View Full Version : Man Utd Silent on Keane Bust-Up

24/07/2005, 11:40 AM
From BBC this morning:

Manchester United have refused to comment on reports that Roy Keane was dropped from the club's Asia tour after a row with Sir Alex Ferguson.
Midfielder Keane was originally left out because of a hamstring injury.

But newspaper reports on Sunday said the 33-year-old was omitted after a bust-up at the Red Devils' training camp in Portugal three weeks ago.

Keane was allegedly annoyed over the fact that families were allowed to travel with players for the camp.

Reports suggested the Republic of Ireland international was angry he had cut short a family holiday to attend the camp - only to find out it was a relatively informal affair.

ken foree
24/07/2005, 1:22 PM
elevenaside has this:

Keane in Fergie row

July 24, 2005

Manchester United’s most powerful axis, that of manager Sir Alex Ferguson and captain Roy Keane, is reportedly close to breaking point after a row over dwelling arrangements during the club’s recent pre-season training camp in Portugal.

While the United squad journeyed to the Far East for a tour of China, Hong Kong and Japan this week, Keane has stayed behind in Manchester to undergo treatment for a hamstring injury picked up a fortnight ago.

However, it is believed that Keane’s injury may not have been enough to prevent him from making the trip, and he took a full part in a training session with the United squad before they jetted off on Thursday.

The Cork man is said to have rowed with Ferguson when he opted against keeping his family in the accommodation set aside by United for players and families in the Algarve.

Keane was unimpressed by the facilities, complaining that they were unsuitable for his young children, and he moved his family back to their holiday villa in the area.

Ferguson is said to have been extremely annoyed, and the pair engaged in an angry exchange witnessed by other United players.

Keane has 12 months left on his current contract, and could theoretically begin talks with other clubs from January 1st and take a free transfer next summer.

However, it remains to be seen whether the rift between captain and manager is serious enough to warrant a parting of the ways.

24/07/2005, 2:40 PM
Has this happened before?? ;)

24/07/2005, 3:52 PM
****** here he comes..

Fergie's Son
24/07/2005, 4:44 PM
I just don't think Roy likes Asia :)

I'd imagine it's all a storm in a teacup. Slow news day and all.

24/07/2005, 7:49 PM
Oh dearie me, now Michael Kennedy has been wheeled out, things are taking a Nietzschean turn indeed


Will RTE be scheduling another tête-à-tête with Roy and Tommie? Will we be doomed to argue the why's and wherefore's of Roy's rage on this board forever...say it ain't so...say it ain't so...

27/07/2005, 9:32 AM
Keane plays for a United XI despite being declared unfit for Asia tour.. or whatever way the slightly sh*t stirring headline goes

from the bbc (http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/teams/m/man_utd/4720205.stm)