View Full Version : Dundalk pitch being used in Peru?

21/09/2005, 12:42 PM
Putting this on the EL section as the Dundalk section is a bit quiet at the moment.

I've seen bits of the World U17 championships from Peru on Eurosport and it looks like all the pitches being used are very similar to the new pitch at Oriel Park, complete with black dust flying after sliding tackles.

Pitches seem to play grand, no negative comments from Brian Hamilton et al.

The pitch seems to be at the National Stadium in Lima as well which would mean all Peru's home World Cup games would be played on that surface.

Dundalk trend setters for World football!! Whatever next? :D

21/09/2005, 1:34 PM
Once theres no Dundalk people out there on false passports advising them on how to lay the pitch.

LFC in Exile
21/09/2005, 3:58 PM
Pitches seem to play grand, no negative comments from Brian Hamilton et al.

They can hardly comment considering they are commentating from TV pictures in a broom closet in the suburbs of London. :)

21/09/2005, 4:03 PM
Brian Hamilton? He's everywhere these days! He's on the Serie A coverage for Setanta, he does BBC 5Live sometimes and now Eurosport?

Funny chap though.