View Full Version : Dodgy security at Giants stadium

11/08/2005, 12:06 AM
TWO Sligo brothers recently pulled off a “Giant” stunt that allowed them to rub shoulders with millionaire soccer superstars.
Calry twins Conor and Vincent Nally slickly wrong-footed security at Giants Stadium in New York to gain extraordinary access to players from English Premiership champions Chelsea and Italian giants AC Milan at the recent pre-season friendly between the teams.
Having managed to outwit the venue’s defence, they scored spectacularly:
They got to walk out onto the pitch with the teams
Got chatting to several of the Chelsea players both on the pitch and afterwards.
Watched the match from the AC Milan dug out on the sideline
Got photos with Chelsea’s billionaire owner Roman Abramovich and manager Jose Mourinho.
Got Chelesa centre-back John Terry’s shorts.
Chelsea’s Irish international Damien Duff got a laugh out of it when they let him in on the joke as they chatted with the Chelsea players at their team coach after the match.
The Nallys went to the game with a six-strong group that also included two other Calry natives, Alan Maguire and Robert Boyd.
Passing the media entrance they decided for a laugh to cheekily chance getting in there and were amazed when their ruse of posing as pressmen caught the stadium security offside.
They not alone achieved their goal of getting into the pressbox but the passes they got allowed them right onto the sideline and unrestricted access to the teams.

From the Sligo Weekender

11/08/2005, 10:33 AM
You already know what I'm going to say.....

11/08/2005, 11:22 AM
Ollie would've kicked the living crap out of them if they tried that at Tolka!!! Considering what he did the the "unmarked" Drogheda PRO

Poor Student
11/08/2005, 11:27 AM
Dodge let's not have the Ollie contravery soil this board too. :o

Reminds me of when Celtic played Barca in the Nou Camp in the UEFA Cup. A couple of fans took the stadium tour early in the day of the match and hid in the toilets for hours and snuck into the game.

11/08/2005, 11:47 AM
They got John Terry's shorts lol :eek: oh dear :rolleyes:

declan hide
11/08/2005, 12:14 PM
They got John Terry's shorts lol :eek: oh dear :rolleyes:

was there a bottle of bud in them? :D

anto eile
11/08/2005, 12:48 PM
Dodge let's not have the Ollie contravery soil this board too. :o

Reminds me of when Celtic played Barca in the Nou Camp in the UEFA Cup. A couple of fans took the stadium tour early in the day of the match and hid in the toilets for hours and snuck into the game.

11/08/2005, 3:05 PM
Thats funny stuff. I usually go to 6-7 Metrostars games a year at GS and the security staff are known to be real thugs. Glad to hear this black mark against them.