View Full Version : Potential Improvements For 2024

14/11/2023, 7:57 PM
This season review by Extratime.ie is fair in its analysis of the squad - highlights the roles played by the various players, details the improvements made between July and the end of the campaign and acknowledges that the final points tally perhaps wasn't reflective of such increased competitiveness. At the same time, it rightly pinpoints the absence of a settled keeper as largely to blame for the slow start, and that midfield will be the key area in which to recruit during the close season. Given the relative youth of the squad also, perhaps greater experience would also pay dividends, even if that failed to pay off with the local veterans earlier this season:


14/11/2023, 9:20 PM
A fair enough review alright. It didn't mention anything about defending from set pieces however. Getting that right alone will make a big difference. Opposition were picking up soft equalisers and winners. It was a 27 point gap to 9th but as said, the final points tally perhaps wasn't reflective of such increased competitiveness.

03/12/2023, 7:45 PM
On the field, set pieces defending and also need to bring in some physical older players to compliment the young lads.

Off the field, supporters buses need to be organised for the games in Cork and Limerick. A bus from Killarney to the home games should be looked at.

Need to get the kits and season tickets on sale for the Xmas Market. Why can't you buy a kerry fc Jersey in sports shops.

04/12/2023, 2:49 PM
Season tickets on general sale today, and kits released on Friday. Totally agree about stocking Kerry FC jerseys in sports shops, surely can't be that uneconomical for New Balance, and serves as a useful promotional tool for clubs. Adult ST prices still ridiculous, but presumably still concentrating on family packages for now, whether that be in the stand or terrace.

18/12/2023, 3:12 PM
Season tickets on general sale today, and kits released on Friday. Totally agree about stocking Kerry FC jerseys in sports shops, surely can't be that uneconomical for New Balance, and serves as a useful promotional tool for clubs. Adult ST prices still ridiculous, but presumably still concentrating on family packages for now, whether that be in the stand or terrace.

Im still okay with the Adult ST in the stands! Ive often spent that season ticket amount and more flying to see my club play in the Premier League on one weekend. You get 18 games here for the same and you're supporting our own League of Ireland Club.

It's good to see the club keep all of the core group from last season, and start to add in the area's that a blind man could see need improving. Andy Spain is a great addition and a very good start for the clubs recruitment. Strange Galway have not announced Leo yet!!! Could there be something there that he may do a U-Turn?? I don't see how he is going to fit in and most likely be sprung from the bench vs playing week in week out for Kerry?

19/12/2023, 12:17 PM
Possibly, quite possibly, though you'd imagine he'd walk into many PD first XIs! Hennebery's have the jerseys in stock now, at least.