View Full Version : A case of Bad Public Relations

04/08/2005, 8:41 PM
The following has just been pointed out to me;

Four Players Sign 30th July..

Four of Institute's French and Belgian trialists have signed one year contracts with the club. George Ngoma, Nathan Ysenbart and Sullivan Jous put pen to paper last night, while Bertrand “Keke” Ketchanke signed tonight. Stute's home friendly with Sligo Rovers didn't take place tonight, as Sligo didn't turn up.

The above is taken from the Institude website www.institutefc.com
It seems Rovers agreed to play a friendly with them for Saturday but never showed.

Anyone know anything about this?

It certainly smells of a very bad PR job.

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04/08/2005, 8:51 PM
If any one is registered on Irish League Forums they can see what the Institute fans thought of it


04/08/2005, 10:50 PM
From what I can gather a call went out on Saturday evening last from the PSNI to the Garda barracks in Sligo enquireing the where abouts of the Rovers team. On contacting officials of Rovers they knew nothing of the fixture which begs the question ... who arranged the game??

05/08/2005, 8:44 AM
quotes from that forum

Hope nothing bad happened like their bus crashed or anything...but otherwise Sligo have a lot of explaining to do

Church man: Sligo didn't turn up. And nobody has been able to get in contact with them.

I shouldnt laugh but Sligo not turning up amused me.

Still haven't heard of an official apology.

Sligo didn't turn up because their manager clean forgot about it and went to a memorial service instead. He was extremely apologetic to Pascal the next day.

i know that pascal was told that sligo couldn't fit them in for pre season friendly. and IF they were going to send a team up it would be an under21 sqaud. FACT

FACT - They agreed to send a team, it may have been an under 21 team but they did not show. Not Pascal's fault!

05/08/2005, 9:46 AM

Someone give Sean a ring and remind him that they are supposed to be in Terryland tonight :)