View Full Version : Windows Vista Screenshots

01/08/2005, 6:58 PM
What do u think?

01/08/2005, 7:09 PM
kick ass. thank god ie7 finally has tabbed browsing

02/08/2005, 7:59 AM
For anyone who's interested, Windows Vista is the new name for the product code named Longhorn. It's due out next year.
Probably be 2007 before people start to deploy it on a large scale in business environments.

02/08/2005, 8:10 AM
For anyone who's interested, Windows Vista is the new name for the product code named Longhorn. It's due out next year.
Probably be 2007 before people start to deploy it on a large scale in business environments.

Peadar - pardon my dumbness - I clicked on Eamo's site but.er....what can you do with it??? :confused:

02/08/2005, 8:50 AM
what can you do with it??? :confused:

"Dumbness" is not a word I'd use when describing you.
Ask as much questions as you like because it's "dumb" not to.

When you open the site eamo posted, click on the little pictures to see large screen shots of what the new Operating System from Microsoft will look like.

The site is a computer magazine and they review new products in the same way that a car magazine would.

02/08/2005, 9:32 AM
"Dumbness" is not a word I'd use when describing you.

What a nice comment to make Peadar and from a Corky Boy too LOL = why, thank you kindly good sir. :D - really am desperate at this computer crack - trying hard though :o
Will check again and see what's on offer.



02/08/2005, 10:30 AM
So far so meh... are all the changes just cosmetic or is there something radical under the hood?

02/08/2005, 10:38 AM
are all the changes just cosmetic or is there something radical under the hood?

Read all about it here (http://www.microsoft.com/windowsvista/default.mspx), ya lazy sod! :D

02/08/2005, 10:53 AM

anyone care to summarise??

i'm far too lazy like :P

02/08/2005, 12:52 PM
anyone care to summarise??

It takes shorter to start up.

It is laid-out differently so modern virus' and worms won't do as much damage (although it won't be long till someone makes a new one that will do as much damage).

It sees problems earlier so can deal with it rather than "Not responding"

Also, as thejollyrodger says, there's tabbed browsing in internet explorer 7. Kinda shows that microsoft are kinda scared of firefox.

02/08/2005, 1:11 PM
there's tabbed browsing in internet explorer 7.

You wont need Vista to run IE 7 as far as I know.
*EDIT* It will be available in a standalone version for Windows XP Service Pack 2.

Kinda shows that microsoft are kinda scared of firefox.

Hardly! It simply shows that Microsoft take the good ideas of others and cram them into their own products.