View Full Version : New UCD website

pineapple stu
12/09/2005, 3:05 PM
The new UCD Supporters' Club/fanzine unofficial UCD website has finally come online - drop in at www.STIGOnline.com (http://stigonline.com/). Any offence taken is strictly your own problem! :)

Drumcondra Red
12/09/2005, 3:14 PM
Should this not be in the UCD forum...

12/09/2005, 3:21 PM
Re-align the menu bar to be in the centre under the banner header and give the table (if that is what you are using) a background colour the same a sthe button colour to eliminate the gaps. Unless of course you wanted the gaps there and the offset in which case, fair enough.

pineapple stu
12/09/2005, 3:27 PM
Should this not be in the UCD forum...
It is. It's of interest to league fans in general though - other websites have been promoted this way too (including our official one by someone random). Not intended to be spamming (otherwise I'd have posted it in every forum and wouldn't have 4500+ posts here), but feel free to move it.

As for the techie details, suffice to say :confused: .

(I see what you're pointing out, incidentally - I'll pass the message on)

12/09/2005, 3:35 PM
I assumed you developed it. My bad. Just a style tip but then again what do I know :)

12/09/2005, 3:44 PM
I quite like the profile on us!! :D ;)

12/09/2005, 4:52 PM
You decry standards of literacy at Bohs, at the beginning and again at the end, and, sandwiched between, you have this fine example of UCD best practice: 'This ... lead to them winning a number of early games ...'
Will it be edited out, or will we just have this to remind us of your undegraduate hubris? :D
(Sorry for the pedantry, but you asked for it. :p )

Drumcondra Red
12/09/2005, 4:55 PM
At least Bohs were done... we weren't :( :mad:

12/09/2005, 5:01 PM
At least Bohs were done... we weren't :( :mad:
You're just not important enough I'm afraid. :p

They're a work in progress, all clubs will be profiled in time.

12/09/2005, 5:21 PM
Just had a quick look at the code (bored at work).

Take out this line and it should look a lot better.

<div align="right">

Good site

12/09/2005, 5:22 PM
By the way, on the cork city profile, I actually agree with a lot of it. Any idea where the photo of the poster came from? Was some pub havin a laugh or did some students just edit the picture?

Bald Student
12/09/2005, 5:31 PM
You decry standards of literacy at Bohs, at the beginning and again at the end, and, sandwiched between, you have this fine example of UCD best practice: 'This ... lead to them winning a number of early games ...'
Will it be edited out, or will we just have this to remind us of your undegraduate hubris? :D
(Sorry for the pedantry, but you asked for it. :p )Touché

pineapple stu
12/09/2005, 5:58 PM
You decry standards of literacy at Bohs, at the beginning and again at the end, and, sandwiched between, you have this fine example of UCD best practice: 'This ... lead to them winning a number of early games ...'
Will it be edited out, or will we just have this to remind us of your undegraduate hubris? :D
(Sorry for the pedantry, but you asked for it. :p )
Lead, as in the past tense of the verb "to lead"?

Any idea where the photo of the poster came from?
That was at the entrance to that pub across the way from the train station in Cork during the foot and mouth crisis. No editing - it's genuine!

Incidentally, all syntax marks, which are currently in as ?, are in the process of being changed. Very annoying that - don't know why it's happening. Couple of photos not coming up on my computer at home either.

The Club Histories is a current feature in the fanzine - to prove our brilliance, we're going to cycle through them alphabetically, so Shels will be next season sometime, if not 2007 (haven't bothered doing the maths).