View Full Version : Balls !!!!!!!!

13/09/2005, 2:22 PM
Literally (http://www.sky.com/skynews/article/0,,30000-13437430,00.html)

A footballer had to have six stitches in his penis after it was ripped open in a tackle.

Chavdar Yankow, 21, sustained a three-inch gash playing for Hamburg 96 in Germany.

His shorts were "soaked with blood" but team doctors managed to patch Yankow up.

Amazingly, after the painful incident Yankow returned to the pitch and played on. And the German went on to score in his side's 2-0 win over Frankfurt.

Poor Student
13/09/2005, 3:06 PM
There's no smiley that can adequately convey my cringing upon reading that. :o Hard b'stard though! :eek:

13/09/2005, 3:08 PM
Surley they should have pulled him off

13/09/2005, 4:25 PM

With that name he was askin' for it!!!. Very close to being Yanktow :eek:

14/09/2005, 10:42 AM
A real John Wayne Bobbit story - man has genitalia seriously ripped up, but it doesn't stop him scoring :D :D :D