View Full Version : Get it off my chest

18/09/2005, 6:43 PM
We support our club, week in week out. Is it too much to ask the team (with the exception of Gallagher), to make some sort of gesture of appreciation, for our support?

18/09/2005, 9:46 PM
We support our club, week in week out. Is it too much to ask the team (with the exception of Gallagher), to make some sort of gesture of appreciation, for our support?
You are right, the team didn't acknowledge the support, but then maybe they are just a little bit embarrassed by recent games. The heads did seem to be a little down coming off the pitch.

18/09/2005, 9:50 PM
Justed pi$$ed of derek, doesn't take much to make a small gesture. A lot of effort goes in fro the supporters no matter what.

19/09/2005, 11:56 AM
Very true. It doesn't take much. Even when you lose, if you've had supporters cheering for you and trying to get behind you, the least you could do is send a small message of appreciation their way...

19/09/2005, 12:03 PM
I agree, it's a right pain in the @rse when players just legger it into the dressing
rooms as soon as the whistle sounds.

We (The Cootes) usually try to start up a chant as soon as the whistle goes
and more often than not the entire team, and manager tend to run over to the
stand and applaud us.

Very small and practicially effortless gesture for players to make but it makes a
big difference to the people cheering the team on for 90mins.

19/09/2005, 12:09 PM
This could make for a very interesting thread topic...I happen to think footballers dont give a fck about fans cheering them on for 90 mins - its irrelevant to them either way as far as I can see - pats players waving to us at the end means nothing to me - especially if they've put in a sh.t performance!

19/09/2005, 12:28 PM
Dont agree at all. A very large percentage of players love having
someone to support them and get behind them.
Of course there is always the big time charlies who dont care
but how many times have you seen players score a goal and run straight
to the fans? sometimes even if there is only 10 or 20 of them
Players are not going to clap the fans after a loss becasue they( I hope/think) feel they have let the supporters down
Alot have also supported various teams in the league. I for one
would not be drawing attention to myself with D Keely after a game
by coming into the dressing room after him if the team had just lost
It would be head down off the opitch and hide in the dressing room

19/09/2005, 2:08 PM
Maybe it's those same players not showin appreciation
who have the holdalls of their previous & loan teams... :confused:

So what is it...

:ball:... Who thinks some clap & wave, coz we've cheared them on for 90 mins or who thinks it's coz we contribute to their salary?

19/09/2005, 4:08 PM
Players are not going to clap the fans after a loss becasue they( I hope/think) feel they have let the supporters down
Alot have also supported various teams in the league. I for one
would not be drawing attention to myself with D Keely after a game
by coming into the dressing room after him if the team had just lost
It would be head down off the opitch and hide in the dressing room

I think the Dermot Keely thing is what caused the problem on this night, as I said a couple of posts ago the players while they won the game played crap and I reckon they were in for a rollocking.

19/09/2005, 5:46 PM
There's some thruth there alright Derek. However without having cast iron stats to back this up, as someone who has been at most of our games this year I would say that more often than not the supporters have not been acknowledged after a win.

Off the top of my head Kildare away, Sligo home, and Monaghan home are the only games I can recall where the team as a whole made a gesture to the fans...

19/09/2005, 6:59 PM
Its a kick in the teeth to the supporters club, who are making a huge effort to get fans in & grow the gates.

20/09/2005, 10:46 AM
Or it could be just a current phase with the players concerning their lack of acknowlegement their supporters produce... we cant make em applaud us either. They have shown gratitude certainly after games but a regular such service is needed to highten fans moral too, no matter how small. If it is just the current crop hopefuly new players down the line will appreciate us, appreciatin them.. be it a win, lose or draw.. playin good, ok, or simply plain **** on field... :(