View Full Version : Price of kids comics...

17/07/2023, 11:43 PM
Dear god, the Beano is over a fiver, the Simpsons is over €7! WTF? I used to get comics weekly when I was a kid, I think probably 2 a week, did they cost the equivalent of that back then? It seems very unlikely.

Kids comic game, name as many characters / strips as you can. I had about 4 a couple of days ago but my kids made me go through the Beano to tell them which ones were there when I was a kid and I'm not sure which now, so I won't spoil it.

the 12 th man
18/07/2023, 4:41 AM
Korky The Cat
Whizzers from Oz
Bash St Kids
Dennis the Menace
Billy Bunter
Roy of the Rovers
Beryll the Peril.

I have to be careful not to include any Viz characters...;)

18/07/2023, 9:06 AM
Roger Mellie!

pineapple stu
18/07/2023, 9:17 AM
Billy Whizz with the wotsit on his head. Desperate Dan (with his cowpat pies) was another one.

There was a cartoon - can't remember the name - of a load of characters living in a guy's brain and all controlling various function.s

I remember strips like Goalkeeper and Billy's Boots from Roy of the Rovers too.

I have all my Ghostbusters comics at home still from the late 80s - must check see what the price was. Fairly sure it was around £1.

Edit - forgot Hot Shot Hamish and Mighty Mouse of Prince's Park of course!

18/07/2023, 9:54 AM
Think that was the numskulls? They did a strip when Inside Out (the pixar film) came out saying that it was a similar idea, but not the same

pineapple stu
18/07/2023, 9:59 AM
Yeah, that's exactly who it was!

Eminence Grise
18/07/2023, 8:57 PM
The Victor was my comic. Got it for years. Anyone else read it? Great mix of war and sports, the odd fantasy and western.
Alf Tupper, the Tough of the Track
Morgan the Mighty
Cadman the Fighting Coward
Joe Bones the Human Fly

The annual was pricey - always a Christmas present from my grandparents - and I remember Commando comics being that much more expensive than a 'regular' A4 comic, so getting one of them was a real treat.

18/07/2023, 11:46 PM
The Victor was my comic. Got it for years. Anyone else read it? Great mix of war and sports, the odd fantasy and western.
Alf Tupper, the Tough of the Track
Morgan the Mighty
Cadman the Fighting Coward
Joe Bones the Human Fly

The annual was pricey - always a Christmas present from my grandparents - and I remember Commando comics being that much more expensive than a 'regular' A4 comic, so getting one of them was a real treat.

There's a corner of the attic in Limerick with a bunch of Victors in it & all the others mentioned here too. The annuals over maybe a ten year period will be there also.

Eventually graduated to 90 Minutes with the Damage In The Box cartoon bit.

the 12 th man
19/07/2023, 4:39 AM
Adam Eterno (couldn't be killed-think it was The Victor)

Biffo The Bear

Lord Snooty.

pineapple stu
19/07/2023, 11:20 AM
I have all my Ghostbusters comics at home still from the late 80s - must check see what the price was. Fairly sure it was around £1.
Had a look there - 58p in 1988, up to 65p in 1991

the 12 th man
19/07/2023, 2:22 PM
Roger the Dodger

Gnasher-Dennis the Manace's dog-they eventually gave him his own page.;)

19/07/2023, 6:04 PM
Had a look there - 58p in 1988, up to 65p in 1991
Using this tool - https://www.inflationtool.com/euro-ireland - and £1 - €1.27 conversion, 58 p in 1988 is about €1.64 today.

20/07/2023, 11:48 AM
The Victor was my comic.

I think I read the Victor a few times but not on a regular basis, however you've reminded me that I used to get small little war-type comic books in Youghal every summer, I think they may have been Commandos. I guess they were maybe A5 size, and they were glued like paperbacks rather than stapled.

I collected most or all of the Tintins in the old Midleton Books shop during the summers, one a week or fortnight I reckon. Wish I still had them all, my kids kinda like them but they cost a fortune now and some are quite hard to find. Asterix too.

Eminence Grise
20/07/2023, 12:28 PM
More square than A5, and perfect bound unlike a saddle-stitched comic - they sound like Commandos alright. I'm working from home today and I just had a quick look on the shelves. The earliest I have here (I think I've a few older ones in the family home) is April '73 'Born to Brave (https://commandocomics.fandom.com/wiki/Born_To_Be_Brave)' (and before me.... just) - price: a princely 6p. Twice as much as the Daily Mirror (https://www.retrowow.co.uk/social_history/70s/cost_1973.php) apparently. Always knew they were a classy read...

And Asterix... ah! Sheer brilliance! Got a stack of them on another shelf, including a really unusual Puffin-sized b/w paperback of Asterix and Cleopatra (https://www.akim.nl/stripalbum/asterix-en-obelix/asterix-and-cleopatra-pocket-edition/87586) - portrait cover, but all the panels are flipped landscape. Think I might do a lucky dip and re-read one tonight! T

21/07/2023, 12:01 PM
Yea, I reckon it was indeed Commando alright. I think there were some western ones too, can't remember the title of them though. Both of which are a bit odd really, I don't think I've ever had any interest in either genre since. :)