View Full Version : Newstalk coverage of the eL

13/09/2005, 12:38 PM
Is it just me or has their eL coverage got worse & smaller?

Used to have the eL hour once a week & now barely 15 minutes & they use Roddy to talk about boxing or other sports anyway. Seems if they have anything else to talk about the eL gets squeezed.

I think that they were happy to cover "minority" sport such as eL when they starting off but now going for the populist option with premiership commentary now they think they a bigger station. I think their Premiership commentary on week nights of pointless matches with no irish interest is one of their worst decisions.

13/09/2005, 12:44 PM
send the muppets an email. its poor coverage alright

13/09/2005, 12:48 PM
They still do the saturday afternoon 3-4pm EL show which is usually very very good. Unfortunately it's on at a rubbish time.

13/09/2005, 12:54 PM
I don't think they liked my Shelstalk rants before so not reading out texts or replying to email.


13/09/2005, 1:02 PM
newstalk are a joke of a station.it pretends to be a EL friendly station but in reality its nothing more than a token gesture .

20 minutes of roddy spouting sh!te a week and a a sat show and that it - try waiting on them for scores on a fri nite - they get their updates from aertel ...swear to god,that how quick they are

and even worse ,they think that havin some shels fan do live commentry of their 1 european game a season is enough to keep the country happy

they will commentate on wycombe v somebody , or ipswich v someone else instead of doing cork city , or derry , or even a dublin derby , and the excuse they give is that "sure its a dublin station" which doesn't bear up to scrutiny seeing as they've spent the last 4 days beatin themselves off to the cork/ galway game

the ONLY station that shows any real interest is radio 1 - at least they try
newstalk have no interest in the EL

13/09/2005, 1:04 PM
I don't think they liked my Shelstalk rants before so not reading out texts or replying to email.


Here , don't you be trying to steal my limelight , shelstalk was my conception :p

13/09/2005, 2:25 PM
My read is that NT probably have some decent EL-appreciating people there, but they have to fight an uphill battle against those who feel bigger when they are commenting on Chelski or Royal Madrid.
And cricket. With all due respect to those who actually play the game, is there anything more post-colonially pathetic than someone who develops an instant obsession with this game?

13/09/2005, 2:28 PM
what is the best time to listen to radio 1 for EL coverage ?

Drumcondra Red
13/09/2005, 2:29 PM
And cricket. With all due respect to those who actually play the game, is there anything more post-colonially pathetic than someone who develops an instant obsession with this game?

Like the Bohs supporters cricket team perhaps???

13/09/2005, 2:48 PM
what is the best time to listen to radio 1 for EL coverage ?
During Friday's games and 3:00 (I think) on Saturdays.

13/09/2005, 3:38 PM
Friday nights eL on RTE Radio 1 is best league coverage across all the media. Its as close to Five Live type Uk football coverage that we have here.

13/09/2005, 4:25 PM
Friday nights eL on RTE Radio 1 is best league coverage across all the media. Its as close to Five Live type Uk football coverage that we have here.
Thats part of the problem with newstalk's coverage. They used to do excelent live coverage but RTE signed an exclusive agreement with the FAI and stopped Newstalk doing the live commentary. I presume they lost quite a bit of interest in it then

13/09/2005, 6:06 PM
And cricket. With all due respect to those who actually play the game, is there anything more post-colonially pathetic than someone who develops an instant obsession with this game?

No, nothing. Nothing annoys me as much as thatm see rugby in 2003.

13/09/2005, 6:50 PM
My read is that NT probably have some decent EL-appreciating people there, but they have to fight an uphill battle against those who feel bigger when they are commenting on Chelski or Royal Madrid.
And cricket. With all due respect to those who actually play the game, is there anything more post-colonially pathetic than someone who develops an instant obsession with this game?

last season, in the middle of citys run to try (and almost) catch shels ,they decided to ignore city game on the monday night for a meaningless wycombe game .Now if it was one of the big prem teams or a CL game ,while I'd be p'd off that they were doing what tv already had live I'd accept it but not wycombe ffs

14/09/2005, 12:28 PM
Like the Bohs supporters cricket team perhaps???
Now why didn't I anticipate that? :rolleyes:
If you read my post you would see that I except those who genuinely play the game.
What I question is the sudden rush of wicket wannabes.

15/09/2005, 8:10 PM
did anyone here newstalk there about 20 minutes ago having a go at this thread ??

They said that the Eircom League did a deal with RTE and so they cant cover the EL like they wanted to.

Well thats not good enough NEWSTALK .

15/09/2005, 8:14 PM
Newstalk's so called EL hour is barely a quarter hour these days. Losing live rights to RTE is not a valid excuse. And as for Friday night's... you barely get scoreline updates nowadays. SO I have reverted to Radio 1 which is starting to get better with it's EL coverage on Friday nights...even if Stephen Alkin keeps getting players names wrong.

15/09/2005, 8:49 PM

16/09/2005, 9:58 AM
While in total the Irish soccer output of the national broadcaster is derisory, RTE medium wave 252 gives comprehensive and intelligent coverage if you can't make a game. Just a pity they don't do pictures!

16/09/2005, 10:18 AM
problem is i cant get MW!

16/09/2005, 10:39 AM

I'm not!
Im sticking with 106, because I know that R(ipoff)TE only did the exclusive deal because they were worried that 106's coverage was luring listeners away. 106 can do it better than rte but are not allowed - hands are tied until the deal runs out. This is the same crap that RTE pull all thetime - like when TV3 were banned from interviewing anyone around matches - even tho rte were only showing 6 matches per YEAR at that stage. we are lucky that there are independant broadcasters (TV & radio) who want to cover eL teams - without their imputus the league would still be getting ignored by the national broadcaster, as was the case up to about 3 years ago :mad:

I don't want to go back to that - I like being able to see eL teams live on TV most weeks :D :ball:

16/09/2005, 11:07 AM
I'm not!
Im sticking with 106, because I know that R(ipoff)TE only did the exclusive deal because they were worried that 106's coverage was luring listeners away. 106 can do it better than rte but are not allowed - hands are tied until the deal runs out. This is the same crap that RTE pull all thetime - like when TV3 were banned from interviewing anyone around matches - even tho rte were only showing 6 matches per YEAR at that stage. we are lucky that there are independant broadcasters (TV & radio) who want to cover eL teams - without their imputus the league would still be getting ignored by the national broadcaster, as was the case up to about 3 years ago :mad:

I don't want to go back to that - I like being able to see eL teams live on TV most weeks :D :ball:

What 106 coverage !!!!!! all they have done in two years is shels in europe and thats it ???
If you want to look at some broadcaster ,look at setanta , and to a lesser extent TnaG, they are the ones that came in and shook it all up , made the others sit up and take notice ,they had the b@lls to start of a tournment and seem to want to stick with and increase it ...
Yes RTE have jumped on the bandwagon to some extent from a tv side but RTE radio is a different kettle of fish .They provide a service that is as good as if not better than , bbc5 live on a saturday ....newstalk have one eye on the badminton , and one eye on aertel for EL updates
EL season is coming to a climax and these eedgits are getting all excited that they have american football games on radio!!!

16/09/2005, 11:53 AM
I'm not!
Im sticking with 106, because I know that R(ipoff)TE only did the exclusive deal because they were worried that 106's coverage was luring listeners away. 106 can do it better than rte but are not allowed - hands are tied until the deal runs out. This is the same crap that RTE pull all thetime - like when TV3 were banned from interviewing anyone around matches - even tho rte were only showing 6 matches per YEAR at that stage. we are lucky that there are independant broadcasters (TV & radio) who want to cover eL teams - without their imputus the league would still be getting ignored by the national broadcaster, as was the case up to about 3 years ago :mad:

I don't want to go back to that - I like being able to see eL teams live on TV most weeks :D :ball:

You should listen to RTE's coverage on Fridays - trust me, it is one of the only surperbly well-done things associated with Irish football in this country. It is just like Five Live's coverage on a Saturday afternoon.

Even when I'm at a game, like I'll be tonight, I bring the walkman along and listen in to get updates from the other games.

16/09/2005, 12:02 PM
i know this is off the thread a bit but why is RTE paying Tax payers money to secure Tuesday nights Champions league football when TV3 are showing it for free (with a lot of ads)? I think that is all wrong, they should use tax payers money for something else. E.g, more cash for the EL;)

I must listen to RTE this evening and see whta its like

16/09/2005, 12:05 PM
I'm not!
Im sticking with 106, because I know that R(ipoff)TE only did the exclusive deal because they were worried that 106's coverage was luring listeners away. 106 can do it better than rte but are not allowed - hands are tied until the deal runs out. This is the same crap that RTE pull all thetime - like when TV3 were banned from interviewing anyone around matches - even tho rte were only showing 6 matches per YEAR at that stage. we are lucky that there are independant broadcasters (TV & radio) who want to cover eL teams - without their imputus the league would still be getting ignored by the national broadcaster, as was the case up to about 3 years ago :mad:

I don't want to go back to that - I like being able to see eL teams live on TV most weeks :D :ball:
If Newstalk 106 didn't want to pay for it, that speaks for itself.
In general, I think Newstalk do a good job with scarce resources, but they do seem to have an RTE-sized obsession with the Premiership and European football and a consequently dismissive attitude towards EL.
I think that also relates to moolah: much of their coverage is, naturally, second-hand, or on-the-cheap media covering media, though to be fair they don't pretend otherwise.
And they have a deeply irritating habit of foregrounding oddball sports such as cricket (I think someone also mentioned them salivating over baseball) while telling us they have too much to fit in to their schedules to give more to Irish football. Other than Ryan Tubridy, there are few things on Irish radio more likely to make me switch channels.

16/09/2005, 12:12 PM
People start threads like this as Newstalk refuse to read emails & texts on this topic! My gripe with Newstalk is the eL is excluded from the "football hour" as if is a different sport. Newstalk only reply is we get a eL section on thursday. :rolleyes:

16/09/2005, 12:31 PM
i totally agree pete. I find their football discussions very fustrating. They go out of their way to accomdate anything but Irish. Here is an example : _

I remember a few weeks ago newstalk talking to an Englishman about Gary Linekar and match of the day. The discussion was about how the BBC were trying to move along match of the day and things have got very stale with schmickel and hansen (last thing he said of note was "you wont win anything with youngsters ten years ago"). Schmickel not having a clue about football in general etc..

Anyway, newstalk suggested to the man being interviewed that they move the show to a reasonable hour like what RTE have done. The man hadnt a clue about RTE or ireland and any reference by newstalk to Ireland kind of brought the conversation to an end. Newstalk latches on to the EPL as if it is part of the UK.

Newstalk bend over backwards to accomdate all these foreign football discussion from brasil, france, spain, italy, england etc but dont make the slightest bit of effort with Irish football.

They could discuss lots of things about irish football if they are restricted. A bit more imagination is needed.
they never reply to my text messages either (i wonder why :P)

19/09/2005, 11:42 AM
RTE signed exclusive Friday night coverage, plenty of other games they could cover rather than just relay 5live coverage with ads.

The disgrace of the hatchet job they did Thursday morning on one of the other shows, helped by that spoon from the weekend sports show obviously showing his love for the el (can't remember the choppers name, the one who sounds like he has a gob full of spit the whole time and was doing a pathetic job for standing in for Moncrieff the other week). Fair play to John Byrne from Rovers for correcting their many many factual mistakes - only pity it didn't really leave time to correct the bullshít they were spouting about trouble.

Basically, Newstalk is a station in decline since the former 5live bloke who was heading it left. Since McWilliams left, and the Sports show became 5live Ireland, there's only Moncrieff and George Hook worth a shíte left on the station imo. Also major right wing bias in the news reporting, although I think Kiberd is news editor or something now, so that hardly a suprise. Real pity as I used to think it was a great station all round.

19/09/2005, 12:40 PM
Basically, Newstalk is a station in decline since the former 5live bloke who was heading it left. Since McWilliams left, and the Sports show became 5live Ireland, there's only Moncrieff and George Hook worth a shíte left on the station imo.

100% Agree. Can't understand why they dumped McWilliams for Dumpy when gets very low listenership to pay for his huge salary. They should have stuck with McWilliams & he would have developed his listener numbers given time. Moncrieff is excellent on the radio (i never liked him on tv) & Hook is querky enough. I think Newstalk trying to go to mianstream & are abandoning what made them different.

19/09/2005, 1:09 PM
Dunphy for McWilliams was a huge mistake. McWilliams got people who wouldn't normally listen interested in talk radio in the mornings (my missus for example, she's back to music since Dunphy came back). I kinda flick between Dunphy and Morning Ireland, but Morning Ireland wins most of the time....

19/09/2005, 1:11 PM
I liked McWilliams show, but the MP3 player is hooked up for my morning drive to work now.

19/09/2005, 1:27 PM
i used to listen to the morning stuff a lot but miss it most mornings now - dunphy is goin strong at the moment taking up the case of the young lads who lost their lives in 'controversial circumstances' in our police cells...McDowell is getting a hammering. Which can only be good.

19/09/2005, 3:18 PM
Whats happened to Gilroy and Early on Newstalk? I think Off the Ball has gone into decline since then.

I'd have to disagree about the cricket, I don't see any problem with them covering something like The Ashes or the ICC Trophy, it's not like it was 24/7. Ireland qualifying for the cricket world cup (and their star player on the verge of playing for England) and an Australian team in decline almost stopping a South African inspired England win are both newsworthy stories.

Coverage of international football (i.e. world cup qualifiers not including the FAI senior team) and reviews of the top leagues (e.g. Italy and Spain) are great. But yes, we do need more eL coverage. All the premiership coverage is starting to get annoying, in particular the live matches. I'll listen to BBC Radio 5 if I want to. It's the radio equivalent of TV3, UK content rebroadcast with Irish adds.

I'm not an anti-premiership person. I don't mind if you have your English side, personally I supported Everton before I started going to eL games and believe that you can't change your side or stop looking for results etc., but enough is enough at some stage. The eL is going to go to the wire this season, surely that deserves some coverage?

Perhaps in shaping the station for a national license eL football has again lost out to football (GAA), hurling, rugby, horse racing, and now the dogs. Any chance Newstalk could sponsor an eL team, that way at least they might regain some interest?

20/09/2005, 8:33 AM
I'd like Newstalk to do well, but typical of their coverage is their use of 'European' football correspondent, Graham Hunter, where over the last few months (including this morning) they have only asked him 2 questions:
- what's the story with Michael Owen?
- what's the story with David Beckham?


20/09/2005, 9:29 AM
I must listen to RTE this evening and see whta its like

What did you think of the RTEMW programme JR.

It's very comprehensive on EL games and Jimmy Magee is usually entertaining.

20/09/2005, 10:37 AM
only time I liste to this station now is for Hookie , the rest can go swing for all I care

It used be a decent station , but the downfall began with that muppet Dunphy, as well as the continueos decline in quality

The have become the Your on Skysports for the Irish Barstools .....They show a total contempt for covering our national game ,they refuse to ciover any live games that don't involve a english club that are already on 6radio stations and TV , and the excuses given are pathetic...ther is so much that they could do , interviews ,news reports ,live scores ,etc etc ....but they seem to prefer covering what countless others are already doing
Think the standard of presenter has gone down a lot as well

20/09/2005, 11:26 AM
i listened to it the RTE show the other night after some trouble getting the long wave radio going. Its excellent IMO. I watched the bohs derry game on the tv4 and listened to the radio coverage on RTE. the TV was slightly delayed but very good.

I had to have a go at newstalk for their shabby coverage of irish football. There is no comparision from newstalk to RTE. The RTE show is done properly and newstalk is all about a few wisecracks oneliners and a quick subject change.

I dont think newstalk is ever likely to change, for a start their commentators are more intrested in what goes on in the likes of Brasil than Tolka park or any other Eircom league ground. There is tons of scope in covering the EL but very little imagination comes out of newstalk. I would still listen to newstalk regularly but they must know themselves newstalk is vastly inferior when it comes to Irish football.

20/09/2005, 11:44 AM
There must have been change in Newstalk policy towards the eL as it has virtaully vanished from their schedule. I know Cork City not from Dublin but i don't think been much coverage.

I'm anti-Premiership but Newstalk are ignoring their niche market by relaying that 5live commentary for games with zero appeal to irish audience.

20/09/2005, 12:07 PM
There must have been change in Newstalk policy towards the eL as it has virtaully vanished from their schedule. I know Cork City not from Dublin but i don't think been much coverage.
Yet they discuss the Cork Galway football semi for 3 days and have interbviews with the water carriers and coach drivers of both counties 4 days after the all ireland final - they only use the "dublin station dublin team" sh!te when EL is involved

I'm anti-Premiership but Newstalk are ignoring their niche market by relaying that 5live commentary for games with zero appeal to irish audience
Particuklarly since Today FM have this sown up after years of doing it amd countless other media outlets covering the same games

20/09/2005, 12:12 PM
I meant to say not anti Premiership.

Big games have big interest but who wants to listen to Blackburn v Newcastle on a sunday?

False Advertising at Newstalk (http://www.newstalk.ie/off_the_ball.htm)


29/09/2005, 7:20 PM
newstalk are doing a great EL hour. Genesis is the topic now.

30/09/2005, 8:06 AM
newstalk are doing a great EL hour. Genesis is the topic now.

Problem is the "eL hour" used to last an hour, now it lasts a half hour. Rugby is nibbling away at the eL hour bit by bit. :o

30/09/2005, 8:28 AM
Thats true but they did do a good interview last night so I have to commend them for that.

They brought up some good issues. For example tax breaks. Loads of industries got tax breaks to help start them off. We need something like that to properly develop underage setups. The government has to back this genesis report!!

I hope the Eircom League doesnt become a fringe topic on their show.