View Full Version : Rovers Internationals

10/08/2005, 11:30 PM
Two Rovers players have been called up for international duty which is great news for a first division side.
Conall Murtagh has been called into the Northern Ireland U21 squad and Gary Curran has been called up to the Rep. of Ireland U19 squad.

Well done to both players.

10/08/2005, 11:36 PM
Yep, well done to both and well deserved im my opinion. Do you know who and when they're playing Petmuller? Where did you hear it?

11/08/2005, 9:19 AM
i dont see garys name here :confused:

11/08/2005, 12:37 PM
Murtagh is on the NI, u-21 website here. (http://www.irishfa.com/index/articles.php?id=304&page=Murtagh%2C+Conall)Looks like the I.F.A. are as good as the F.A.I., they still have him down as playing for Hearts :rolleyes: