View Full Version : Big games are what its all about

31/08/2005, 9:36 AM
Is it just me or are the butterflies starting to build in everyone's stomach about next week?? Matches like these don't come around very often so it's vital to make the most of it. Last time was the dutch game in 2001 - we didn't want to leave the ground until after the Wolfe Tones' songs were finished! Brilliant day!! Now for next Wednesday.....

As per previous threads, it would be great to get the atmosphere cranked up early - that means no-one being able to stumble in after 10 mins play after 10 pints! Maybe we should threaten to lock the gates 20 mins before KO!! :D

31/08/2005, 11:13 AM
Not sure locking the gates is the way forward.

31/08/2005, 11:28 AM
ah i know that - sarcasm mate, sarcasm!! ;)

31/08/2005, 12:31 PM
As per previous threads, it would be great to get the atmosphere cranked up early - that means no-one being able to stumble in after 10 mins play after 10 pints! Maybe we should threaten to lock the gates 20 mins before KO!! :D

maybe most punters will get caught out by the ko being 15 mins later than usual and turn up at 7.30!

31/08/2005, 2:28 PM
that means no-one being able to stumble in after 10 mins play after 10 pints! Maybe we should threaten to lock the gates 20 mins before KO!! :D

I've often thought that holding guys below the stands till half time once or twice would do the trick, put manners on them :)