View Full Version : Dave Hill on European football

15/09/2005, 8:38 AM
“We will employ the European style of football, keep the ball and enjoy good possession just like Manchester United or Chelsea – try to score and try not to concede,”

how do irish and english style teams play? not to score and to concede ??? :confused:

and no offense to cork city but i dont think they are on the same level as united or chelsea JUST yet. :)

here's hoping cork get a draw( dont like the use that stupid term result as it means absoloutely nothing, a result occurs at the end of a football game, it doesnt mean a draw or a win) at the least tonight.

15/09/2005, 10:14 AM
I think what he means is that english teams play attacking entertianing style in their league games but when comes to Europe its all about possession.

In European games home teams are expected to win so the longer you keep possession more frustrated the opposition get.

15/09/2005, 7:56 PM
What a waste of a thread.

15/09/2005, 8:02 PM
In his live feeds to Bill O Herlihy, Rico was at pains to stress that City have to keep possession, and not give the ball away cheaply, but by half time he was bemoaning the fact that Cork were doing exactly that. And if you keep doing it, you'll concede. Keeping possession is so simple a lot of the time, I can't understand why it seems to be beyond so many people.

15/09/2005, 9:09 PM
I totally agree jorge, people open a thread for absolutely nothing and its a complete waste of time.