View Full Version : Dominic Foley's opinion of the EL and Bohs etc.

13/09/2005, 1:04 PM

What a man. :rolleyes:

13/09/2005, 1:12 PM
Can you give us a jist of what he says? Cannae load it here :/

13/09/2005, 1:17 PM
Can anybody verify that Foley really said what he is alleged to have said?


13/09/2005, 1:17 PM
Happy to be playing in a big league for a big club etc etc

13/09/2005, 1:22 PM
I'm delighted to be here obviously. When I left England I went back to Dublin (er, what about your glorious spell in Portugal Dominic :rolleyes: ) and the football isn't of the same standard or as big as it is here so it's great to be back at a big club and playing in a big league so I'm delighted.


13/09/2005, 2:29 PM
Foley = w4nker.He should be glad Bohs gave him a chance and stuck by him when he was playing sh1te.If Bohs didn't give him a chance he'd still be scratching his sack somewhere dreaming of days gone by.No matter what happened at Bohs he still should keep his mouth shut.If the standard is that bad over here it dosen't say much for him as a player.

13/09/2005, 3:36 PM
So Dominic, just one question - as the standard in Ireland was beneath you, did it get very boring scoring so many goals and winning so many matches and so many trophies?

13/09/2005, 3:40 PM
I have to say anytime I saw Foley play he was muck. Awkward muck. The worst kind. Some people go thru their career, move from club to club and never get on the bad side. He has just burnt any bridges he had with people who once may of stood by him. As hole

13/09/2005, 3:48 PM
As angry as I am with the man, he came good for Bohemians this season and over his last couple of months with the club he was top class.

I had the (dis)pleasure of meeting him at the car show in the RDS last year the day after he finally scored his first goal for Bohs (I was dragged along and I had free tickets) and he fit right at home with the walking penises that are car enthusiasts ;). He struck me as the most arrogant person that I have ever met.

13/09/2005, 3:51 PM
He's so far up his own hole it's not even funny. It's not as if he was the best player in our league or anything. I think he's just bitter.

Vitruvian Man
13/09/2005, 4:26 PM
I've got over the whole Dominic foley thing now. If we take a three month period where (in hindsight) he was playing for his contract in Gent, then he was a good player for Bohs.

If we take him over the entire period he was at the club (about one seasons worth spread over two) he was a poor player for the club who didn't contribute much and scored very few goals.

Considering we were paying him a reputed 70k per year plus 20k signing bonuses I think we got very poor value and I'm glad to be shut of him. You can get a decent striker in the EL for that kind of money - one that will score a few goals.

13/09/2005, 5:38 PM
I just watched the clip. He giggles a lot? He's a spanner.

13/09/2005, 7:29 PM
A low standard and he wouldn't have been in the top ten players in the league. He wouldn't be in the top 5 strikers and that is being kind. Where does that leave his own ability?

Cheerio and don't let the door hit you on the way out.

13/09/2005, 7:36 PM
Considering we were paying him a reputed 70k per year plus 20k signing bonuses I think we got very poor value and I'm glad to be shut of him. You can get a decent striker in the EL for that kind of money - one that will score a few goals.

Totally agree, he has the same strike rate as a Kabia type player, but the ego the size of an elephant. Id have payed his ticket to Gent if I was from Bohz just to try to get rid of him!

13/09/2005, 7:38 PM
Understandable that he wants to big up Gent in his first interview but it may prove rash belittling the EL, considering he resembled the a very expensive plank for most of his time here.

Over rated, over paid and thankfully now over there.

BTW Did I mishear or did the interviewer ask him if his favourite position was "stroker" and he replied that he liked it "straight up the middle" :eek: :D

13/09/2005, 8:57 PM
He might be sorry he's slagged off the league here when Gent cotton on to him and he's desperate for a club. Jésus, if he'd scored as many goals as Crowe or Byrne, or even Zayed he might be entitled to be arrogant. What a clown

13/09/2005, 10:37 PM
What a tool!!!! Glad to see City didn't bother shelling money out on the prat

14/09/2005, 12:32 AM
BTW Did I mishear or did the interviewer ask him if his favourite position was "stroker" and he replied that he liked it "straight up the middle" :eek: :D

Heard that too :D

He was giggling a lot too. Maybe the guy interviewing him was good looking ;)

14/09/2005, 12:25 PM
Dominic who? :)

Mayo Red
14/09/2005, 8:15 PM
The EL looked pretty good to him when nobody else wanted him. The league is far from perfect, but I think his comments will come back and haunt him if it all goes tits up again for him on the continent!

14/09/2005, 8:18 PM
I like the way you put in "if" instead of "when" :D

14/09/2005, 9:33 PM
Very unprofessional for Foley to be talking aboiut boozing in the pubs. I suppose he won't need to be that fit sitting on the bench but then again he is used to that from 10 years of UK & Portugese football.