View Full Version : Norn Ireland V. The Mother Land

Darco Ooragnak
06/09/2005, 12:46 PM
....will the play God Save the Queen Twice.......

06/09/2005, 12:52 PM
I think they played it twice at Old Trafford.......could be wrong :ball:

06/09/2005, 12:55 PM
Did you hear the Welsh fans booing it on Saturday?
They boo'd the British National Anthem??? :confused:
Strange people!

06/09/2005, 1:04 PM
Did you hear the Welsh fans booing it on Saturday?
They boo'd the British National Anthem??? :confused:
Strange people!

Going on the few conversations I've had with Welsh people this does not really surprise me. They (at least the ones I've encountered) have been surprisingly anti-british. Basically they associate being british with being english.

06/09/2005, 1:04 PM
they were dead right fair play to them.

06/09/2005, 1:05 PM
How come Scotland and Wales have their own National Anthems' yet Norn Ireland have to steal Engerlands????

Plastic Paddy
06/09/2005, 1:07 PM
None of our concern lads, at least not on this board. I'm moving this thread elsewhere.

:ball: PP

06/09/2005, 1:10 PM
Irelands call ?

Aberdonian Stu
06/09/2005, 1:19 PM
Now our Northern brethren can correct me on this but I've a feeling they didn't alway use it.

I'm fairly certain that they don't use it at the Commonwealth games. Who can forget, well at least anyone old enough to remember, the fabulous rendition of Danny Boy in Auckland 1990 when McCullough won gold. I've forgotten who sang it, it was someone associated with the team, but it had to be sung directly into the mic because they hadn't got anything for the North on tape in the Arena.

06/09/2005, 1:29 PM
Now our Northern brethren can correct me on this but I've a feeling they didn't alway use it.

I'm fairly certain that they don't use it at the Commonwealth games. Who can forget, well at least anyone old enough to remember, the fabulous rendition of Danny Boy in Auckland 1990 when McCullough won gold. I've forgotten who sang it, it was someone associated with the team, but it had to be sung directly into the mic because they hadn't got anything for the North on tape in the Arena.

It's also been used for the Irish Rugby Team. My Dad told me recently about how once during the 1950's Ireland were playing a game with France at Ravenhill in Northern Ireland. The anthem played was GSTQ. I couldn't believe it. Also, apparently one of the Irish players kept on warming up during the anthem rather than stand to attention. He never played for Ireland again.

06/09/2005, 1:50 PM
How come Scotland and Wales have their own National Anthems' yet Norn Ireland have to steal Engerlands????

Can't believe you're so clueless about this! :rolleyes:
England don't have their own National Anthem.
They use the British National Anthem, God Save The Queen (formerly God Save The King).
Northern Ireland also use the British National Anthem.

06/09/2005, 1:52 PM
Did you hear the Welsh fans booing it on Saturday?
They boo'd the British National Anthem??? :confused:
Strange people!


What a wierd post. I don't know any Welsh who consider themselves British. They are a fiercly proud people who have suffered, albeit in silence for a long time, at the hands of the Sassenach.

But the silence is disappearing with a new vibrant Welshness surfacing. The cross of St. David can be seen eveywhere for the first time in years. The very same cross that's not included in the Union Jack.

As they say at Cardiff City - Welsh Not British. Incidentally don't use the word 'principality" either if you ever visit. ;)


06/09/2005, 1:55 PM
What a wierd post. I don't know any Welsh who consider themselves British.

You could have fooled me!
Plenty of them shouting for Team GB last summer during the Olympics.
No shortage of Union Jacks when royalty is in town either.

06/09/2005, 1:55 PM
Can't believe you're so clueless about this! :rolleyes:

Why :confused:

06/09/2005, 1:59 PM
Why :confused:

Because in case you hadn't noticed, part of this island is included in the United Kingdom of Britain and Northern Ireland.

06/09/2005, 2:01 PM
Because in case you hadn't noticed, part of this island is included in the United Kingdom of Britain and Northern Ireland.

Doesn't figure that I should know all aobut their national anthems

06/09/2005, 2:12 PM
Doesn't figure that I should know all aobut their national anthems

Might help you have an informed discussion if you knew the facts.

06/09/2005, 2:28 PM
Might help you have an informed discussion if you knew the facts.

I wasn't having a discussion. I asked a question, which you answered but not before attempting to ridicule my lack of Knowledge on the subject.

Had I not been so 'CLUELESS' as you put it, I wouldn't have had to ask the question but I was 'CLUELESS' and therefore asked the question. :D

Aberdonian Stu
06/09/2005, 2:35 PM
Speaking of THE FACTS the English have had an alternative anthem which they had a couple of dalliances with.

Land of Hope and Glory was used at at least one Commonwealth, probably 1990. I'm fairly certain they bandied about with it for other home nation type things, but not Rugby.

06/09/2005, 2:57 PM
Speaking of THE FACTS the English have had an alternative anthem which they had a couple of dalliances with.

Land of Hope and Glory was used at at least one Commonwealth, probably 1990. I'm fairly certain they bandied about with it for other home nation type things, but not Rugby.
They used it in the last Commonwealths too. Was the first time I'd heard it used as a national anthem.

06/09/2005, 3:19 PM
England don't have their own National Anthem.
They use the British National Anthem, God Save The Queen (formerly God Save The King).

That was my understand too.

06/09/2005, 4:16 PM
The interesting thing will be if they play the anthem twice (think they only played it once in Wembley) do the Norn Iron fans boo the first one and sing along to the second one :D ?

Castle Barracks
06/09/2005, 4:32 PM
Peadar's dead right!Most of us Welsh like to claim that we are different to the English,but he rightly states that there are plenty of Union-jack waving people when the Royals come to visit,although these are mostly children!Will be interesting to see the reception they get should they ever visit the Irish Republic,or Nationalist areas of the North!

06/09/2005, 4:51 PM
....will the play God Save the Queen Twice.......

Appartently they will play twice so each set of supporters gets a chance to boo the others anthem as is tradional with the nordies and English.

07/09/2005, 11:14 AM
I think it will be played once as they only have 1 queen to save.

Poor Student
07/09/2005, 2:21 PM
This is a pointless thread which offers little by way of discussion on football.