View Full Version : Semantics debate on use of the word "rape"

25/07/2005, 5:49 PM
Sure Louis Kilcoyne became FAI president after raping Shamrock Rovers!

Don't think that type of language is appropriate or should be used in the either context mention here. Rape is a serious crime, not something to be bandied around to amuse the foolish.

25/07/2005, 6:01 PM
Don't think that type of language is appropriate or should be used in the either context mention here. Rape is a serious crime, not something to be bandied around to amuse the foolish.
In fairness, our histrionic hooped friend is employing a valid secondary meaning of the term, not necessarily drawing a comparison with the criminal act.

25/07/2005, 6:07 PM
In fairness, our histrionic hooped friend is employing a valid secondary meaning of the term, not necessarily drawing a comparison with the criminal act.

I don't see that way. The language is inappropriate, full stop.

25/07/2005, 6:18 PM
I don't see that way. The language is inappropriate, full stop.

rape is pretty commonly used in the "exploitation" sense of the word.

1. The crime of forcing another person to submit to sex acts, especially sexual intercourse.
2. The act of seizing and carrying off by force; abduction.
3. Abusive or improper treatment; violation: a rape of justice.

Meaning #2 has been superceded by the American "kidnap" and is in far less common use that meaning #3

[Middle English, from rapen, to rape, from Old French raper, to abduct, from Latin rapere, to seize. See rep- in Indo-European Roots.]

25/07/2005, 7:26 PM
I don't see that way. The language is inappropriate, full stop.
It's not only appropriate but accurate too.

25/07/2005, 8:19 PM
I don't see that way. The language is inappropriate, full stop.

Look up pedant in a dictionary.

He used thew word correctly as per meaning 3 above and as regards your statement that rape is serious, sure don't some people get away with murder?........

25/07/2005, 10:12 PM
Don't think that type of language is appropriate or should be used in the either context mention here. Rape is a serious crime, not something to be bandied around to amuse the foolish.

ringo, if a rovers fan described something as black you would be on here screaming it was white.

your opinion on this subject is quite frankly irrelevant.

prize for biggest chip on shoulder goes to...

25/07/2005, 10:12 PM
listen lads its 22 men kicking a bag of wind around a field. Am i the only only one here who knows someone that has been raped? cop on, its a game.

25/07/2005, 10:16 PM
listen lads its 22 men kicking a bag of wind around a field. Am i the only only one here who knows someone that has been raped? cop on, its a game.
No Ringo, you're not. But that has nothing to do with it. The use of the word is perfectly valid, and was not done with the intention of upsetting or offending anyone- if you've a problem with the post, why not report it/PM adam or another mod?

25/07/2005, 10:21 PM
Well your a mod and you seem to think its ok, so whats the point. As regards rovers look at my posts today, & you'll find it i commented that i tought it was unfair that How Rovers were treated by the El last week. I also last week wished the 400 club the best of luck. Your the one here with a chip about Dublin City & seery, get over it. To suggest that this is about Rovers is pathetic.

25/07/2005, 10:25 PM
Well your a mod and you seem to think its ok, so whats the point. I'm not the only mod, and you can always PM adam about it.

As regards rovers look at my posts today, & you'll find it i commented that i tought it was unfair that How Rovers were treated by the El last week. I also last week wished the 400 club the best of luck.
I haven't disputed that. In fact, I haven't even mentioned it.

Your the one here with a chip about Dublin City & seery, get over it. To suggest that this is about Rovers is pathetic.
I didn't suggest it was about Rovers at all- what posts are you reading?

I've split this bit to off-topic, it has nothing to do with the original topic. Éanna

25/07/2005, 10:34 PM
I can understand the objection, but the use of the word in that context still seems valid to me.


25/07/2005, 10:50 PM
I'm not the only mod, and you can always PM adam about it.

I haven't disputed that. In fact, I haven't even mentioned it.

I didn't suggest it was about Rovers at all- what posts are you reading?

I've split this bit to off-topic, it has nothing to do with the original topic. Éanna

One wonders what Billy Lords comments have to do with the the row between ollie & Roddy?

25/07/2005, 11:06 PM
I can understand the objection, but the use of the word in that context still seems valid to me.



If he said "Louis Kilcoyne is a rapist" then you would have a valid objection.

As it stands I really cannot see how you could find the sentence offensive unless you are a fan of Kilcoyne's business principals or something?

Lionel Ritchie
26/07/2005, 9:50 AM
I believe The Corrs raped 'Old Town'.

26/07/2005, 10:27 AM
I believe The Corrs raped 'Old Town'.

I actually liked that! :o

26/07/2005, 10:42 AM
Ringo and Sheridan - Maybe the money you lot save on Pat Deans' wages could be spent on a dictionary and the next time the two of you and Seery are travelling to an away game you could read the bleedin' thing.

To object to the word rape in that context is way, way OTT. Next you'll be giving out if Cork fans say that they 'murdered' Rovers last Friday. They did, 3-0.


26/07/2005, 10:45 AM
WeAreRovers, do everyone a favour and be quiet. Comments like that just make you look like a moron.


26/07/2005, 11:01 AM
I was trying to suggest the use of over emotive language can be offending. As regards Louis Kilcoyne, I’d don’t know enough about the situation to comment. My only knowledge of the situation is from a short piece on RTE. It suggested that Rovers were loosing money & the Kilcoyne family decided to sell the ground to re-coup the money they had put into the club. I’m sure someone here can give me the full story. Was it a case of asset stripping? Why someone would want to invest in a football club as a business venture is beyond me. We all put money in , because we support the club, but your not going to get your investment back.

26/07/2005, 11:18 AM
WeAreRovers, do everyone a favour and be quiet. Comments like that just make you look like a moron.


Which comment? Equating the use of the word 'rape' and the word 'murdered' or suggesting that the lads should buy a dictionary? Both are valid IMO and neither warrant personal abuse from the site owner.

Bit of consistency wouldn't go astray Adam.


26/07/2005, 11:27 AM
In fairness, our histrionic hooped friend is employing a valid secondary meaning of the term, not necessarily drawing a comparison with the criminal act.

WeAreRovers , if you read the posts properly you would see that Sheridan , agreed with use of the word.

26/07/2005, 11:52 AM
Didn't the guy who ran Ryanair say a similar thing when he got a bargain for airplane engines?? I don't recall paople going mad over that?

26/07/2005, 12:23 PM
Which comment?This one:

Ringo and Sheridan - Maybe the money you lot save on Pat Deans' wages could be spent on a dictionary and the next time the two of you and Seery are travelling to an away game you could read the bleedin' thing.You were just using this issue as an opportunity to troll. Don't do it again.


26/07/2005, 12:36 PM
Didn't the guy who ran Ryanair say a similar thing when he got a bargain for airplane engines?? I don't recall paople going mad over that?
That's somewhat ironic.
When GPA went under and Ryan had to sell it to GE for a song, the alleged conversation between Ryan and Jack Welch went something like this:
Ryan: This isn't business, it's rape
Welch: Well you shouldn't go around with your trousers down then.

(BTW, I understand Ringo's position but agree that use of the term is valid.)

26/07/2005, 2:04 PM
That's somewhat ironic.
When GPA went under and Ryan had to sell it to GE for a song, the alleged conversation between Ryan and Jack Welch went something like this:
Ryan: This isn't business, it's rape
Welch: Well you shouldn't go around with your trousers down then.

(BTW, I understand Ringo's position but agree that use of the term is valid.)
:eek: Oh no.

I believe the Ryanair guy said: We raped them!!

I can understand why Ringo might find that one offensive.

26/07/2005, 2:23 PM
:eek: Oh no.

I believe the Ryanair guy said: We raped them!!
Different transaction - that's why I thought it ironic O'Leary using the expression years later

26/07/2005, 3:57 PM
Different transaction - that's why I thought it ironic O'Leary using the expression years later
Well I dont think that anyone would put it passed him (from the business point of view of course!)

I also sympathise with Ringo but believe that the word was used in the correct context, the allegy with City murdering Rovers hit the nail on the head.

27/07/2005, 12:16 AM
Ringo and Sheridan - Maybe the money you lot save on Pat Deans' wages could be spent on a dictionary and the next time the two of you and Seery are travelling to an away game you could read the bleedin' thing.

To object to the word rape in that context is way, way OTT. Next you'll be giving out if Cork fans say that they 'murdered' Rovers last Friday. They did, 3-0.


Nope...no matter how many times I look at that post, I still can't see anything wrong with it... :confused: :rolleyes:

27/07/2005, 8:46 AM
the allegy with City murdering Rovers hit the nail on the head.
I think the word you're looking for is analogy Troy ;)

Nothing wrong with using 'rape' in the context it was used. I'm sorry, but the supposed onus on people today to avoid offending people despite 100% genuine intentions really gets on my wick. How about those (the vast minority) that seek (and find) offence swallow hard and keep their mouths shut? FFS, is the ultimate goal that nobobdy will be inadvertently offended ever again? Pish!

27/07/2005, 9:02 AM
I agree with fosterdollar née Magoo. Some people seem to go out of their way to be offended these days.

(I'm not talking about this particular incident. See the way I had to put that in to avoid offending anyone? :))


27/07/2005, 9:10 AM
I agree with fosterdollar née Magoo. Some people seem to go out of their way to be offended these days.

(I'm not talking about this particular incident. See the way I had to put that in to avoid offending anyone? :))


Maybe I overreacted, but I said what I said & didn’t expect it to develop into this long discussion on the use of the word. I’ve been insulted & slagged off loads of times on this board, as a Home Farm Fingal Everton Dublin City” supporter you have to have a thick skin. I think some people take soccer to seriously (me include sometimes).

27/07/2005, 9:14 AM
...didn’t expect it to develop into this long discussion on the use of the word...
Can't you see, Ringo? It's the non-PC revolution. It will not be televised.

27/07/2005, 2:04 PM
I think the word you're looking for is analogy Troy ;)

Click (http://www.mummila.net/kuvat/doh.png)