View Full Version : Mr Osam on EL weekly

27/09/2005, 12:22 AM
When the lads talked about the Genesis report Mr Osam finished by saying that the punters don't want EL soccer and the standard of football has to improve, Is he right?

(nothing in quotes because I can't remember word for word)

A face
27/09/2005, 12:28 AM
To be honest .... it was a very off the cuff remark from him .... Scully started out and given the time made good points .... i actually for some reason thought Osam was going to give something worthwhile but then he came out with that. Maybe i expect too much or else he was complete sh!te on the matter but probably would be best to judge him when given more time on the matter, it only highlights the need for a decent programme where it can be discussed, not squeezed into a 5 minute time slot at nearly 12 on a Monday night.

27/09/2005, 2:38 AM
he basically said that to attract crowds you need quality and that the crowds we have now reflect the quality. IMo he was being a bit harsh, but its certainly the perceived quality which is the problem

27/09/2005, 8:08 AM
He's dead right. IMO the league should be pushing the atmosphere, excitement anngle. On a purely footballing basis we way behind, and all the marketing in the world won't change that

27/09/2005, 8:50 AM
The powers that be need to sit down and bring all the clubs together and work out a proper sustainable plan that works.Fans need to be consulted on what Day/night they would like the games to be played.Whatever happens action needs to be taken now before it's to late.

Poor Student
27/09/2005, 10:20 AM
He's dead right. IMO the league should be pushing the atmosphere, excitement anngle. On a purely footballing basis we way behind, and all the marketing in the world won't change that

Plus the pride and satisfaction derived from direct attachment and involvment with one's club, that is just not possible to do with a foreign club for the main part.

A face
27/09/2005, 10:20 AM
The powers that be need to sit down and bring all the clubs together and work out a proper sustainable plan that works.Fans need to be consulted on what Day/night they would like the games to be played.Whatever happens action needs to be taken now before it's to late.

Argeed but its not the current fans that we need to attract .... its the ones not going to games

27/09/2005, 2:43 PM
did i hear pat scully's contribution to the groundshare debate correctly?

'sure rovers having been doing it for years with no problems'

what a silly ****. no wonder he was laughed out of the club.

27/09/2005, 3:33 PM
I think Pat Scully has a Dublin fascination, much like Kinger did.

27/09/2005, 7:46 PM
It costs €15 to go to an EL game. It costs 5 times that to go to a Premiership match excluding travel. Our game needs only to be 20% as entertaining to be equally good value for money.

28/09/2005, 4:15 PM
It costs €15 to go to an EL game. It costs 5 times that to go to a Premiership match excluding travel. Our game needs only to be 20% as entertaining to be equally good value for money.

Most people wouldn't know quality football anyway. All most people want is some sort of perceived glamour.

28/09/2005, 4:44 PM
did i hear pat scully's contribution to the groundshare debate correctly?

'sure rovers having been doing it for years with no problems'

what a silly ****. no wonder he was laughed out of the club.

Love that one alright! Sure ye've had no problems since Milltown :rolleyes:

monkey magic
28/09/2005, 7:24 PM
did i hear pat scully's contribution to the groundshare debate correctly?

'sure rovers having been doing it for years with no problems'

what a silly ****. no wonder he was laughed out of the club.

and to think this guy actually played for yiz?? :D

29/09/2005, 9:11 AM
and to think this guy actually played for yiz?? :D
thats actually open for debate!

monkey magic
29/09/2005, 12:02 PM
thats actually open for debate!

:D :D :D