View Full Version : All-Ireland petition

02/04/2002, 4:01 PM
All Ireland Soccer Competition Petition (http://www.PetitionOnline.com/ailsoc/petition.html)

Please support it, it only takes a second :)

03/04/2002, 8:29 AM
cheers troy! Come on people, nearly 300 signatures now!!!!

03/04/2002, 10:18 AM
Did you start it Mr Buckley?

(I dont really care, I just wanted this thread on top of the list again ):D

03/04/2002, 2:24 PM
Originally posted by Troy.McClure
Did you start it Mr Buckley?:D He did indeed, sure wasnt their an article about it in the ccfc programme. Ive just given it my support and I would strongley encourage everyone to vote. Fair play to ya Eanna.

03/04/2002, 6:42 PM
Havent been able to buy a programme in ages coz there's never any on sale:( And its such a good one too.

04/04/2002, 2:03 PM
Originally posted by Troy.McClure
Havent been able to buy a programme in ages coz there's never any on sale:( And its such a good one too. There on sale in the timber ticket outlets. Sure you'd be better off just buying fourfiveone anyway.

22/04/2002, 7:28 PM
Just resurecting this thread because of its worthyness.

Those timber portable sheds are always soldout, as are the sellers inside (if they still exist). I'd get 451 anyway.

City Fan
24/04/2002, 9:22 AM
Personally, I'd be all in favour of an All-Ireland competition. In the Republic, we're always saying that our teams are better than the Northerners so, I would welcome the chance for us to prove it.

25/04/2002, 11:18 AM
Agreed, this would be interesting both on and off the park, and as said would give us the chance to prove the superiority of football South of the border. And if it became a regular thing, it would definitely generate more interest in both domestic leagues.

25/04/2002, 1:39 PM
I think I'm gonna take it down soon. It's been up long enough. If you haven't signed it yet, do so soon...............please:)