View Full Version : St Pats takeover

The Stars
23/09/2005, 11:25 AM
Did anyone read in the Gossip pages (338) on Ceefax that the Gretna Chairman may be taking over Pats.
If this is true and he does get them,Pats will become the Chelsea of the eircom League.This boy isnt afraid to spend his money.Look at Gretna last year.He bought the leagues best players,got promoted and is doing it again this season.

Poor Student
23/09/2005, 11:45 AM
How would he sustain two clubs? And why? :confused:

The Stars
23/09/2005, 11:49 AM
well,the same fella gave thousands to Morton(i think) or someother scottish team last season so he knows what he is about

23/09/2005, 11:53 AM
sounds like codswallop to me.....

this another of those "off the wall" eircom league stories that hangs around like a bad smell for a week and is than never heard of again, file under I

for Ignore it

The Stars
23/09/2005, 12:00 PM
Its probably only bullsh!t but its on ceefax thats why i posted it.

23/09/2005, 12:13 PM
the ceefax "gossip" section LOL

i didnt even know they had one - but this is code for - "yeah this sounds like bollicks but we cant be arséd investigating it as we know the main movers of the rumour are damaged goods in the credibility department - tell ya what stick it in "gossip" section!"


23/09/2005, 12:25 PM
how many stories like this have been floated around in the past... i wouldnt take it seriously

23/09/2005, 12:27 PM
The same rumour floated around about him taking over Rovers didn't it?

23/09/2005, 12:43 PM
I'd surprised he not linked with Shels takeover as he did invest in Gretna with attendances in the 2 men & a dog variety.


23/09/2005, 12:44 PM
He's quoted in the 'Daily Record' today and says he has NO interest in investing in St Pats.

23/09/2005, 12:53 PM
Ask yourself where the 'Mileson to buy Pats' rumour is coming from. Could it be from a certain Shamrock Rovers manager?

23/09/2005, 8:55 PM
Shouldn't that be uncertain Shamrock Rovers manager

24/09/2005, 5:08 AM
It's very simple - Roddy wants out of Rovers but wants a new job set up in advance. Who's the most under-pressure manager in the League after him? Probably Johnny Mac at Pats. So Roddy sets about trying to destabilise him so as he can waltz into a newly-created vacancy waving Mileson carrots. I don't buy it for a second. Roddy wants an out from Rovers, Mileson wants some prime real estate. Fúck off the pair of you.

24/09/2005, 7:54 AM
It's very simple - Roddy wants out of Rovers but wants a new job set up in advance. Who's the most under-pressure manager in the League after him? Probably Johnny Mac at Pats. So Roddy sets about trying to destabilise him so as he can waltz into a newly-created vacancy waving Mileson carrots. I don't buy it for a second. Roddy wants an out from Rovers, Mileson wants some prime real estate. Fúck off the pair of you.

This guy sounds like a right shark and any club with some real estate (and common sense) should steer well clear of him and Coddy for that matter. Coddy, what a right ****ing chancer. The lads in Rovers should give him a big toe in the hole on the way out the door..... absolute gangster.

Anyway I'm safe in the knowledge that no Mr dodgy is coming nowhere near Waterford. We havent a ha'penny to rub together and the only assets we have are the two sets of jerseys, 3 footballs and the corner flags.

Athlone, Sligo, Bray, Pats, Bohs.........watch out. :rolleyes: