View Full Version : Should Fenlon go?

16/08/2005, 12:38 PM
Should Pat Fenlon step down / be sacked after the fiasco of this season?

I think so.

BTW Ollie Cahill and Glen Crowe should be shown the door too. Why Shels never went for Pat McCourt is beyond me -he would have brought the team up another notch.
It might be a case that Crowe is being made use of properly by the team but as I've said many times before -the only good part to his game is his finishing, the rest is rubbish.

16/08/2005, 12:50 PM

He's won you back to back titles and deserves a little loyalty through one bad year.

Was it he or Ollie who decided to throw the balance of the team out just to stick it to Bohs by signing players you didn't need?

The person you should be getting rid of is Eamonn Collins, surely Shels' fans can see that you've been a poorer team since his arrival, his coaching isn't working, IMO Fenlon didn't make the daft tactical decisions he does now until bosco's arrival, his influence is awful on your club, he contributes nothing but an angry little red face ffs.

You know who you play like now don't you?
Pat's under Collins!

16/08/2005, 1:00 PM
the only good part to his game is his finishing, the rest is rubbish.

You're way off.

Every time he gets the ball he finds a Shels player, he holds the ball up well and has very good awareness. He has 4 assists this season and has been involved in alot of good play. With his back to goal when he recieves the ball (Not 10 feet in the air) he nearly always finds a Shels player with it, gets others involved and that creates chances.

He gets precious little decent service to feet, however.

And I agree with Tiktok on Collins but Fenlon must shoulder alot of the blame too. He is in charge afterall.

16/08/2005, 1:02 PM
He's won you back to back titles and deserves a little loyalty through one bad year.

If you look at my posts since he was appointed then you'd see that I was critical of him before this season so it's not as if I've changed my tune. What I see is a squad of very talented players being wasted. It's time for someone else to come in and bring things on to the next level ( not necessarily by getting new players ).

Poor Student
16/08/2005, 1:02 PM
Am I missing something here or does Fenlon have at least a 5 year contract (or is that even longer? :confused: )? Where do you think the compensation money is going to come from plus the money to appoint a new manager? I cannot believe they gave him such a huge contract.

16/08/2005, 1:04 PM
We don't need new players,a t all. Offload a few, and work hard with what we have.

Collins is the main culprit in my eyes, and I genuinelly dislike his attitude.

16/08/2005, 1:04 PM
Am I missing something here or does Fenlon have at least a 5 year contract (or is that even longer? :confused: )? Where do you think the compensation money is going to come from plus the money to appoint a new manager? I cannot believe they gave him such a huge contract.

5 years left after this season. Clauses built in perhaps relating to success?

16/08/2005, 1:05 PM
You're way off. Every time he gets the ball he finds a Shels player, he holds the ball up well and has very good awareness. He has 4 assists this season and has been involved in alot of good play. With his back to goal when he recieves the ball (Not 10 feet in the air) he nearly always finds a Shels player with it, gets others involved and that creates chances. He gets precious little decent service to feet, however.

This is why I said:
It might be a case that Crowe is being made use of properly by the team.
When he was with Bohs they played proper football -on the deck.

16/08/2005, 1:06 PM
Well that is spot on imo. There's no point having Crowe unless you're going to play football.

Poor Student
16/08/2005, 1:07 PM
5 years left after this season. Clauses built in perhaps relating to success?

I could be wrong but I wouldn't think so. I've never heard of such a contract allowing a manger to be sacked in the event of not winning a major trophy. It seems to me they paniced after interest from Livingston. You were on your way to a 2nd successive title, great season in Europe and foreign interest showed up, the panic button is pressed and you gave him an insane lengthy contract.

16/08/2005, 1:09 PM
Collins must go!

Fenlon deserves a bit more time, but there is no doubt he is under pressure. It this was Football/Championship Manager, he would be "insecure" but not yet "very insecure".

16/08/2005, 1:10 PM
I could be wrong but I wouldn't think so. I've never heard of such a contract allowing a manger to be sacked in the event of not winning a major trophy. It seems to me they paniced after interest from Livingston. You were on your way to a 2nd successive title, great season in Europe and foreign interest showed up, the panic button is pressed and you gave him an insane lengthy contract.

As you said yourself it would be an insane lengthy contract, which would make it senisible to put those clauses in. I have heard the clauses are in the contract but I can't be sure.

16/08/2005, 1:13 PM
Collins actually has a clause in his contract that says if his face turns purple and he can hold it for three or more seconds he gets Fenlons job, has to be on tv though and no make up allowed.

16/08/2005, 1:17 PM
Collins actually has a clause in his contract that says if his face turns purple and he can hold it for three or more seconds he gets Fenlons job, has to be on tv though and no make up allowed.

Damit that is the one thing he might actually be able to pull off.

16/08/2005, 1:20 PM
If Shels are to get back on track, IMO, they need a massive clear out at the end of the season. Ollie Byrne, Fenlon, Collins, Cahill, Crawley, Rogers, Baker all need to go and probably some others too.

EDIT: I did hear that Fenlon has a clause in his contract saying that if he doesn't win a major trophy, he can be sacked at the end of the season and receive no compensation

Poor Student
16/08/2005, 1:24 PM
EDIT: I did hear that Fenlon has a clause in his contract saying that if he doesn't win a major trophy, he can be sacked at the end of the season and receive no compensation

He'd be as mad to sign such a contract as they were to give him a 5 year one. Does the League Cup count in this alleged clause I wonder.

Wasn't Collins Dolan's assistant at Pat's? If this Dolan theory came to fruit could it not see the mad old man stay on?

16/08/2005, 1:30 PM
No. Keep them both, I'm getting confident of finishing ahead of Shels next year.

Collins actually has a clause in his contract that says if his face turns purple and he can hold it for three or more seconds he gets Fenlons job, has to be on tv though and no make up allowed.
:D Quality!

16/08/2005, 1:36 PM
The little John Gilligan lookalike has to go. He was a temperamental little scut at Pats, and he's even worse at Shels and behaves appallingly, as if he's doing the league a favour.Maybe he actually bases himself on being footballs Gilligan.

Fenlon, sadly, has become no better than him. I forgave him playing for Linfield..but I'll never forgive his behaviour last Monday week against Drogs. He actually tried to intimidate an official and the bile that came out of his common little gob was disgraceful.

And these men are responsible for the current champions of Ireland?? :confused: :rolleyes:

Shels have ruined Bobby Ryan...he was a class act before he signed for them. If he is not worthy of his place now it is because Shels have stripped him of all ability and demoralised the lad. He's certainly a better player than Baker and a few more I could mention.

Send Fenlon and Collins over to coach an Al Qeada XI, or banish them to some space mission that is doomed to failure...either way, get them out of the beautiful game. :ball:

16/08/2005, 2:06 PM
The little John Gilligan lookalike LMFAO :D :D

Poor Student
16/08/2005, 2:10 PM
No. Keep them both, I'm getting confident of finishing ahead of Shels next year.

Not this season too Schumi? ;)

16/08/2005, 2:19 PM
Didn't want to jinx it. :D

Drumcondra Red
16/08/2005, 3:30 PM
I think Nutsy has lost the plot completely, but probably shouldn't lose his job just yet, he's proven himself 2 years running!!!

Collins can go away, it seems to have started when he joined the club, and nedds to go NOW!!!

Martinho II
16/08/2005, 8:47 PM
i have voted for fenlon to go! i just think that his decision making has being very bizarre lately-why o neill and ryan are not playing more often is beyond me!

but i hope that the club dont sack him until the season is over allow our lot to steal third place!

odds on reynolds being manager instead?

pineapple stu
16/08/2005, 10:02 PM
I'm not going to vote - as a UCD fan, I don't know the ins and outs exactly - but something has to change. I don't think what's happening at Tolka is just an off season or bad luck. The team selections have been ludicrous, the style of football is getting worse and the team just isn't performing. I think at this stage, it's not a knee-jerk reaction. Something's wrong and something has to change - whether that's Collins, Fenlon or something else, I don't really know.

17/08/2005, 2:28 PM
I voted No (i want a weak Shels)

As Manager Fenlion has to take responsibility for this season.

1. Heary was injured yet he persisted playing Brennan at fullback but he was woeful. IMO should have played Stewie Byrne there.

2. Hoolahan may have had injuries but he was totally underused this season as one of most skillful players in the league.

3. Crowe has been a failure this season, he is not suited to crosses from halfway line. Should be playing Fitzpatrick for that option.

4. Fenlon brought in O'Neill & Fitzpatrick but when forwards not performing hsi next option was Harris.

5. Shels give away too much possession & with crap defense means will leak goals. Amazing a squad of quality midfielders cannot retain possession.

17/08/2005, 8:50 PM
I voted yes, based on what I saw on tv. against Cork City, Shels with all their players play hoofball. Players need to go and quick.

Crawley, Baker, Cahill, Crowe, Baker and Fenlon should be given the boot.I agree with J.Soap. Fenlon has probably wrecked Bobby Ryans career the same way Houllier wrecked so many Liverpool players either by not playing him or playing him out of position.Also someone like Ndo not getting a game??????beggars belief playing Fleming in midfield ahead of Moore.......what was that all about, ye deserve to be so far behind Cork because they are a far better side than Shels now, and play more entertaining football also.

The Sheliban
23/08/2005, 6:00 AM
Oh we're quite capable of playing entertaining football - against Bohs some of our play was a joy to watch.
Fenlon has already said there will be a clearout at the end of the season.
Everybody has said this person should come in, and then person should go, but in reality, almost everybody has had their opportunities this year, with the possible exception of Glenn Fitzpatrick. The likes of Ryan, Baker and Moore have been brilliant in some games and muck in others. The only ones he seems to persist with are Crowe and Byrne up front, neither of whom have sparkled.
Still, I believe we've been tactically very naive this year, indisciplined and given away too many sloppy goals. But as someone who remembers how it used to be, I'd be happy for Pat to stay on. He deserves the chance to try and turn it round.
As for Collins, I have no idea how much influence he has tactically. Does anyone? Yes he goes mad on the line, but so do most managers, including Dolan, Rico, Doolin, Farrelly etc

23/08/2005, 9:54 AM
Crowe has been playing very well!! He is missing sitters but his all round game is great. He has put in 10 times the effort that Jason Byrne has so to lable them in the same sentence is a little unfair.

Crowe again last night was one of the few who cared. Jason Byrne was pure sh!t

23/08/2005, 10:50 AM
I originally voted No but i think now easier to sack Fenlon (surely final indignity is losing to 1/2 reserve UCD team?) than replace half the squad.

When good players play crap its the Managers fault.

pineapple stu
23/08/2005, 12:49 PM
I originally voted No but i think now easier to sack Fenlon (surely final indignity is losing to 1/2 reserve UCD team?) than replace half the squad.
In fairness, it wasn't our reserve team. There were only three changes from Friday - two of them up front, where we have a ridiculous number of options and needed to give them a run.

The Sheliban
25/08/2005, 5:54 AM
I don't see it as an indignity to lose at home to UCD. They're a decent team, and I can see them winning the thing outright now.
The Bohs game, btw, was not the only game in which we've played great football. And yes, our season is toast, but I'd rather be in our position than in all except two or three other clubs positions.

25/08/2005, 7:17 AM
I voted no. Largely because I think if Shels emerge from this current season improved and with Fenlon on board he will be a better manager for the experience. You learn far more in football when things go pear shaped than when you have success. The problem I believe is that Eamon Collins seems to have run out of options tactically. He is reputed to be an excellent coach. But he seems to have exhausted his playbook as the Americans would call it.

Sliogán Dóite
25/08/2005, 10:58 AM
Crowe has been playing very well!! He is missing sitters but his all round game is great. He has put in 10 times the effort that Jason Byrne has so to lable them in the same sentence is a little unfair.

Crowe again last night was one of the few who cared. Jason Byrne was pure sh!t

How you've come to this conclusion I don't know. Crowe is slow and doesn't do much for us in games. I'd prefer if he'd give O'Neill a chance ahead of Crowe.