View Full Version : Finn Harps Fantasy Football - Discussion

05/09/2005, 3:20 PM
[Responses to this thread (http://foot.ie/showthread.php?t=29110). --adam]

Don't expect to get a cent out of Cork City fans anyway after the way we were treated up there on Saturday night.

You'd be well advised to get rid of your event controller John Patton. Along with a few little knackers he has almost totally gotten rid of any goodwill City fans had for Finn Harps. It's a shame really.

Mr A
05/09/2005, 3:41 PM
What's that got to do with the first post?

However, since, we've gone off-topic it's worth noting that your own security staff haven't covered themselves in glory on our last two visits to the Cross either.

In the league game we were delayed for 15 minutes because we had a megaphone, and after the game they refused to let a seventy year old woman exit via the Shed end to get to the bus and instead forced her to walk up and out the St Anne's end.

Last week when one of our lads asked about the possibility of using a phone line to send a match report back to a Donegal newspaper be was basically told to 'f*** off'.

05/09/2005, 3:42 PM
Don't expect to get a cent out of Cork City fans anyway after the way we were treated up there on Saturday night.

You'd be well advised to get rid of your event controller John Patton. Along with a few little knackers he has almost totally gotten rid of any goodwill City fans had for Finn Harps. It's a shame really.
I think thats a bit of an overreaction Colm, the behaviour of one or two idiots was a disgrace, but the rest of harps fans (with whom we've had a great relationship down the years) should not be blamed for it. Harps are apparently investigating the events on saturday, so lets give them a chance to sort it out

05/09/2005, 3:46 PM
I think thats a bit of an overreaction Colm, the behaviour of one or two idiots was a disgrace, but the rest of harps fans (with whom we've had a great relationship down the years) should not be blamed for it. Harps are apparently investigating the events on saturday, so lets give them a chance to sort it out

Yeah fair enough.
If they get rid of your man Patton then fine, if not then they are basically saying they think that the way the Rebel Army were treated was ok.
It'll be interesting to see what transpires.

05/09/2005, 5:02 PM
The incidents at Finn Park are being investigated by the club.

Going back to the Fantasy Footie competition, this is an attempt to get a few quid (and possibly a bit of interest) into an eircom League club from the kind of Irish football fans who get their football fix exxclusively from Sky Sports.

Its had great success last year and any entries from fellow eL fans would also be appreciated. We know most of ye have more than a passing interest in the English league among others, even if ya won't admit it publicly!! :D
Plus, its a fun competition, with a modest entry fee for a full seasons updates and a chance at 34 weekly prizes and a great top prize of €2,500.

Foot.ie regular GalwayHarps led the competiton for around 11 weeks last year before a late season slump (cough...Cork City.. cough cough :D ;) ) saw him drop to 9th and the top prize nicked by another foot.ie regular, FBTN. PineappleStu even managed to win the price of a couple of pints on his visit to Ballybofey last seson too. So foot.ie people have a good record in the competition, and entries would be greatly appreciated.

Updates on foot.ie and to your e-mails keep an interest going all season long.



Thanks for any support.

05/09/2005, 6:52 PM
Can't wait for the 17th, best trip of the season for us, Harps fans are second only to us ;)

05/09/2005, 7:18 PM
[Responses to this thread (http://foot.ie/showthread.php?t=29110). --adam]

Don't expect to get a cent out of Cork City fans anyway after the way we were treated up there on Saturday night.

You'd be well advised to get rid of your event controller John Patton. Along with a few little knackers he has almost totally gotten rid of any goodwill City fans had for Finn Harps. It's a shame really.

Bit ironic Cork fans giving out about other clubs security when their own paid security personel try and start fights with away fans. I have never had any hassle travelling to Cork in 10 years and this year was a disgrace. So maybe when you get your own house in order you can criticise others. And remember after the game many of your own fans agreed that your some of your security were idiots and you had trouble with them yourselves.

05/09/2005, 7:20 PM
Can't wait for the 17th, best trip of the season for us, Harps fans are second only to us ;)

The F.B.T.N plan to hold a night at the Races on that Night. Not sure of final details yet. I will post it here when I know

05/09/2005, 8:00 PM
Bit ironic Cork fans giving out about other clubs security when their own paid security personel try and start fights with away fans. I have never had any hassle travelling to Cork in 10 years and this year was a disgrace. So maybe when you get your own house in order you can criticise others. And remember after the game many of your own fans agreed that your some of your security were idiots and you had trouble with them yourselves.

I think you're spot on about some of our security.
That doesn't excuse the carry on of the Harps event controller on Saturday night though.

05/09/2005, 9:07 PM
Cork fans could do worse than think back on the opening fixture of the season when the same event controller was assaulted by a Cork fan.

05/09/2005, 9:18 PM
Cork fans could do worse than think back on the opening fixture of the season when the same event controller was assaulted by a Cork fan.

I'm sure Eanna, Patsh and any other City fans on here will back me up on this....

John Patton was NOT assaulted by City fans at the start of the season.
He stormed into the crowd and started manhandling people (fairly aggressively too btw) and I think at worst a few City fans pushed him back.
However, there were 150 or so City fans there that night and not one of us saw him being assaulted. Same again the other night, he came up with a disgraceful allegation but again nobody saw it.

From both occasions I've encountered the man I now believe him to be a liar and an incompetant thug.

05/09/2005, 9:36 PM
I was stopped going into turners cross with a megaphone!!!
I had travelled all day with 7 other Harps fans and was made to stand 15 mins after the game started waiting on the Cork event controller to arrive, when he did arrive can you imagine the fuss that would have been if I had "at worst" pushed him and told him to feck off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.

06/09/2005, 8:54 AM
any chance this Harps/Cork stewarding stuff could be split from the Fantasy Football thread please!!! :confused: :confused:

06/09/2005, 5:20 PM
Cork fans could do worse than think back on the opening fixture of the season when the same event controller was assaulted by a Cork fan.
another allegation made by that individual with no proof. if he was assaulted, why did he not bring the gardaí in and have the culprit removed, as he should have? I find it hard to believe a word that comes out of that mans mouth

07/09/2005, 2:29 AM
What happened? Did your man Patton kill a Cork fan or something? You'd think he did by the reaction here

09/09/2005, 10:49 AM
Don't forget, still time to enter the Finn Harps/Cork City Event Controller Deathmatch, aka Fantasty Football Competition.

Scoring starts Tuesday 13th Sept.