View Full Version : NLSA Statement

13/09/2005, 9:20 PM
The NLSA have released this statement in response to the findings of the eircom League Investigation Committee.

NLSA (http://www.nlsupporters.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=75)

14/09/2005, 12:49 PM
If you've released it, why is it password-protected?

14/09/2005, 1:40 PM
The National League Supporters Assocation (NLSA) would like to respond to a number of issues raised by the eircom League Investigative Committee in their report of the 13th of September 2005.

The NLSA believes that the safe use of flares and smoke canisters can add immeasurably to the atmosphere and colour at eircom League games. Indeed the FAI provided a very impressive smoke display prior to the FAI Cup Final between Shamrock Rovers and Derry City. Communication between clubs and supporters with regards the use of flares and smoke canisters can ensure their safe usage. Bohemian FC have taken the lead this season with the provision of sand buckets for the safe disposal of flares and smoke canisters after their use. This move was widely welcomed by fans of several clubs and has allowed for the safe use of such devices without detracting from the spectacle they provide.

The NLSA agree that the level of stewarding at eircom League games has long been an issue of concern and welcome the Committee’s recommendation with regards to this issue. The NLSA would like to see a review of stewarding arrangements at all eircom League grounds to ensure the safety of all fans at future games. The NLSA also believe that closer co-operation between club security, the Gardai and supporters would ensure a reduction of the rare incidents between opposing fans.

The NLSA would like to condemn in the strongest means possible the violent behaviour, hooliganism and general misconduct by supporters in the incidents mentioned by the Committee. This behaviour has no place in football and does little to improve the image of the eircom League amongst an already sceptical public. At a time when the League needs a sustained positive media portrayal, these incidents bring shame on the fans and indeed the league as a whole.

The behaviour of supporters in the cases of investigated was unacceptable but we believe that the playing staff and club officials must take responsibility for exacerbating the situation with regards to certain incidents. It is incumbent that those involved remember that they are representatives not just of their clubs but also of domestic soccer and must behave accordingly.

The NLSA agree wholeheartedly with the Committee belief that “that if clubs want to become more professional, if they want the league to behave professionally, they have got to start acting like professionals unprofessional behaviour should no longer be acceptable from anybody, irrespective of their status or background with their club.”

We look forward to working with the league authorities and the FAI to improve all aspects of spectator enjoyment in the future.

Statement Ends

14/09/2005, 2:30 PM
"We look forward to working with the league authorities and the FAI to improve all aspects of spectator enjoyment in the future."

How pretentious is that?

14/09/2005, 3:33 PM
"We look forward to working with the league authorities and the FAI to improve all aspects of spectator enjoyment in the future."

How pretentious is that?

I fail to see the pretentiousness of that...

14/09/2005, 7:09 PM
"We look forward to working with the league authorities and the FAI to improve all aspects of spectator enjoyment in the future."

How pretentious is that?

I get the distinct feeling that you'd somehow find something to moan about or start a argument in a empty room

14/09/2005, 7:51 PM
"We look forward to working with the league authorities and the FAI to improve all aspects of spectator enjoyment in the future."

How pretentious is that?

Seems a sensible enough scentence to me. Care to elaborate a bit more on the source of your concern ?

14/09/2005, 8:10 PM
Fair and balanced statement

14/09/2005, 8:57 PM
"We look forward to working with the league authorities and the FAI to improve all aspects of spectator enjoyment in the future."

How pretentious is that?
Less prententious than someone making up an incident that didn't happen at an international match because he has a chip on his shoulder about the fans of a particular club (and because he was bullied as a child [probably] and likes being a keyboard warrior).

15/09/2005, 12:29 PM
Less prententious than someone making up an incident that didn't happen at an international match because he has a chip on his shoulder about the fans of a particular club (and because he was bullied as a child [probably] and likes being a keyboard warrior).
Read the thread again and you will see that it was verified by other people who were at the game which is why the people trying to cover the whole thing up abandoned their wholly inappropriate and vicious hate campaign against me. :cool:

Pretentious: Claiming or demanding a position of distinction or merit, especially when unjustified.

Seems to be a very appropriate word to use in relation to the below statement:

"We look forward to working with the league authorities and the FAI to improve all aspects of spectator enjoyment in the future."

The NLSA is looking forward to working with the league authorities and the FAI to improve all aspects of spectator enjoyment in the future? Absolute nonsense. The NLSA may hope to have their opinions listened to by the FAI on some issues, but to stretch that into an expectation that a self appointed organisation that is supposed to represent EL fans, with self appointed members, is going to be working with both the league authorities and the FAI in improving ALL aspects of spectator enjoyment is complete and utter nonsense. The NLSA may well develop into an organisation that can make those kind of statements, but it certainly can not at this moment in time.

For the record I know that the NLSA was set up to benefit the league and the EL supporters, I do not debate that for one second and fair play to you guys for setting it up. I disagree with many points in your statement but that is perhaps motivated by my views as a supporter of my club and whatever you say is not going to get 100% agreement from every EL fan. I find the last sentence to be pretentious, not a big deal I was just pointing it out, use that as a stick to beat me with if you wish, but I think that you would be better off in wrapping up your statements with something more grounded in reality for the time being.

15/09/2005, 1:54 PM
When exactly does your Masters Degree in Pedantry (with a 'major' in anal retention) finish, That Guy... ?

15/09/2005, 4:01 PM
The NLSA may hope to have their opinions listened to by the FAI on some issues, but to stretch that into an expectation that a self appointed organisation that is supposed to represent EL fans, with self appointed members, is going to be working with both the league authorities and the FAI in improving ALL aspects of spectator enjoyment is complete and utter nonsense.

FYI, the NLSA will be having an agm sometime in early December. The membership structure will be set out before then and ALL eircom League supporters will be able to join if they so wish. There is an interim committee in place who were voted on and reps of clubs agreed on these people so hardly 'self-appointed'

How exactly do you figure that the statement is absolute nonsense...

15/09/2005, 4:04 PM
How exactly do you figure that the statement is absolute nonsense...
I was talking about the last sentence.