View Full Version : All-singing all-dancing Toy Show, without toys...

25/11/2023, 11:44 AM
Admittedly I didn't actually watch the vast majority of the Toy Show, I noped the hell out of there after two numbers and zero toys, but I had various visits during the ad breaks and every time I asked if they spotted any toys they'd like, and was told there really weren't many toys. Back in the old Greybo days, it was mostly toys and not much singing and dancing (to be avoided). Is that what kids actually want these days, or are they aiming for another crack off the (ridiculous) Musical? I think my kids really just wanted the late night. And the sweets.

Next time I'm leaving before it starts.

25/11/2023, 11:47 AM
It's definitely no good if Santa Claus wasn't there !

Real ale Madrid
26/11/2023, 3:31 PM
I enjoyed it. Kids were pretty much glued from start to finish. But "toy Show" is a bit of a misnomer alright. Should say what the toys are called and where you can get them. But there was plenty of toys reviewed as well.

I enjoy one aspect more so this year than others - it seems to focus on the children more. They got more leeway to do weird stuff and say silly things etc. I also enjoy the way it showcases children who play instruments or sing or act - it takes a lot of effort to do that and be so polished - its just a pity that there are not more government funded dance schools etc.

28/11/2023, 12:48 PM
I enjoyed it. Kids were pretty much glued from start to finish. But "toy Show" is a bit of a misnomer alright. Should say what the toys are called and where you can get them. But there was plenty of toys reviewed as well.

I enjoy one aspect more so this year than others - it seems to focus on the children more. They got more leeway to do weird stuff and say silly things etc. I also enjoy the way it showcases children who play instruments or sing or act - it takes a lot of effort to do that and be so polished - its just a pity that there are not more government funded dance schools etc.

Just on the initial point, I know in previous years they've always said all toys were from Ken Black. Not sure if that's the case this year as I didn't get to watch it.

the 12 th man
28/11/2023, 2:02 PM
Is it still an advertisement for the https://www.billiebarrystageschool.ie/ the way it used to be?

28/11/2023, 2:15 PM
My little sister was on it back in the late 80's or early 90's. She was probably 7 or 8 years old and no particular talent to display or toys to review but she slid down a slide with Gaybo and a bunch of other kids for the intro. Then when the camera was on them all, she picked her nose. Got a lot of good yardage out of that for years, I'll probably have to bring it up again soon. :D

28/11/2023, 11:22 PM
Like you never picked your nose on live TV in front of millions of people!

28/11/2023, 11:28 PM
You probably can't get that kind of resolution of the crowd at Lansdowne Road.

28/11/2023, 11:31 PM
Depends on the Nose !