dunphy growls "He's got more skill than Quinn". U gotta laugh. :D

Dunphy is the donkey and I don't find anything he says remotely funny. He is so riddled with contradictions. When the team he predicts will win and don't, he launches into attacks on them. Dunphy, the professed lover of Italian football, had the nerve to describe Chelsea as "cynical" (Italy = the home of cynical football).

Laughing Bill reminded him of a quote of his: "if you want entertainment go to the cinema" but apparently this doesn't apply to Chelsea.

He said Liverpool were not European Champions - obviously their beating of his beloved AC Milan has been erased from his memory.

As for Giles, he became so repetitive in his commentary that I feared the early onset of Alzheimers.

Chelsea went to the home of the European Champions and got a draw. In anyone's book this should be a good result. But not for Chelsea who now are expected to win with style by the RTE punters.

29/09/2005, 9:19 AM
I thought Dunphy and Brady were spot on in what they said last night. Of Course Dunphy is prone to Hyperbole and Contradictions. However Sam Shepherd did say the place to be is smack in the middle of a contradiction and to me thats what is interesting about life is that you can hold 2 opposing viewpoints at the same time. Its people with definitive viewpoints that I find boring. Anyway I digress.

Chelsea have more money that any club has had in the history of football. What do they do with it they decide to buy strong hard working players for over the odds money. They have very few flair players with the exception of their wingers. However these wingers have been turned into hard working wing backs.

When Arsenal won the league and Man Utd won the league they did it with free flowing attacking football. It was a joy to watch for the neutral observer. Crowds are falling as the game becomes more and more a tactical affair as the players act like pawns in the great game of chess played out by the managers. I think too many managers are full of their own ego and trying to stamp their mark all over their teams rather than let their teams play free flowing football. English football is becoming more and more like Italian football and one only has to notice that Italisan football is now shown on Bravo and the crowds their are terrible week in week out. This is the future of the EPL if it does not get the entertainment back.

A previous poster is right, give me the Spanish league any day of the week and I really really hope that Barcelona win the Champions League this year as the past 2 years we have had average side winning the Champions League. One thing I do agree with Mourinhio when he said the last 2 teams to win the Champions League were not the best sides in Europe when the won it. He did manage on of them too.

I have to say though fair play to Liverpool who at least tried to win it last night. Crouch gave an outstanding performance. Liam Brady and George Graham both said that he reminded them of a young Niall Quinn and I woudl think he is better than Quinn was at that age but Quinn improved with age.

29/09/2005, 9:35 AM
I thought Dunphy and Brady were spot on in what they said last night. Of Course Dunphy is prone to Hyperbole and Contradictions. However Sam Shepherd did say the place to be is smack in the middle of a contradiction and to me thats what is interesting about life is that you can hold 2 opposing viewpoints at the same time. Its people with definitive viewpoints that I find boring. Anyway I digress.

Chelsea have more money that any club has had in the history of football. What do they do with it they decide to buy strong hard working players for over the odds money. They have very few flair players with the exception of their wingers. However these wingers have been turned into hard working wing backs.

When Arsenal won the league and Man Utd won the league they did it with free flowing attacking football. It was a joy to watch for the neutral observer. Crowds are falling as the game becomes more and more a tactical affair as the players act like pawns in the great game of chess played out by the managers. I think too many managers are full of their own ego and trying to stamp their mark all over their teams rather than let their teams play free flowing football. English football is becoming more and more like Italian football and one only has to notice that Italisan football is now shown on Bravo and the crowds their are terrible week in week out. This is the future of the EPL if it does not get the entertainment back.

A previous poster is right, give me the Spanish league any day of the week and I really really hope that Barcelona win the Champions League this year as the past 2 years we have had average side winning the Champions League. One thing I do agree with Mourinhio when he said the last 2 teams to win the Champions League were not the best sides in Europe when the won it. He did manage on of them too.

I have to say though fair play to Liverpool who at least tried to win it last night. Crouch gave an outstanding performance. Liam Brady and George Graham both said that he reminded them of a young Niall Quinn and I woudl think he is better than Quinn was at that age but Quinn improved with age.

I was at the camp nou last week for Barca and Valencia, if you want cynical that's your place.

I watch every single game of Italian/ Spanish footie when possible, cos it's excellent technique. But, will sky ever, ever show a relegation battle from there or a mid table battle from there? Ha ha, not on your life, if it's not Coco the clown and co or Barca it's maybe Depo or Valencia, if none of these are available they won't bother. I saw Malaga play three times last season and that was dreadful fare also. So let's dispel these ramblings about Spanish footie until we compare like for like.

(And I beg you to look at the attendances in Spain also before looking at the Prem attendances....)

So Pool tried to win it, but Reina had to save from Lamp free, Robben whipped shot and late on to intercept terrible back pass to keep Duff out. Cech had to save from Alonso once I think. How many times did 1-0 to united, cantona scorer happen in the past? 1-0 to the Arsenal anyone? It's amazing how quickly people forget. Chels have dominated nothing so far as Jose says, nothing and yet they are classed as boring?

I support neither Pool, Chels, Arse or nited, but enjoy most of what all come up with in their various guises. Forza Chester for me.

29/09/2005, 9:43 AM
I was at the camp nou last week for Barca and Valencia, if you want cynical that's your place.

I watch every single game of Italian/ Spanish footie when possible, cos it's excellent technique. But, will sky ever, ever show a relegation battle from there or a mid table battle from there? Ha ha, not on your life, if it's not Coco the clown and co or Barca it's maybe Depo or Valencia, if none of these are available they won't bother. I saw Malaga play three times last season and that was dreadful fare also. So let's dispel these ramblings about Spanish footie until we compare like for like.

(And I beg you to look at the attendances in Spain also before looking at the Prem attendances....)

So Pool tried to win it, but Reina had to save from Lamp free, Robben whipped shot and late on to intercept terrible back pass to keep Duff out. Cech had to save from Alonso once I think. How many times did 1-0 to united, cantona scorer happen in the past? 1-0 to the Arsenal anyone? It's amazing how quickly people forget. Chels have dominated nothing so far as Jose says, nothing and yet they are classed as boring?

I support neither Pool, Chels, Arse or nited, but enjoy most of what all come up with in their various guises. Forza Chester for me.

I am comparing like with like, I am comparting the top teams in the English league to the tops teams in the Spanish League. I never once mentioned mid table teams in England or Spain. Last night was a match between the English Champions and the richest club in the history of the game and a club that looks like its going to dominate English football for the next 5 years at leat. Now is their moment and we have to look at what sort of mark are they going to leave on the game. What sort of legacy will the Chelsea years be. I know what sort of Legacy that Ferguson and Wenger have left in footballing terms and that is a good one. However this Chelsea team with all the money at their disposal leaves me cold. I would rather watch a top Spanish League game over a top English League game. Barcelona are the top team in Spain and I would rather see them any day of the week over Chelsea.

Chelsea did have a couple of chance but I noticed a stat that came up on the screen after 77 mins. Their had been 3 shots on goal in the entire match for both side. Once shot for one team and 2 for another. Thats says it all. They both are well organised teams and this is what I mean by over coached. Their is a severe lack of individual skill in the English Game. There are a few players, Like Henry, Rooney that have it in abundance. I am not looking for Harlem Globe Trotters but I think the best football is one that is good defence but teams trying to be as contructive when they have the ball and destructive when they dont. At the moment we are getting an over abundance of the latter in my view.

29/09/2005, 10:05 AM
I'm really disapointed with Chelski. All those players they bought and they play so boring no matter what anyone says. Liverpool arent much better but at least they have the excuse of saying that they have no one.

29/09/2005, 10:06 AM
I thought Dunphy and Brady were spot on in what they said last night. I have to say though fair play to Liverpool who at least tried to win it last night. Crouch gave an outstanding performance. Liam Brady and George Graham both said that he reminded them of a young Niall Quinn and I woudl think he is better than Quinn was at that age but Quinn improved with age.

I don't deny it wasn't a great game but to heap all the blame on Chelsea was out of order. Chelsea went to the home of the European Champions and are supposed to entertain. From my understanding of football over the years you go for a result in such circumstances - if you entertain in the process well and good. They owe no duty to the couch potato to entertain.

Liverpool played one tall man up front with Cisse playing wide right. Hardly the stuff of entertainment. Liverpool do well at stiffling the opposition but the onus was on them to win the game, as the home side. However, they never went gung ho for the victory. All the finger pointing at Chelsea was unwarranted.

You say Dunphy was spot on. So you agree therefore that most of the Liverpool team are "donkeys" and they're not European Champions which is what he said.

29/09/2005, 10:06 AM
:rolleyes: C'mon Macy, it's too early in the morning for anyone to bite....
He's right though. Back when it was knock-out and nobody knew anything about Eastern European teams. The Liverpool way of winning (used by every succesful team) was draw away and win at home

29/09/2005, 10:07 AM
I am comparing like with like, I am comparting the top teams in the English league to the tops teams in the Spanish League. I never once mentioned mid table teams in England or Spain. Last night was a match between the English Champions and the richest club in the history of the game and a club that looks like its going to dominate English football for the next 5 years at leat. Now is their moment and we have to look at what sort of mark are they going to leave on the game. What sort of legacy will the Chelsea years be. I know what sort of Legacy that Ferguson and Wenger have left in footballing terms and that is a good one. However this Chelsea team with all the money at their disposal leaves me cold. I would rather watch a top Spanish League game over a top English League game. Barcelona are the top team in Spain and I would rather see them any day of the week over Chelsea.

Chelsea did have a couple of chance but I noticed a stat that came up on the screen after 77 mins. Their had been 3 shots on goal in the entire match for both side. Once shot for one team and 2 for another. Thats says it all. They both are well organised teams and this is what I mean by over coached. Their is a severe lack of individual skill in the English Game. There are a few players, Like Henry, Rooney that have it in abundance. I am not looking for Harlem Globe Trotters but I think the best football is one that is good defence but teams trying to be as contructive when they have the ball and destructive when they dont. At the moment we are getting an over abundance of the latter in my view.

So when you said "give me the Spanish league any day of the week", you meant "give me Barca/Real every day of the week?"

Fair enough, I've no argument on the quality of play and agree with all you say - it's poor, but there is so much resting on it at the mo, you can lose your job for three bad results, it was ever thus and people see what they want to see - nited and the arse certainly played smashing stuff, but were also very adept at the cynical, cheating, manipulaitive rubbish that Chels are going to become better at.

29/09/2005, 10:10 AM
Its not just last night though - Chelsea and Liverpool's approach to football matches is a very negative one. It may win games, in Chelsea's case anyway but it doesn't entertain. I'm neutral when it comes to the Premiership but I'd way prefer to watch Arsenal to Manu, Chelsea or LongballPool.

Give me the Spanish League any day of the week - Barcelona show how it should be played.

More teams than Barca in Spain, you'll never see Osasuna v Cadiz on sky to compare the leagues together.

I'd say Jose doesn't care whether you and I are entertained, that's sad but true.

29/09/2005, 10:40 AM
So when you said "give me the Spanish league any day of the week", you meant "give me Barca/Real every day of the week?"

Fair enough, I've no argument on the quality of play and agree with all you say - it's poor, but there is so much resting on it at the mo, you can lose your job for three bad results, it was ever thus and people see what they want to see - nited and the arse certainly played smashing stuff, but were also very adept at the cynical, cheating, manipulaitive rubbish that Chels are going to become better at.

I think you are mixing up quotes I said give me Barcelona over Chelsea any day of the week. However I will compare like with like

I would prefer a top Spanish League game over an English League game for entertainment.
I would also prefer a mid table Spanish League game over an mid Table English League game

I would also prefer a relegation battle in Spain over a English League game also.

however I would prefer a top of the table English league game over a mid table Spanish League match

I hope that is clear enough for you.

In relatio to owls Fans comment. I think Chelsea are getting more criticism as they are the standard bearer of English football at the moment. If you are on top you are there to be shot at. I think Liverpool are playing teh way they are as they have rubbish players like Garcia, Traore, Cisse, and others that were not playing like Kewel. Chelsea have unlimited amounts of money and yet week in week out they fail to wow the fans. They have taken the joy out of football for me. When you are on top you face full scrutiny and that is why they got most of the criticism last night. They are big enough and rich enough to handle that.

IN relation to Dunphy when I said he was spot on i did not say he was spot on in everything he said. I said that there was hyperbole and contracdictino is what he said. If you want to just quote from my post without looking at the context that is fine but I dont think it is fair to me. Of couse Liverpool are European Champions but I dont think they are the best team in Europe.

29/09/2005, 10:50 AM
I think you are mixing up quotes I said give me Barcelona over Chelsea any day of the week. However I will compare like with like

I would prefer a top Spanish League game over an English League game for entertainment.
I would also prefer a mid table Spanish League game over an mid Table English League game

I would also prefer a relegation battle in Spain over a English League game also.

however I would prefer a top of the table English league game over a mid table Spanish League match

I hope that is clear enough for you.

In relatio to owls Fans comment. I think Chelsea are getting more criticism as they are the standard bearer of English football at the moment. If you are on top you are there to be shot at. I think Liverpool are playing teh way they are as they have rubbish players like Garcia, Traore, Cisse, and others that were not playing like Kewel. Chelsea have unlimited amounts of money and yet week in week out they fail to wow the fans. They have taken the joy out of football for me. When you are on top you face full scrutiny and that is why they got most of the criticism last night. They are big enough and rich enough to handle that.

IN relation to Dunphy when I said he was spot on i did not say he was spot on in everything he said. I said that there was hyperbole and contracdictino is what he said. If you want to just quote from my post without looking at the context that is fine but I dont think it is fair to me. Of couse Liverpool are European Champions but I dont think they are the best team in Europe.

My point being how can you compare the mid table rubbish in Spain to the mid table rubbish in Prem, when you only get to see top of table Spanish. Unless of course you do see the likes of Cadiz regularly, in which case you must tell me how to get the channel.

29/09/2005, 11:01 AM
Well originally I was talking about Top teams in Spain and top teams in England on the basis of last nights game and lots of game before that. However I agree we only see Barca and Madrid play another team every week on Sky. However given the fact that these teams are playing a better team you would expect them to be defensive. However I find that they have a refreshing way of playing football so I can only guess that when they play a team of their own level that they are more attacking. In addition, Revista Da Lige does show highlights and there seems to be a fair few goals and good goals at that. I have also been over in Spain for a few games when on Holidays and I found the overall mentality is better in that teams try to win.

If you look at the EPL most teams are geared no to lose. This was said by Andy Gray at the weekend and he found its amazing that team talks nowadays are based on how not to lose the mattch. In his day he said they only chatted about how to beat the other team. This is from a man whois paid very well to sell the EPL on behalf of Sky.

The facts for me are Barcelona are a joy to watch whereas Chelsea are a pain to watch. Its really as simple as that. Their is an onus on the top team in a country to set the standard and dictate how teams throughout the league will play. YOu only have to look at how many teams have copied Chelsea and Man utd are included in this to see the effect the culture at a top club has on the rest of the league. It is the same in GAA as everybody copies the All Ireland Champions. That is why I wouls say that Chelseas brand of football is having an overall negative effect on the EPL as most managers are now copying this hard working, physical, defensive style of football. Mourninhio was like this at Porto and he is the same at Chelsea even though they have loads of money and woudl win with whatever style of playi they wanted.

29/09/2005, 11:35 AM
barca arent exactly a form side in la liga as far as I can tell at the minute
villareal have been tasty to watch and got a lot of coverage in the last two years due to europe and what not
betis also get a few airings on sky and are entertaining

zaragoza, ath bilbao bla blah - all have good points and can entertain

sky show barca/madrid in the main - but these teams (unless its the derby) have to play the rest so their is good coverage of all the sides in that sense and 9/10 the la liga action is better IMO than its more touted premiership equivilent
Im simply bored stupid with bolton/fulham/portsmouth et al - teams like them are practiacally unwatchable - and this is from someone who at one time could probably reel of the first team squads of every team in the old first division!

that said Chelsea are the most fascinating club in europe at the minute due to their wealth and endless signings - its fascinating to see how they do and to see if anyone can beat them in the prem or if they can do any better in europe

29/09/2005, 11:58 AM
I decided to sit in and watch the Liverpool Chelsea game last night and it was unbelievably boring. 2 sides playing negative football with 1 striker up front. There wasn't 1 decent chance in the whole game. You'd expect the European Champions against the Premiership Champions to provide some form of entertainment - its a disgrace.
Dunphy was furious after about the standard of football and he was dead right.

I'll be taking me eyes elsewhere next week - I think my mate is painting his bedroom. I might go watch it dry.

Off you go to watch the paint dry so

anto eile
29/09/2005, 2:57 PM
didn't bother watching it as it was obvious how it was going to go by the way they play the rest of the time never mind in a situation where a point will do. Anyway, a borefest is Liverpool's traditional european tatic going back decades....
thats a fact.their players (hansen etc) from the glory days 70/80shave admitted it too

29/09/2005, 3:39 PM
didn't bother watching it as it was obvious how it was going to go by the way they play the rest of the time never mind in a situation where a point will do. Anyway, a borefest is Liverpool's traditional european tatic going back decades....

Yeah the CL final this year was the most boring final in in history........zzzzzz oh and the 5-4 against Alaves......total snooze fest!!!!

29/09/2005, 3:40 PM
thats a fact.their players (hansen etc) from the glory days 70/80shave admitted it too

Yeah, a real borefest was that final in Istanbul a few short months ago, what was it again? 3-3 and pens? Zzzzzzzzz.

29/09/2005, 3:43 PM
Yeah, a real borefest was that final in Istanbul a few short months ago, what was it again? 3-3 and pens? Zzzzzzzzz.
beat ya to it :D
its all these envious manusa fans have to hold on to in these dark times so go easy on them ;)

29/09/2005, 3:47 PM
Yeah, a real borefest was that final in Istanbul a few short months ago, what was it again? 3-3 and pens? Zzzzzzzzz.

One swallow doesn't make a summer. For every exciting LongballPool game there are at least 10 boring ones.

I'm not a Manu fan either - don't think much of they're play this season for that matter either. This 4-5-1 formation is sucking the life out of the game.

29/09/2005, 3:52 PM
One swallow doesn't make a summer. For every exciting LongballPool game there are at least 10 boring ones.

I'm not a Manu fan either - don't think much of they're play this season for that matter either. This 4-5-1 formation is sucking the life out of the game.

I agree there is too much of who a person supports clouding their judgement. Man Utd, Liverpool and Chelsea have all been boring this season when they should be better with the players they have esp Chelsea. Arsenal have tried to play good football but the one complaing is they dont mix it up enough. The rest of the league is pretty average and Spurs should be more entertaining witht the players they have. Liverpool were very boring under Houllier and most Liverpool fands would admit that. They were involved in probably 2 of the greatest finals in living memory but there general pattern of play week in week out has not been that exciting for the followers. Often I think Liverpool fans adopt the same attitude to their team as I do to my brother
I can bad mouth him but I dont want anybody else doing it.

Football phone in shows seem to be dominated by some guy from Kerry or wherever it may be. saying "we" are not good enough and giving out about the style of play.

29/09/2005, 4:31 PM
One swallow doesn't make a summer. For every exciting LongballPool game there are at least 10 boring ones.

I'm not a Manu fan either - don't think much of they're play this season for that matter either. This 4-5-1 formation is sucking the life out of the game.

I never said you were, I find luckypool as bad, but just highlighting that every team will have boring games and "exciting" games in equal measure.

One mans 4-3 is another mans 0-0, I thoroughly enjoyed last night as I did the Juve v Milan final in old trafford, as I did the final in May. Each game is a new open book for me.

29/09/2005, 4:48 PM
well liverpool were boring towards the end of Houlliers reign. i dont think they are boring now though. and any long ball accusations as just from people who "jump and the bandwagon" without actually watching the games. Its too easy to say liverpool play long ball just coz they now have a 6'7" striker.....who buy the way was excellent on the floor last night. Liverpool we "exciting" during the roy evans era and one 1 league cup. Now they are "boring" in some peoples opinions but won more tophies than anyone else in the last 5 years so i know which i prefer as a supporter of that team.For every boring game played by any football team you can name an exciting game......i dont buy into this "Football is boring" thing just cause its flavour of the month. that is a load of schite in my opinion. if you find it boring head down to your mans mates bedroom and watch the paint dry.

29/09/2005, 4:55 PM
5-4 against Alaves......total snooze fest!!!! I'm not just trying to be contrary here, but that was indisputably one of the worst games of football I have ever witnessed. Farcical from start to finish.

29/09/2005, 5:00 PM
I'm not just trying to be contrary here
i think you are!!......was it boring though?that was my point.

30/09/2005, 7:19 PM
Worst game I ever saw on TV was a game on RTE in 1987 from Kenilworth Road in the Old First Division ( now The Premiership) between Luton Town and Sheffield Wednesday. It was 0-0 but a very poor one. Chelsea Liverpool was outrageously entertaining compared to it.

The worst game I was ever at finished 5-3. Goals do not necessarily equal quality football or entertainment. In the above game two defences not worthy of the name were on show in a relegation battle here in Ireland in 1985. I will spare the blushes of both clubs by refraining from mentioning the venue or the teams.

03/10/2005, 8:52 AM
Yesterday I sat down to watch the league leaders in England Vs the european champions followed by watching the Italian Champions Vs european giants Inter Milan.

Now I personally don't judge quality of leagues based on one game but given that this 'boring' discussion has been ongoing I thought i'd sit down and analyse these two games.

Yesterday's liverpool game was certianly exciting in all sences of the word. Two teams very committed to the game, good technical and tactical skills on display (e.g. Crouch's control and turn was sublime.....likewise with Drogba), plently of good defending at times and loads of goal mouth action on display.

I tuned into the Juve - Inter game where none of the above was evident. Some of the best players in the world where on the pitch and frankly they were awful. Dreadful technical skill on display incorporating 90 minutes of ridicuolous cynical play & cheating. Hardly a decent effort on goal besides the two goals which incidently where scored from set plays. All in all, it was pants. Two of the best teams in europe in one of the best leagues in the world and they served up a borefest of the highest order.:( :(

Based on these two games alone - how any one could believe that this football was more technically or tactically superior than the Liverpool - Chelsea game yesterday is beyond me........:rolleyes:

Unfortunelty I didn't manage to catch any of the Spanish Football this weekend.

03/10/2005, 9:59 AM
Most football is boring unless you have a reason for watching - you support 1 team or have money on.

03/10/2005, 11:48 AM
Worst game I ever saw on TV was a game on RTE in 1987 from Kenilworth Road in the Old First Division ( now The Premiership) between Luton Town and Sheffield Wednesday. It was 0-0 but a very poor one.

I thought it was a great game :D Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and all that.