View Full Version : Survey on use of language in football in Ireland

12/05/2022, 5:40 PM
Hi there, I'm carrying out a survey on language in football as part of a university dissertation, and whether use of language can affect participation or attendance in the Irish game - whether as fans or as players, officials, or mentors.

It's all anonymous so nobody will be identified. It should only take a few mins to answer, and I stress the whole thing is anonymous. It should take less than five minutes. If you can help, thanks a lot!

Survey link is below, with a formal explanatory letter for ethical reasons:

Are you a football fan or player? Or are you interested in the game? As part of my studies, I am carrying out research on the use of language in Irish football and if it can affect participation.

I am requesting you to complete a brief questionnaire, which should take less than five minutes to complete, on your experiences of language in Irish soccer. No identifying information will be collected from the survey. If you do choose to partake, your participation will remain anonymous. To participate in this study you must be aged 18 years of age or older.

To access the survey go to: https://forms.office.com/r/UCv5z01F07 (https://forms.office.com/pages/responsepage.aspx?id=JLmEALQ6FkGSUZk59pXlTNOLVdIX_ 5NMlQgEbYxaKBJUMzBIVERaUlVOWFhPMzdWOExDRjJRRzZaWi4 u) .

Please be aware you may find some of your responses deal with incidents which may trigger negative or upsetting memories. At the end of this letter are contact details for a list of support services helping people who may have suffered negatively.

If you have any further questions, feel free to contact me or my supervisor at theemail addresses below. Martin Claffey martinclaffey@gmail.com Supervisor: Dr Ann Marcus-Quinn Ann.marcus.quinn@ul.ie

If you have any further concerns or queries about this research, please contact the Chairperson of the Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Research Ethics Committee (REC) at: Chairperson Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Research Ethics Committee, AHSS Faculty Office, University of Limerick, Tel: +353 61 202286, Email: FAHSSEthics@ul.ie

Thank you for your help, Martin

Need to access support services? Here are some helpful contacts.
Samaritans offer emotional support to anyone in distress or struggling to cope. Contact jo@samaritans.ie Freephone 116 123 every day 24 hours a day

Text 50808: Text 50808 is a free 24/7 text service, providing a chat or immediate support for people going through mental health or emotional crisis. Text HELLO to 50808, anytime day or night. Visit www.text50808.ie (http://www.text50808.ie) for more information.

LGBT Ireland: LGBT Ireland offers instant messaging and telephone support. Visit lgbt.ie or contact info@lgbt.ie for support or information.LGBT+ helpline 1800 929 539 every day. Gender identity family support line 01 907 3707.

Exchange House Ireland: Exchange House Ireland is a mental health service for members of the Travelling community. Telephone and online support is available.Phone 01 8721094 or visit exchangehouse.ie

Inclusion Ireland: The National Association for People with an Intellectual Disability. Email info@inclusionireland.ie or telephone 01 8559891.

15/05/2022, 11:10 PM
Sticking this to the top of the forum

19/05/2022, 3:15 PM
Thanks to Foot.ie and everyone who has filled out the survey. If anyone wants to take part or contribute, I'll be keeping the survey open this weekend if you want to have your say. thanks again!