View Full Version : Roddy in The Star

04/09/2005, 2:52 PM
in todays Star Mr.Collins said he never does a deal under presure, does the name Carlton Palmer or even his move to Shams count? :D

04/09/2005, 2:58 PM
in todays Star Mr.Collins said he never does a deal under presure, does the name Carlton Palmer or even his move to Shams count? :D

what are you on about. he took more money at a bigger club. hardly a gun to his head situation.

and 13 points from 15 and into the cup quarters since the fans took over is the best record by a mile in Ireland.

who is the sligs manager? does anyone care?

ill let the Seery City fans deal with the Palmer nonsense.

04/09/2005, 3:07 PM
who is the sligs manager? does anyone care?


youll know all about Sean next year :D

as for the tinker Roddy, he knew Dublin were fuked in the prem so jumped ship to a team who gaurenteed a place in the big league.
and as for the 'hes on more money' ,according to the press, Shams dont have much of it! also your comment about the most improved team in Ireland is total bullsh!t,what about ourselves,Derry and Kilkenny?

Poor Student
04/09/2005, 3:08 PM
what are you on about. he took more money at a bigger club. hardly a gun to his head situation.

In his crappy article in the Star I saw him write several times he would stick with Dublin City to the end of the season and that he would no doubt take them out of relegation. He took the easy way out and went back on his word rather than sticking to the task he promised to.

04/09/2005, 3:29 PM
In his crappy article in the Star I saw him write several times he would stick with Dublin City to the end of the season and that he would no doubt take them out of relegation. He took the easy way out and went back on his word rather than sticking to the task he promised to.

perhaps, but thats not what the sligo yokel who started the thread was claiming!

06/09/2005, 6:02 PM
and what was that ya jakene?

Lim till i die
08/09/2005, 9:18 AM
Ya some of the Sligo fans on the board are getting a bit tiresome alright :rolleyes:

With regards Mr. (and I use the term loosely) Collins, he did indeed do the dirty on Dublin City and anyone who doesn't realise that has a quite possibly incurable failure to grasp facts. His column for the over-priced rag that is the Star lines my bird cage and I would take any sentence formed by his feeble brain with the proverbial salt mine ;)

Vitruvian Man
08/09/2005, 11:07 AM
Roddy is a gob****e, everybody inside the game knows that.

He trots out that tripe in the papers regardless of which club is foolish enough to employ him at any given time. It just amazes me what the Irish media see in him because there is no shortage of work for him.

He only has a job in football because Rovers were f*cked at the end of last season and resorted to dirty tricks to make sure they didn't get relegated. It will more than likely be his last job as a manager but you can expect to see him as a professional pundit for a long time.

I just paraphrase every piece of Roddy TV punditry you will ever see over the next 50 years. This will save you the hours you can spend more productively like learning to play the piano or getting a Degree in Botany.

Roddy: Ah yea the boy done a lot of class tings in his time and Oi tink the second ball is under pressure for the lads who wont like dat - wen I was managin Bows Oi was dedly at professunalism. Dey wont be bodderd by Mikal Bollok -an nider am I cos I want to tell you about me again.

RTE Presenter: I haven't a clue about this crappy league - so I am just going to make some inane statement and smile. Why do I have to do all the sh*te jobs? Just because Tubridy is boning Anne Doyle he gets the Rose of Tralee. What the f*ck is that gob****e talking about?

Roddy: Blah, Blah, Blah, Me, Me, Me

08/09/2005, 11:22 AM
It will more than likely be his last job as a manager but you can expect to see him as a professional pundit for a long time.

that 'gob****e' still won a battle of wits with farrelly hands down last week. and with 10 men!!

Vitruvian Man
08/09/2005, 11:38 AM
that 'gob****e' still won a battle of wits with farrelly hands down last week. and with 10 men!!

So what!

Are you happy with Roddy as your manager? How long do you want to extend his contract by.

There was a large section of your support singing "you don't know what you're doing" when you were one down. Don't deny it.

Now that I think of it. Roddy won a battle of wits with Gary Howlett. Farrelly was serving a touchline ban in the stands.

manic da hoop
08/09/2005, 11:46 AM
Actually quiet alot of Rovers fans are finally beginning to come round to Roddy, although precious few will admit it in public! No othner manager at Rovers has taken on the job with as much baggage as he, throw in the crap that he had to put up with from the former board, and I think he's done a pretty good job. The botton line, of course, is simple: who else is there out there at the moment. There is a distinct lack of managerial talent in the league right now.

08/09/2005, 11:50 AM
Actually quiet alot of Rovers fans are finally beginning to come round to Roddy, although precious few will admit it in public! No othner manager at Rovers has taken on the job with as much baggage as he, throw in the crap that he had to put up with from the former board, and I think he's done a pretty good job. The botton line, of course, is simple: who else is there out there at the moment. There is a distinct lack of managerial talent in the league right now.
He should've been sacked for his comments about lack of support/money coming from the 400 club imo. He must be thick if he hasn't grasped that you're no longer going to get in debt to finance his transfer follies....

08/09/2005, 11:51 AM
Actually quiet alot of Rovers fans are finally beginning to come round to Roddy, although precious few will admit it in public!

Speak for yourself. The group of lads that I go to the games with (about 10 of us and you know who I'm talking about) all want Roddy out. As long as he's spinning against the 400 Club - which IS SRFC - his position is untenable.

Believe me, I could tell you some things that Collins has done since we took over. They would turn your hair grey. Even yesterday he was acting directly against the interests of the club.

When Bohs got rid of him I thought it was typical gypo churlishness but know I totally understand why they got shot of him.


Vitruvian Man
08/09/2005, 12:11 PM
Yes but that was aimed at the ref, for giving boez a throw when Palmer headed it out.

Sorry, I was confused by seeing a group of "very sartorial" hoops having a right old go at Roddy from the first couple of rows immediately before the chant broke out.

But, I am struggling to think what your point in the argument is.

I reckon Roddy is a gobsh*te and I also reckon that this view is widely held - even among Shlock Rovers fans. Furthermore I reckon that Roddy is currently manager of Rovers, not through any talent of his, but throught a not-illegal but definately un-ethical fast-one pulled by Rovers.

As far as I can make out your arguement is "we won a match against youse, nah nah nah."

Fair play to your powers of observation, but this is a thread on Roddy.

08/09/2005, 12:15 PM
its always nice to know that during a hum dinger of a derby you are more interested in what the orvers fans in the front row of the terrace a full hundred yards away are saying about their clubs manager than supporting your own shower

obsessed - "dont deny it"

08/09/2005, 12:20 PM
Any chance you could PM me the things Roddy is doing
that would turn your hair grey?
I am starting to warm to him and would appreciate being
put wide if he is attempting to pull the wool over
our eyes!

Vitruvian Man
08/09/2005, 12:22 PM
We were one up at the time and I was enjoying rubbing it in to the great unwashed on the Connaught St side. Are you telling me that when the tables were reversed you didn't do the same. I've met you once Green-blood and you don't strike me as the kind of man whom Bohs doesn't register with.

Is it just me, or are the Rovers fans trying to find a way or wriggling out of this argument?

08/09/2005, 12:23 PM
Any chance you could PM me the things Roddy is doing
that would turn your hair grey?
I am starting to warm to him and would appreciate being
put wide if he is attempting to pull the wool over
our eyes!

No can do, it's not my place to tell tales - they'll all come out in the wash soon enough. All I'll say about yesterday is that he was asked (by his employers - SRFC) to do a tiny bit of work to help the club and he flat out refused.


manic da hoop
08/09/2005, 12:54 PM
Speak for yourself. The group of lads that I go to the games with (about 10 of us and you know who I'm talking about) all want Roddy out.

Not saying that support for Roddy is accross the board by any means, and yes I know well the people you're talking about! However, in comparison to the general consenus among the fans when we took over the club, which was more or less "now we're in charge when are we going to sack Roddy?" there does appear to be, at least, an acceptance that Roddy is perhaps the right man for the job....for the time being anyway.

He is a load mouth (is there any way we can gag him?) and if there are certain goings on behind our backs well that's another matter.

08/09/2005, 12:59 PM
Please in the interests of SRFC dont criticise the manager in public
Its bad enough everyone else doing it
Can you carry on in PM

08/09/2005, 1:39 PM
Please in the interests of SRFC dont criticise the manager in public
Its bad enough everyone else doing it
Can you carry on in PM

No problem - just as soon as the manager stops having a pop at SRFC in public.


08/09/2005, 2:20 PM
"Please in the interests of SRFC dont criticise the manager in public"

what.. the guy is an imbecile, recent results have nothing to do with his magnificent managerial skills, and all to do with players with soemthing to prove coming up with the goods safe in the knowledge they will be paid, they wont be lied to and the club they are bursting their colelctive dangly bits for has a future.

Roddy will talk himself out of Rovers, then I am sure all the tales will come flowing thru

09/09/2005, 8:04 AM
Well going by the BS extras the Rodster appears to be promising players for next season he clearly hasnt copped on that the new owners wont stand for being held to ransom, considering so many are out of contract its ridiculous to make promisis that may not even effect the players in question! The way he's undermining the good work of the 400c at every opportunity through the media is also distasteful at best & downright contemptous to be honest, quite simply if he doesnt like it he can f**k off! Sooner he goes the better IMO!


Jerry The Saint
09/09/2005, 10:36 AM
Now that I think of it. Roddy won a battle of wits with Gary Howlett. Farrelly was serving a touchline ban in the stands.

See, this proves Roddy is a gobsh!te. Engaging in a battle of wits with an unarmed man - that's hardly fair is it :confused:

09/09/2005, 12:43 PM
I don't know what kind of rumours are going around about Collins and never got to see the Rod Squad on TV but I can say this for him:

- he's a big character and generates media attention
- he's brought a number of superb players into the league down through the years ( Kevin Hunt ( I think ), Crowe, Pat McCourt, Jason Gavin to name a few )
- he won the double with Bohs and brought them to a new level domestically and particularly with their results in Europe.

09/09/2005, 12:50 PM
I don't know what kind of rumours are going around about Collins
Most of it isn't rumour, but from what he's saying in the star. imo the 400 club are failing their first test of club management by not putting the cnut out the door. (not that my opinion really matters a fook, not being supporter let alone a 400 club member)

10/09/2005, 1:55 PM
they'll all come out in the wash soon enough.

We are still waiting for his side of the story to come out about the DCFC crap from last season.

The man is a to the eircom league what Katrina is to New Orleans!