View Full Version : Questions about UEFA Draw

Sliogán Dóite
26/08/2005, 11:41 AM
1) I thought that when Artmedia beat Celtic they would get their co-efficient? Apparently not.

2) Was Vitoria from Portugal pulled out of the draw twice in the UEFA Cup Draw?

3) Was there a Dinamo, Steaua and Rapid Bucharest in the UEFA Cup Draw?

4) How were the 8 groups made up for the UC draw? Was it the worst seeded teams and the worst unseeded teams in group one? If so, that prevents small teams from getting big draws like Roma and it would be better to be barely seeded than top seed? Should there not be an open draw?

26/08/2005, 11:50 AM
1) No you do not take your opponents seed into the next round. Only time this happens is when the draw for the next round happens while the tie is to be decided. In this case UEFA take it that the seeded team win through. Thats not always the case.

2) I doubt it

3) Yes

4) a pre draw is done to avoid team from same country meeting each other. How they do this pre draw is not made public but they do not make the worst seeds play the worst unseeds. That would be very unfair as you get punished for going to a higher seed!! Its done in pots more or less from what people can make out so for example if there are 40 seeds and 40 unseeds the groups are like this,
1,9,18,27,36 placed Seeds V 45,54,63,72,80 placed Unseeds

It is not as straght forward but they do seem to use the 'pots' idea