View Full Version : Baby on Board

03/08/2005, 1:02 PM
Does anyone here have a notice "Baby on Board" stuck or hanging on the back window of their car ? If they have would they please explain to me why they have it other than to announce to the world that they're fertile and have had a baby. If it's a safety announcement, do they really think that someone who is driving like a lunatic will see the sign and say "Jesus, I better slow down. There's a baby in that car. It's ok if I kill an adult by my mad driving but not a baby!".

03/08/2005, 1:45 PM
It's to excuse their own bad driving.
Translated, it means;
"Sorry for driving even worse than usual. I'm a neurotic bitch with a baby in the back!"

03/08/2005, 2:02 PM
I have one and it's for the sole reason of keeping arseholes off my tail. Now I'm a decent driver if I may say so and have never had any convictions or fines. I don't dawdle but I don't excessively speed either i.e. about 80mph is enough for me on a motorway.

The one thing that gets my goat is when you get fcukin w***ers driving 5 inches off your tail light. It drives me insane because I know if I have to break, even gently, then they are going to be straight into me. Now even though I know it will be classed as their fault, it is still pig ignorent IMO.

Needless to say, I still get the occasional arsehole that's wanting to play footsie with my bumper but normally a quick one fingered salute is enough to get them to back off.

End of rant.

03/08/2005, 2:08 PM
One reason given was to alert fire/ambulance crews, at the seen of an accident to a baby being in the car.

03/08/2005, 2:14 PM
It's to excuse their own bad driving.
Translated, it means;
"Sorry for driving even worse than usual. I a neurotic bitch with a baby in the back!"

spot on

03/08/2005, 2:37 PM
One reason given was to alert fire/ambulance crews, at the seen of an accident to a baby being in the car.

I don't think that would be any use. I'd go with Peadars suggestion. I generally stay away from baby on board drivers as they tend to be unpredictable. :eek:

03/08/2005, 2:39 PM
I don't think that would be any use. I'd go with Peadars suggestion. I generally stay away from baby on board drivers as they tend to be unpredictable. :eek:
Yes and that is the point of having them, so you do pull well back from them.. :rolleyes:

03/08/2005, 2:42 PM
Yes and that is the point of having them, so you do pull well back from them.. :rolleyes:

Yeah but i'd probably achieve the same if stuck "i'm a drunk driver" sticker on the back of my window. :rolleyes:

03/08/2005, 2:46 PM
Yeah but i'd probably achieve the same if stuck "i'm a drunk driver" sticker on the back of my window. :rolleyes:
No you'd be arrested :eek:

03/08/2005, 2:50 PM
The one thing that gets my goat is when you get fcukin w***ers driving 5 inches off your tail light. It drives me insane because I know if I have to break, even gently, then they are going to be straight into me. Now even though I know it will be classed as their fault, it is still pig ignorent IMO.drives me completely insane. apart from being **** driving, its just downright rude. would you walk two inches behind someone going down the street? Would you **** :mad:

03/08/2005, 2:58 PM
Like many things, the 'BABY ON BOARD' signs started off as a good thing and quickly became an annoying, gimmicky eyesore. The signs were originated in 1985 by a child-safety oriented company as a way of letting parents inform drivers around them that extra care should be taken to protect the small inhabitants within. Initially, the public reacted very favorably to the signs leading several other companies to begin marketing their own versions of the sign as well as alternative signs - it was these alternatives which would become their undoing.

In the early months of 1986, hundreds of different signs were popping up in car windows everywhere, ranging from safety warnings ('STUDENT DRIVER INSIDE') to pathetic sexual references ('IF THIS CAR IS ROCKIN' DON'T BOTHER KNOCKIN' '). :rolleyes: Besides the annoying silliness which caused many fellow drivers to shake their heads, the signs also posed a safety hazard as owners often placed them in areas which obstructed the driver's view. As such, many states began to regulate the use and positioning of the signs within cars. By 1990, few drivers believed that anyone heeded them as a safety measure or as a source of humor and thus abandoned their use. This Sh*te was probably started by a Californian yuppie group.

Green Tribe
03/08/2005, 3:10 PM
spot on

Peadar's bitch is back, I see......... :rolleyes: :D :D

03/08/2005, 3:59 PM
I have one and it's for the sole reason of keeping arseholes off my tail.

So what are you saying ? A driver will stay on your tail if there are adults in the back seat (it's ok to crash and hurt adults) but will immediately hit the brakes and stay well back if there's a child on board ?

Naw, I'm not buying that one. That pompous sign makes me want to tailgate.

03/08/2005, 4:22 PM
Has anyone seen the 'Babe on board' signs....

Got a present of one some time back but never put it up, however, it seems some girls put them up.... :confused:

03/08/2005, 5:11 PM
So what are you saying ? A driver will stay on your tail if there are adults in the back seat (it's ok to crash and hurt adults) but will immediately hit the brakes and stay well back if there's a child on board ?

Naw, I'm not buying that one. That pompous sign makes me want to tailgate.

I think its just to let people know that there is actually a baby there, coz when the kids in the baby seat you barely notice them there. And for what Peadar and Eanna said tailgating is annoying as fcuk and the sticker actually does go along way to dissuade people from tailgating. Owlsfan would you cop on to yourself - its a STICKER FFS.

04/08/2005, 7:46 AM
Naw, I'm not buying that one. That pompous sign makes me want to tailgate.

So you're obviously one of those arsehole pig ignorant drivers then :mad: .

04/08/2005, 9:04 AM
I think its just to let people know that there is actually a baby there, coz when the kids in the baby seat you barely notice them there. And for what Peadar and Eanna said tailgating is annoying as fcuk and the sticker actually does go along way to dissuade people from tailgating. Owlsfan would you cop on to yourself - its a STICKER FFS.

So you're saying that if you see people in the back of a car you stay further away than if there are no people. You ought to cop on to yourself and keep your distance whether there are people, babies, rabbits, pet gerbils or nobody.

So you're obviously one of those arsehole pig ignorant drivers then..

I said makes me want to - didn't say I would :p Anyway have to get up close to read the sticker! :D

Lionel Ritchie
04/08/2005, 10:01 AM
I have one and it's for the sole reason of keeping arseholes off my tail. Now I'm a decent driver if I may say so and have never had any convictions or fines. I don't dawdle but I don't excessively speed either i.e. about 80mph is enough for me on a motorway.

The one thing that gets my goat is when you get fcukin w***ers driving 5 inches off your tail light. It drives me insane because I know if I have to break, even gently, then they are going to be straight into me. Now even though I know it will be classed as their fault, it is still pig ignorent IMO.

Needless to say, I still get the occasional arsehole that's wanting to play footsie with my bumper but normally a quick one fingered salute is enough to get them to back off.

End of rant.

As someone else who actually has a baby on board I can go along with dfa.
I just drove from monaghan to limerick the other night with the wee fellah in the back facing backward in his seat and the amount of ignorant cnuts who drive right up your hole before overtaking is unbelievable. Worse again they're now shining their undimmed wah lamps right in the little guys face.

Seriously we need a good long war to thin out the ranks of these w@nkers. :mad:

04/08/2005, 10:04 AM
i think theyve a valid purpose:
a. most drivers will be a little more cautious driving behind a car with this sign
b. it might stop some Dublin W**ker screaming his head off at you when your driving below what he feels is the appropriate speed.

even if only some driver take notice surely its worth it....

on that note can i ask why recently Dubs seem to think the first few seconds of a red light constitutes a green light- ive seen it any time im up in the capital?
was nearly in an accident at cross roads(with a baby on board) when some Dub c**t decided to risk it (after light had gone red and gree on my side)

04/08/2005, 10:10 AM
It should be illegal to have stickers on your back window as it reduces the view & therefore is less safe.

IMO any of these stickers is just sign or incompetent driver. Any of those "joke" stickers mean driver is a moron.

Car windows are for looking through, not publicising to the rest of the word your family status.


04/08/2005, 11:36 AM
I dont see how the baby on board signs are any worse than some of the muck that people put in their cars.

I think they are a deterrent to arsehole drivers who tailgate as mentioned earlier.
Unfortunately the tailgaters are usually demented prciks so wont take any notice.

Worst signs are those god awful football ones with a celtic guy peeing on a rangers jerser or Man U peeing on a liverpool jersey.


04/08/2005, 3:16 PM
IMO any of these stickers is just sign or incompetent driver. Any of those "joke" stickers mean driver is a moron.

Car windows are for looking through, not publicising to the rest of the word your family status.


Did you actually read any of my post :rolleyes: I don't need to publicise my family status to anyone but if it helps to keep muppets off my tail and therefore helps to keep me and my small fella a little bit safer then that can only be a good thing.

The sign in my rear window is a small yellow triangular one, about 6 inches high I'd say. It's posted in the top right of the window and it has never impeded my vision, in fact I don't even notice it at all now that I think of it.

That's a huge generalisation saying those stickers are a sign of incompetent drivers...says more about you than anyone else really. :o

04/08/2005, 3:22 PM
That's a huge generalisation saying those stickers are a sign of incompetent drivers...says more about you than anyone else really. :o

If the sticker is so small surely it will only distract other drivers. I don't tailgate & i still think all stickers are idiotic. I've been driving for over 10 years with clean record.

04/08/2005, 4:00 PM
So what are you saying ? A driver will stay on your tail if there are adults in the back seat (it's ok to crash and hurt adults) but will immediately hit the brakes and stay well back if there's a child on board ?

Naw, I'm not buying that one. That pompous sign makes me want to tailgate.

Have to agree.

Anyone who thinks sticking a 'Baby on Board' sign to the back of their car is going to change anyone's driving has clearly been hanging out in baby land too long.

Think about it - you're basically saying 'I know you'd probably crash into me regardless, but please don't as I have a kid in the car !'.

People who tailgate/drive like w@nkers DON'T EXPECT TO CRASH !!!! If they did, then they wouldn't do it ! It really is that simple. Therefore - as they don't expect to crash, a Baby on Board sign will do absolutely nothing. It may even make them worse, as you feel like you're being scolded/lectured to by some smug, condascending, overly-protective parent.

I hate the signs myself....

04/08/2005, 4:06 PM
Has anyone seen the 'Babe on board' signs....

Got a present of one some time back but never put it up, however, it seems some girls put them up.... :confused:

Ironically it's usually the pig ugly ones who put it up...... !

(There's a compliment in there somewhere Sinead.... :) )

04/08/2005, 5:04 PM
Have to agree.

Anyone who thinks sticking a 'Baby on Board' sign to the back of their car is going to change anyone's driving has clearly been hanging out in baby land too long.

Think about it - you're basically saying 'I know you'd probably crash into me regardless, but please don't as I have a kid in the car !'.

People who tailgate/drive like w@nkers DON'T EXPECT TO CRASH !!!! If they did, then they wouldn't do it ! It really is that simple. Therefore - as they don't expect to crash, a Baby on Board sign will do absolutely nothing. It may even make them worse, as you feel like you're being scolded/lectured to by some smug, condascending, overly-protective parent.

I hate the signs myself....spot on

05/08/2005, 5:03 PM
That's basically what I was trying to say :D

10/08/2005, 9:32 AM
Ironically it's usually the pig ugly ones who put it up...... !

(There's a compliment in there somewhere Sinead.... :) )

I saw one of these signs while stopped at traffic lights this morning on the way to work.

And yes, she was pig ugly!! :eek:

Plastic Paddy
10/08/2005, 9:55 AM
To digress slightly (and onto better things!) what's the word regarding the familial status of our resident expecting dad, Tuff Paddy? :)

I know one or two other foot.iers hereabouts are also in the waiting room on that particular score - maybe you could use this thread to keep us nosey feckers updated?

Your thoughts people?

:ball: PP

the 12 th man
10/08/2005, 10:03 AM
To digress slightly (and onto better things!) what's the word regarding the familial status of our resident expecting dad, Tuff Paddy? :)

I know one or two other foot.iers hereabouts are also in the waiting room on that particular score - maybe you could use this thread to keep us nosey feckers updated?

Your thoughts people?

:ball: PP

tis a wonderful thing (parenthood)
its just that your sleep patterns go down the Swannee :D

Pat O' Banton
10/08/2005, 10:12 AM
tis a wonderful thing (parenthood)
its just that your sleep patterns go down the Swannee :D

There has been discussions about it in the O' Banton ranch, but it normally ends when I ask if it means a reduction in the amount of football I can attend and the amount of beer I can drink, in fact all discussion ends for hours at a time after I ask that :eek: :D

10/08/2005, 10:22 AM
what's the word regarding the familial status of our resident expecting dad, Tuff Paddy?

No news yet.
Everything seems to be in order, thankfully.
With TP's permission, I'll let you know as soon as there's news.

Green Tribe
10/08/2005, 5:44 PM
To digress slightly (and onto better things!) what's the word regarding the familial status of our resident expecting dad, Tuff Paddy? :)

I know one or two other foot.iers hereabouts are also in the waiting room on that particular score - maybe you could use this thread to keep us nosey feckers updated?

Your thoughts people?

:ball: PP

aye, i'm keen to know how things are, must be an exciting and nervous time. All the best Mr and Mrs TP. I think it will be a girl.

10/08/2005, 8:05 PM
One reason given was to alert fire/ambulance crews, at the seen of an accident to a baby being in the car.

This was the original reason for them. In a bad crash a small baby could easily be missed by rescuers cutting through the car to get to the driver/ passengers. They could get wedged in between seats or in places that the paramedics might not think to check straight away.