View Full Version : Limerick - Cobh Ramblers, Ironic chants & all

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LFC in Exile
28/09/2005, 1:52 PM
1. Jamie Nolan is a mediocre footballer. He is lazy and puts in minimal effort. This is why he is being criticised. Not 'cos he's from Cork :rolleyes:
2. Having a go at Robbie Kelliher and at the same time defending Mr. Mediocre above doesn't make sense. If Robbie having to drop deep is a tactical issue, which it is, it isn't Robbie that people should be having a go at. We do have a manager, Noel O'Connor is his name.
3. Having a go at football fans for chanting is a bit sad as well. In every football club in the world, if a player plays s**t and lacks effort, he gets abuse. Why should it be any different at Limerick?

I nearly fell off my chair too - but probably for different reasons than Deise.

I don't mind arguing about this stuff - I enjoy it - but don't put words in my posts that aren't there. I am having a slight go at Robbie - but in each post I have also said that it is up to the manager to direct him not to drop deep. He is a game lad who wants the ball but he has to temper this enthusiasm for the benefit of the team. Of course it is up to the manager to fix it - I don't know how to make myself clearer. It is amazing though how one player can be lionosed so much when he is a striker and hasn't scored since May. I guess fans have favourites and loathe any one criticise those favourites.

I don't agree that Nolan is a mediocre player. I agree that he doesn't put in anywhere near as much effort as Robbie.

With regards to "if a player plays s**t and lacks effort, he gets abuse" - why was Nolan the only one singled out. Why wasn't Molan given the same treatment when he was substituted? I thought he was sh1t on Friday too - and wasn't particularly killing himself. In fact RK and Mooney were the only ones who could be happy with their performances (with the exception of my RK issue). :ball:

LFC in Exile
28/09/2005, 2:11 PM
all I have to to say to LFC In Exile and samuel and whoever else is just stop being so chlidish about the matter. We're paying customers, we're entitled to give whatever verdict we want to a team whos wages we're paying, and we're entitled to give it in anyway we want. This whole 'You have to support your team no matter what' theory is just plain bull**** that people try to use toover big mother ****ing Noel O'Connor made cracks with.

I don't know what the last bit means but you're probably just incoherent with rage. :) Yes, you are entitled to give whatever verdict you want. It still doesn't affect my point that the most vocal ones are not the majority and I want any club management or players who read this forum to realise that the view expressed in the chanting is not the view of all of the fans in the SC or in the shed. Of course you don't have to support no matter what - who ever said that? But maybe we just have different time horizons as fans and maybe I find it hard to get as exercised about dreadful performances like that when I have had to live through many seasons of them.

I thought you would have been happy myself - didn't you want the team to implode anyway? :rolleyes:

when Nolan doesn't sem to give a crap about Limerick FC on the pitch, why then do we have to pat him on the back just for pulling on the jersey?

Where did any one say you should pat him on the back? Not everything is black and white. He was being substituted - what was gained by shouting cheerio at him? :ball:

28/09/2005, 2:53 PM
Gail your very bad today is it your time of the month! i never said they'r going to loose in managhan i said if they loose! fair play to you for going to managhan!maybe you can bring a box of oranges up with you i heard you'r very good with fruit & veg or maybe donate a box of dunnes stores fruit & veg for the half time draw at the athlone game!!!!!you never know you might get supporter of the season and get a rubber medal the same size as a dustbin lid!!!!!!!!!!!

Ive never hidden who i am so fair play for to you for giving free advertising to where i work :rolleyes: ....So…Does this mean your not coming to Monaghan with us? :p First up thank you for your enlightened response and ill ask the moderator not to delete it (for having a PA on me) as I believe that leaving it there will highlight its stupidity. To try and…I dunno embarrace? Someone because of the employment they have and by the way I do believe emplyment is an economic nessisity in these times is just petty! I could slag SLK for having a job that is far better then mine, Nempton for landing a great job, 4tothefloor for running his own business or Danny for running his, or even LFC in Exile and Deise for educating those damn students! But I wont, ill congradulate every one of them for being a productive part in our society all be it a capitlaist one! But wait lets look back. I asked you to help out by selling tickets ie helping the club. And you retort by attacking me for sugguesting that? But who are you really atttacking? Me, for suggeting that or the club as they will be the one who suffer as they will be one less in the “help” stakes.
Im not in the business of being the best supporter, that doesn’t bother me and if I had my vote it would be for the old man who walks around and hasn’t missed a game since 1945 or something. But the SC is a democracy and its members will have there say in the coming weeks on whoever they want as their choice as supporter of the year, chairman, Pro etc. BTW where I work and where JohnD works are actually the unofficail offices for the SC as most of all our information and meetings go on in these two places. :D
Anyway look i wasn't going to respond to this as one of the lads said its going in circles so just abuse me up at the games instead ok or maybe in work :)

fc hammer
29/09/2005, 1:37 PM
calm down gale.. you are well able to give it, but you cant take it.. Lets keep to matters football from now on!!!!

Lim till i die
29/09/2005, 1:43 PM
calm down gale.. you are well able to give it, but you cant take it.. Lets keep to matters football from now on!!!!

Your the child who brought up so called "fair weather fans" displaying your ignorance and peoples places of work. So would it not be a lot easier for you to just apologise and move on than put up a pointless, give it, take it nah nah na nah post like the one above. :rolleyes:

Now can we all talk about football from now on ;) :ball:

fc hammer
29/09/2005, 2:25 PM
Your the child who brought up so called "fair weather fans" displaying your ignorance and peoples places of work. So would it not be a lot easier for you to just apologise and move on than put up a pointless, give it, take it nah nah na nah post like the one above. :rolleyes:

Now can we all talk about football from now on ;) :ball:

of course theres fair weather fans there. theres fair weather fans in every sport.it only stands to reason you'll have more fans supporting the team when there win'n than when there loose'n.you must be blind if you cant see the drop in the attendances in the last 3/4 home games.

Lim till i die
29/09/2005, 2:46 PM
of course theres fair weather fans there. theres fair weather fans in every sport.it only stands to reason you'll have more fans supporting the team when there win'n than when there loose'n.you must be blind if you cant see the drop in the attendances in the last 3/4 home games.

Indeed there has been a drop but myself and the "sunshine support" behind the goals remain as we have for the past number of years :rolleyes:

BTW are you coming to Monaghan tomorrow I'm sure we could find room for you on our evil, SC, fair weather bandwagon if you wanna jump on. ;) :rolleyes:

Anyway to go wildly off topic and actually discuss some football I think we are going to win tomorrow night and indeed next week there by keeping alive our false hopes (football is a cruel mistress) :)

fc hammer
29/09/2005, 3:04 PM
Indeed there has been a drop but myself and the "sunshine support" behind the goals remain as we have for the past number of years :rolleyes:

BTW are you coming to Monaghan tomorrow I'm sure we could find room for you on our evil, SC, fair weather bandwagon if you wanna jump on. ;) :rolleyes:

Anyway to go wildly off topic and actually discuss some football I think we are going to win tomorrow night and indeed next week there by keeping alive our false hopes (football is a cruel mistress) :)

No thanks boss.never had to jump on any bandwagon!!i'v been there through thick and thin..

29/09/2005, 4:15 PM
Apologise for any grammer mistakes, i.e. toover,in my las post,I blame it all on an unreliable keyboard,and my inability to read any of my own posts before putting them up for publicc consumption (toover was meant to read to cover by the by).

PS: Nolan still deserved the cheerio chants,which were a way of telling him that he is not appreciated by anyone other than the 'wow he scored two penalties in a row a few games back, so he's a great striker' brigade

29/09/2005, 10:37 PM
why was Nolan the only one singled out. Why wasn't Molan given the same treatment when he was substituted? I thought he was sh1t on Friday too - and wasn't particularly killing himself. In fact RK and Mooney were the only ones who could be happy with their performances (with the exception of my RK issue). :ball:
I think Nolan was singled out because it was the culmination of months of annoyance with his lack of effort, not just the Cobh game. He has been consistantly poor since day one, bar a few decent goals. Molan is an established player at Limerick at this stage and I for one have seen him put in some great performances over the years, especially under Kerley. If he has one bad game, where he was being played out of position, it doesn't warrant chanting cheerio at him. For someone like Nolan who is always in the team, but never performs, I think he had it coming. His form this year is mediocre, and as this is the only season I've seen him play, to me he is a mediocre player. As I said earlier, it would be great if Nolan went out and proved his critics wrong and started to deliver after what happened, but something tells me that will not happen.

LFC in Exile
30/09/2005, 10:28 AM
As I said earlier, it would be great if Nolan went out and proved his critics wrong and started to deliver after what happened, but something tells me that will not happen.

Even when he scored a class goal in Cobh he got no credit. Limerick fans (and maybe other clubs') get an idea in their head about a player and it is impossible to shift. RK being a prime example where it seems he can do no wrong. I've made a straight forward observation about how he could be more effective and you'd swear I was after kicking Mother Theresa.

Nolan could score two hat tricks in his next two games and it wouldn't be enough.

Not that I think it will happen and after last week I'd say he could be ars ed about his critics. The hope that a player will respond to getting abused by his own fans by going and showing them what he is made of is a bit Roy of the Rovers.

deise deserter
30/09/2005, 12:03 PM

Lets see if he does show an interest and apply himself for the next game. Fair play if he does but I won't hold my breath though.

declan hide
30/09/2005, 12:15 PM
Even when he scored a class goal in Cobh he got no credit. Limerick fans (and maybe other clubs') get an idea in their head about a player and it is impossible to shift. RK being a prime example where it seems he can do no wrong. I've made a straight forward observation about how he could be more effective and you'd swear I was after kicking Mother Theresa.

Nolan could score two hat tricks in his next two games and it wouldn't be enough.

Not that I think it will happen and after last week I'd say he could be ars ed about his critics. The hope that a player will respond to getting abused by his own fans by going and showing them what he is made of is a bit Roy of the Rovers.

will you give it a rest now and wait til we all see him in action again.

LFC in Exile
30/09/2005, 1:46 PM
will you give it a rest now and wait til we all see him in action again.

Sorry - thought I was on a discussion forum. :rolleyes:

declan hide
30/09/2005, 1:57 PM
you are but where does it say when posting please repeat yourself over and over?

30/09/2005, 2:27 PM
Heard a rumour from the Scarlet Pimpernal of Limerick FC, Nempton, that there may be a banner being made to apologise to Nolan about the chanting. Unbelievable, the man doesn't do a tap of work all year round, and because we may or may not have hurt his feelings he's getting a banner?! What about an individual banner for Finnucane,our captain, or McCarthy, our top scorer instead? Again it highlights what sort of a soap opera this club has become lately

30/09/2005, 9:32 PM
Heard a rumour from the Scarlet Pimpernal of Limerick FC, Nempton, that there may be a banner being made to apologise to Nolan about the chanting.
That's ridiculous! If that happens I worry about football. Even the fans are turning in to nancy's :p

fc hammer
01/10/2005, 12:24 PM
Indeed there has been a drop but myself and the "sunshine support" behind the goals remain as we have for the past number of years :rolleyes:

BTW are you coming to Monaghan tomorrow I'm sure we could find room for you on our evil, SC, fair weather bandwagon if you wanna jump on. ;) :rolleyes:

Anyway to go wildly off topic and actually discuss some football I think we are going to win tomorrow night and indeed next week there by keeping alive our false hopes (football is a cruel mistress) :)

Did you make the game last nite?Great result puts the Blues back in the hunt for 2nd place again!!was it a good game?

LFC in Exile
03/10/2005, 9:08 AM
Heard a rumour from the Scarlet Pimpernal of Limerick FC, Nempton, that there may be a banner being made to apologise to Nolan about the chanting. Unbelievable, the man doesn't do a tap of work all year round, and because we may or may not have hurt his feelings he's getting a banner?! What about an individual banner for Finnucane,our captain, or McCarthy, our top scorer instead? Again it highlights what sort of a soap opera this club has become lately

If that's whathe wants to do fair enough. You just had a tirade about freedom of speech for fans and now you are slagging off someone off for expressing their view. Nempton may not speak for you (he doesn't speak for me) and this doesn't seem to be a SC inititiative so let him do what he wants. :ball:

LFC in Exile
03/10/2005, 9:09 AM
you are but where does it say when posting please repeat yourself over and over?

The same place it says it's okay to misrepresent what another post says. :ball:

03/10/2005, 1:29 PM
If that's whathe wants to do fair enough. You just had a tirade about freedom of speech for fans and now you are slagging off someone off for expressing their view. Nempton may not speak for you (he doesn't speak for me) and this doesn't seem to be a SC inititiative so let him do what he wants. :ball:

Well first off, it wasn't Nempton that was planning to put up the 'We're sorry Jamie' banner, he thinks its just as ridiculous an idea as I do, secondly, I wasn't slagging off his, or anyone's right to put up any banner, just slagging off the idea of a pro-Nolan banner in itself, and thirdly, I don't really believe in freedom of speech anyone, I'm a bit of a facist at the end of the day :p

LFC in Exile
03/10/2005, 1:40 PM
Well first off, it wasn't Nempton that was planning to put up the 'We're sorry Jamie' banner

Gotcha. I did think it strange that Nempton would be doing it - but the argument is still the same. :ball:

03/10/2005, 1:42 PM
Gotcha. I did think it strange that Nempton would be doing it - but the argument is still the same. :ball:

And I'm still a Nolan hating facist so we're stumped! :)

LFC in Exile
03/10/2005, 1:48 PM
And I'm still a Nolan hating facist so we're stumped! :)

Ah Jebus, don't be so hard on yourself. You're not a fascist - if you were really a fascist you'd be able to spell it. :) You probably love Nolan too. :)

03/10/2005, 2:08 PM
Ah Jebus, don't be so hard on yourself. You're not a fascist - if you were really a fascist you'd be able to spell it. :) You probably love Nolan too. :)

Damn you LFC In Exile!!! In my defence I went to a church owned school in a democratic country, who's poor teaching of the English language led me down the road to faScism

03/10/2005, 6:53 PM
*contemplates deleting all Jebus' posts in the name of irony* ;)