View Full Version : Cork Aul rubbish.

16/09/2023, 1:55 PM
Oh wow if that's true I hope Knocka have proof and lodged a complaint. Because if not the AUL will do nothing about it. Was the suspended player listed as suspended on the new registration site?

He was suspended by the msl!! the aul new before knocka game and there for its just not fear if this is let go its just a shame on the aul and the crew meant to running it ! Cheating is not a way off winning but look let's see the outcome let see the great league where meant to be in

16/09/2023, 7:50 PM
very sore losers are knocka to be fair certainly not of the same class on and off the pitch like coachford who really are the best team in cork over last 5 years

Not atoll bud just like to play the game fair!!and coachford are the best team since knocknaheeny celtic are gone your right there bud

16/09/2023, 8:31 PM
I honestly get a great giggle out of some of these posts.

Illegal players , there's a rule book there to deal with that type of thing , maybe ye be better off reading it.

Steve, I know your only windin lads up but at least know your stuff.

Coachford have had 2 good seasons ,
Before that the AUL was out of action for nearly 18 or so months .

Knocka won the league before that an Grattan before that.

Maybe it was fishin compitions ye dominated , I know tis very wet down your way ;)

Knocknaheeny celtic haven't no need to prove something that aul know !!rule book what do the rule book say until your active you play and one off Cathedral center half wasn't active till the Thursday the game was played Tuesday and the player came off the bench to score the winner shouldn't be playing atoll? So Jason Bourne I reckon your better of sticking to the acting ?Knocknaheeny celtic have 4 players on the line that could cone on because the where not active!! And player limping around the pitch !!there is no body sore loser it's meant to be a fair game but what's next !! One thing to be no referees at this stage if ya ask me

Jason Bourne
16/09/2023, 8:44 PM
Who , maybe you should ask the Aul how a lad can play with a League of Ireland club last Saturday night an then play a MSL game on Monday night.

The whole of Cork football would like to know how they managed to get that over the line.

Knocka are waiting weeks an certain clubs get it done in 36 hours , that's service for ya.

16/09/2023, 9:02 PM
Who , maybe you should ask the Aul how a lad can play with a League of Ireland club last Saturday night an then play a MSL game on Monday night.

The whole of Cork football would like to know how they managed to get that over the line.

Knocka are waiting weeks an certain clubs get it done in 36 hours , that's service for ya.

It's like everything else !!It's not what ya know it's who ya know back handers ect!!

16/09/2023, 9:05 PM
Will you stop taken what ever your on ffs !!with your on and off the pitch what happend in the cross set a great example off on and off the pitch do your homework bud because it seems you haven't a clue this is a football forum by the way??

16/09/2023, 9:10 PM
Will you stop taken what ever your on ffs !!with your on and off the pitch what happend in the cross set a great example off on and off the pitch do your homework bud because it seems you haven't a clue this is a football forum by the way??