View Full Version : 25 ways to make football better

24/09/2005, 2:30 PM
25 ways to make football better (http://pheeds.org/eyvxtu)

Our panel of experts each suggest five improvements that would put the fizz back into the national game

Martin Tyler Sky Sports; Frank Clark Vice-chairman of the League Managers Association; Kevin Lynch Former Football League official; Jimmy Armfield Radio Five Live; Phil French Chief executive, Supporters Direct


24/09/2005, 2:56 PM
I'm amused that consecutive proposals enjoin administrators to "Stop messing with the rules" and advocate the most radical addition to the laws of the game in living memory.

24/09/2005, 6:28 PM
Well a salary cap for all Leagues would work. :)

24/09/2005, 7:30 PM
I have two rules

€80,000 a week salary cap.
The number of foreigners in the team should be restricted to 5 immediately.

24/09/2005, 8:20 PM
I have two rules

€80,000 a week salary cap.
The number of foreigners in the team should be restricted to 5 immediately.

A salary cap should defo be brought in, but it should be a club cap as opposed to a player cap. That would mean each club would only be able to sign a certain number of players on mega bucks, and not have their benches full of wasted talent that would be better served at other clubs.

pineapple stu
24/09/2005, 8:41 PM
€80,000 a week salary cap.
The number of foreigners in the team should be restricted to 5 immediately.
Are those legal though? There's the big problem.

Is there any way sugar daddies can be outlawed? Abramovic (and to a lesser extent, the people at Wigan and at Gretna) are completely against the ethos of football. That's what I'd change.

25/09/2005, 9:51 AM
I think FIFA or UEFA are bringing in some law where by so many players in the squad have to be home grown.... this rule should be extended to have so many players from the home country in the squad. International club teams dont make for better football.

anto eile
25/09/2005, 2:45 PM
1 Clamp down on swearing

stupid idea.sure the sanitisation of english football is one of its problems!!

1 All matches kick-off at 3pm Saturday
fan pressur ein germany led to a succesful campagin for standard ko times

5 Stop messing with the rules

The referee

1 Introduce sin-bins
2 Bring back the advancement of free-kicks for dissent
3 Do away with elite referees
4 Scrap the age limit of 48 for referees
5 Introduce wage-capping
all interesting and valid points

1 Impose a minimum number of homegrown players
2 Make sure club prices are controlled
3 Avoid premature judgments
4 Stop over-reacting to attendance dips
5 Make players more aware of the spotlight
bar 1, id agree with the rest

i agree with all the supporters suggestions.

though id go one further and suggest (perhaps unrealisically) that clubs should all be fan-owned. **** rich businesses and wealthy private individuals owning clubs.who wants to support a plc?give th clubs to fans.literally.

25/09/2005, 3:25 PM
1 Clamp down on swearing

stupid idea.sure the sanitisation of english football is one of its problems!!As someone more interested in the business side of football, this would be top of my list. There's absolutely no reason for it. None. It's just ignorance. (I swear in the pub, with my friends, etc. A lot. I'm often ticked off about it. However I wouldn't swear at a football match for the same reason I wouldn't swear in a school or a playground.)

I'm not sure how you'd "clamp down" on it though. But market against it, sure, along the lines of the racism campaign. Why not? What, exactly, does anyone gain from hearing profanity at a football match?


pineapple stu
25/09/2005, 5:37 PM
I think it's not swearing that's the problem, it's the inherent emotion behind aggressive swearing. I don't mind someone yelling "**** off!" if he's angry at getting caught offside. However, dissent is a huge problem - in society in general, not just in football - and should be clamped down on very strongly. Instant booking for anyone who aggressively questions a referee's decision. Plus, if you shut up whining and concentrate on the game, you'll play better.

Transfer window is good. Cuts down on endless media speculation and means a manager has to manage his way out of situations and not just buy his way out. Public transportis something which should be looked at here. How many more Dublin-based fans would travel to Drogheda, say, if three was a train back after? Would it be feasible to have a late-night train on a Friday evening?

Definitely bring back a normal ball. They look impressive when they're moving around in the air and give an occasional spectacular goal, but seem to hinder more than help players most of the time. Wouldn't favour sin-bins, but an age cap for referees will surely be challenged in a court of law soon as being ageist? If they're fit enough and good enough, let them ref.

Fan representation in clubs is growing (in England and Ireland), which is great to see. The next step, though, has to be fan representation in the FA/FAI.

25/09/2005, 6:07 PM
Wage cap: if only in the Premiership then the top players go elsewhere. Ways around it anyway with other more subtle under the counter payments.

Limit "foreign" players: Illegal to do that for EU born players so you're only talking about players outside the EU so it won't have a big effect.

I'd try and get rid of dissent. There is none in rugby and it could be done. The picture of 6 or 7 players snarling around a referee is one of the most unedifying sights in sport and is not tolerated in nearly every other field sport.

26/09/2005, 11:38 AM
2 Bring back the advancement of free-kicks for dissent

why was this dropped. The ref's never seemed to impose it. I was calling for this many years ago after seeing it work very well in rugby. Was delightewd when they brought it in to football a couple of years ago and now its dropped?

was this fromally announced?

26/09/2005, 1:42 PM
I'd try and get rid of dissent. There is none in rugby and it could be done. The picture of 6 or 7 players snarling around a referee is one of the most unedifying sights in sport and is not tolerated in nearly every other field sport.
I'd agree with that. A yellow for every player involved would stop it quickly.