View Full Version : Mounthawk Park

19/02/2024, 5:04 AM
So with 500 or 600 at Turners Cross at the weekend focus turns to Bray at home. I'd expect a sell out for the first few home games similar to last year. And if we have improved results this year rather than attendance numbers petering out, the Kerry crowd will come out in their droves.

The problem here is the capacity is too low. I'd like to see a plan to develop the ground. Extend the existing main stand all the way around the ground in a full rectangle.

Obviously will need grants/fundraising etc but could be done in stages. Basically I'd like to see a plan/architect pics and the first stage of extending the main stand the full length of the pitch, proceed immediately.

19/02/2024, 6:15 AM
I'd say you are very restricted in what you can do with the ground outside extending thr stand side. Open to correction but I dont think the kdl own the land behind the goals furthest from the stand. The two terraces are very limited for space ad well. Then you have the problem of planning, with lack of entry points this could cause issues.
Best case scenario would be another 500 seater stand which I think for the immediate future would be plenty.

19/02/2024, 6:45 AM
I would assume in time it would be better to move up to the back pitch, probably more room to manoeuvre up there in terms of stands etc. either way there must be some form of thought about the future with it etc.

19/02/2024, 12:46 PM
Mind you, regardless of results, most clubs tend to see drop-offs during the summer months, owing to holidays, weather, etc. As you say, though, that away support in Turners' Cross offers real grounds for optimism, and if we can turn Mounthawk Park into a real fortress, then 600 should be the absolute baseline, with 800-1000 the regular target to aim for. Of course, when Cork fans tend to travel in numbers, you'd expect both of those games at least to be guaranteed full houses.

19/02/2024, 7:53 PM
But if capacity of MP is confined to 1.2k then that's only 120 away fans allowed in. Extend the stand all the way down and you will have an average attendance of over 1,000.

The width of the stand isn't huge you'd easily fit it around 3 sides. And you'd squeeze it in the far end too even if you had to nick bit of space from pitch or the other end.

20/02/2024, 12:08 AM
I think the ownership situation needs to be clarified first, not a lot from club since BA departure other than business as usual. I would be curious on how sponsorship from local business has gone this season? Looking at website we were looking to add back of shirt and shorts sponsors, but other than shirt sleeve sponsor there are no other additions to date. That does not bode well, but I think the lack of clarity around ownership and future sustainability might be playing a big part in this???

20/02/2024, 9:04 PM
It's not rocket science. There is a fairly large list of sponsors/partners on the website. There is even a price list you can download. I would say doing well as regards sponsorship revenue.

I'd price the stand extension. Apply for planning and then go fund raising grant seeking in time for 2025 season.

20/02/2024, 9:28 PM
They are last years sponsors still on the website I believe, but not sure. Only thing that is certain is no take up yet on back of shirt or shorts sponsors which you would think should have more demand than other sponsorship packages listed given the exposure (albeit only on playing jersey’s and not any sold commercially).

Any new stand needs proper covering too and the not the current form where there are lots of obstructed views, which is a bit off putting for a lot of people. A 1,200 or so stand with no obstructed views would be a huge step forward for any club in its first few years especially considering the poor state of facilities in some of the more established clubs (Dundalk, Finn Harps, Bray etc..)

21/02/2024, 3:19 PM
Will be interesting to see what the official gate is on Friday - the stand is effectively sold out as of today, but of course, you can't gauge off the website how packed or otherwise the terraces will be.