View Full Version : c.i.a. gains powers over irish citizens

ken foree
22/07/2005, 2:00 PM
..with collusion (obviously) by the irish gov't:


"About 20,000 immigrants, who have not been charged with any crime, are currently in prison in the US."

22/07/2005, 2:06 PM
that minister for justice is the biggest **** ive come across , a stupid pig ignorant man thats completly out of thouch with reality ,

as for this new law its a bit much but this stuff allways goes on when bush was visiting the secret service called around to houses near shannon telling them they could nt have more than 2 cars in there drive !!!! i can only imagine the colourfull language used to tell them where to go

22/07/2005, 2:07 PM
so waht were b and b supposed to do etc?

LOL colourful language i hope was used

Poor Student
22/07/2005, 4:43 PM
What the hell? Did I read that right? Where's the bloody accountability if it has to be kept a secret?

Plastic Paddy
22/07/2005, 4:49 PM
I am appalled. That is an affront of the highest order to individual civil liberties. The really scary thing though is that I bet you the wo/man in the street just doesn't give a shît about what it means.

:ball: PP

ken foree
24/07/2005, 12:16 PM
I am appalled. That is an affront of the highest order to individual civil liberties. The really scary thing though is that I bet you the wo/man in the street just doesn't give a shît about what it means.

:ball: PP

agree, it says something that the thread has only 70-odd views

ken foree
24/07/2005, 8:47 PM
The article contains remarkably little detail, all I can gather from it is that

'The US may ask Irish authorities:
To track down people in Ireland.
Transfer prisoners in Irish custody to the US.
Carry out searches and seize evidence on behalf of the US Government.'

That doesn't seem, to me, to be that serious tbh.

As far as I am aware, the US have always been entitled to make such requests. I'm thinking in particular of cases where suspects in US murders have fled here and the US authorities have asked for assistance. I would have hoped our authorities would consider any request from any country in the fight against crime.

i think you left out

'It also allows US authorities access to an Irish suspect's confidential bank information. The Irish authorities must keep all these activities secret if asked to do so by the US.'

the word secret is the one i'd be worried about, especially since it's gonzales who is involved (aka mr. 'torture is okay'). seems another (perhaps small) sellout of the irish people by the gov't on behalf of the u.$.

25/07/2005, 7:07 AM
that minister for justice is the biggest **** ive come across , a stupid pig ignorant man thats completly out of thouch with reality ,
But when are people going to stop letting the biggest party of the coalition off the hook? They're the ones with the power to stop all this right wing nonsence - time for the left wing :rolleyes: party of the coalition to put up or shut up.

Time for the electorate that view Government decisions along PD or FF lines to wake up to the fact if they only oppose PD policy when it effects publicans....

25/07/2005, 2:19 PM
I'm not surprised by all this really but disturbed that a US government run by a pre-fascist bunch of lying, right-wing, neocom chickenhawks will abuse any help the Irish authorities will give as the current US regime has shown disdain for any international rules - Kyoto, International Criminal Court, UN etc.

If they do request any assistance, let them adhere to Irish procedures, rules etc or tell them to fcuk off if they try to abuse our cooperation. Knowing Bertie, he'll roll over and do nothing.

Since Bertie is now a "socialist" :D :rolleyes: - does that not make him a person of suspicion to the wingnuts in the US junta?

I dispise the current US regime - it has bankrupted the US, showered it's population with lies on almost everything, increased the number of it's citizerns under the poverty line and will bring a great country to its knees eventually. :(

I really feel for the 47% or thereabouts that voted Democrat in 2004.

25/07/2005, 4:21 PM
I really feel for the 47% or thereabouts that voted Democrat in 2004.

I hope you feel sorry for me too 'cos I voted third party last year in an effort to get a third party process going, as both repubs and dems pretty much suck the same monkeys balls. :rolleyes:

el tk
25/07/2005, 4:30 PM
I think this article was pretty much trashed by the Minister the day after it came out. Tis doesn't even concern the CIA and no American authorities will be allowed to interview suspects. This agreement is similar to ones Ireland has with other countries.

25/07/2005, 5:19 PM
I hope you feel sorry for me too 'cos I voted third party last year in an effort to get a third party process going, as both repubs and dems pretty much suck the same monkeys balls. :rolleyes:

Yeah, know what your saying Metrostars - do you think that there is any remote possibility that a third party might emerge - maybe a breakaway from the Democrats - I thought that Howard Dean was heading that way at one stage but, obviously not now since he became the Democrats Chairman or whatever his title is.

BTW - I started a post about the Newshounds site - I called it US Snapshot - could you have a gander at it and tell me what you think??

25/07/2005, 6:51 PM
Yeah, know what your saying Metrostars - do you think that there is any remote possibility that a third party might emerge - maybe a breakaway from the Democrats - I thought that Howard Dean was heading that way at one stage but, obviously not now since he became the Democrats Chairman or whatever his title is.

BTW - I started a post about the Newshounds site - I called it US Snapshot - could you have a gander at it and tell me what you think??

TBH, I don't think a third party will take off any time soon. It's sad, the two main parties are both controlled by corporate interest and I really think this is the root of the problems in the US political landscape. Money is everything and with it comes power.

25/07/2005, 7:33 PM
TBH, I don't think a third party will take off any time soon. It's sad, the two main parties are both controlled by corporate interest and I really think this is the root of the problems in the US political landscape. Money is everything and with it comes power.

Sad but true - I vote Green Party over here and there is a good chance that they will be in a Labour/Fine Gael/Greens coalition come next election.

I imagine that Howard Dean, via his hugely successful internet experiment - might break the corporate grip but that's a hope really.

25/07/2005, 7:42 PM
Sad but true - I vote Green Party over here and there is a good chance that they will be in a Labour/Fine Gael/Greens coalition come next election.

I imagine that Howard Dean, via his hugely successful internet experiment - might break the corporate grip but that's a hope really.

Well, except Howard Dean is now Chairman of the Democratic Party.

25/07/2005, 7:48 PM
Well, except Howard Dean is now Chairman of the Democratic Party.

Mentioned that on another thread or post but will he change things, Metrostars........for the better????

25/07/2005, 8:24 PM
Mentioned that on another thread or post but will he change things, Metrostars........for the better????

I'm afraid I dont see things changing anytime soon. A few years ago you would never have heard me say "Hilary for Prez" as I hated her guts and I still do. But I really think the Clinton Team are the only ones who can compete with BushCo.

25/07/2005, 8:29 PM
Speaking of Hillary, they have just come out with the first 100% bi-partisan bumper sticker. It reads.........

'2008..run, Hillary, run'

The Dems have it on the back bumper, while the Repubs will be sporting it on the front bumper :D

25/07/2005, 8:31 PM
Speaking of Hillary, they have just come out with the first 100% bi-partisan bumper sticker. It reads.........

'2008..run, Hillary, run'

The Dems have it on the back bumper, while the Repubs will be sporting it on the front bumper :D

Thats gas :D

ken foree
25/07/2005, 8:59 PM
she might be the worst possible candidate for the dems, the heartland repubs would be ultra-motivated to beat her and it would divide the country even further. if she chose oprah as her running mate however.. ;)

25/07/2005, 9:50 PM
Speaking of Hillary, they have just come out with the first 100% bi-partisan bumper sticker. It reads.........

'2008..run, Hillary, run'

The Dems have it on the back bumper, while the Repubs will be sporting it on the front bumper :D

I'm no great Hilary fan either but with Slick Willy..er......behind her...she will know how to hammer the Repugs with as much crap as they can throw at her. The Clintons are very cute in politicking and wiley enough to take on the Repugs at their own game.
Notice all the books dissing her lately?

25/07/2005, 9:55 PM
she might be the worst possible candidate for the dems, the heartland repubs would be ultra-motivated to beat her and it would divide the country even further. if she chose oprah as her running mate however.. ;)

Don't underestimate her Ken Foree - remember when she was supposed to have no chance getting elected as a Senator. They smeared her then and she won with little bother.
The Demons needn't worry about the hard line red states - it's the likes of Florida, Ohio etc they need to get their teeth into - energise/organise at street, county and state level, increase the successful Dean internet campaign. That's what the Repugs have done - the Demos were woeful slow in getting that sorted pre 2004.

This is terribly un-PC but Hilary is a hard assed bitch - just what the Dems need.

ken foree
25/07/2005, 11:06 PM
Don't underestimate her Ken Foree - remember when she was supposed to have no chance getting elected as a Senator. They smeared her then and she won with little bother.
The Demons needn't worry about the hard line red states - it's the likes of Florida, Ohio etc they need to get their teeth into - energise/organise at street, county and state level, increase the successful Dean internet campaign. That's what the Repugs have done - the Demos were woeful slow in getting that sorted pre 2004.

This is terribly un-PC but Hilary is a hard assed bitch - just what the Dems need.

well, that election for senator was in ny which has nyc to help carry the liberal vote; upstate ny is hardcore right-wing but not as hardcore as the rest of the midwest/southern states. hilary would be a red flag to a bull, a mistake in my estimation. but what do i know!

your point is correct in a practical sense; that the dems don't need to worry about the states they'll never win, and that they should focus their energy on the battleground states, e.g. ohio/florida/penn. but then again, it doesn't help the nation as a whole if one side feels (even delusionally) disenfranchised. i think that's why dean came out last week and suggested the dems reach out to pro-lifers. it's, as has been mentioned ad-nauseum, a bit f*ckin polarized over here.

25/07/2005, 11:38 PM
well, that election for senator was in ny which has nyc to help carry the liberal vote; upstate ny is hardcore right-wing but not as hardcore as the rest of the midwest/southern states. hilary would be a red flag to a bull, a mistake in my estimation. but what do i know!

your point is correct in a practical sense; that the dems don't need to worry about the states they'll never win, and that they should focus their energy on the battleground states, e.g. ohio/florida/penn. but then again, it doesn't help the nation as a whole if one side feels (even delusionally) disenfranchised. i think that's why dean came out last week and suggested the dems reach out to pro-lifers. it's, as has been mentioned ad-nauseum, a bit f*ckin polarized over here.

Yeah, I'd forgotten that some parts of NY is Republican Ken.
I wonder what Dean means by reaching out to pro-lifers??? I'd imagine that he'd be keen on keeping that Roe v Wade situation as it is and the pro-lifers have made overturning that law their number one target.

You know as much, if not more, than I do Ken. That's why I love Footie - I can learn things here and enjoy discussing these topics.
Besides, keeps me away from Totty thread. :D

26/07/2005, 1:25 AM
Actually in the 2000 NY Senate election, Hil did better than expected in update NY. Sure enough she will lose heavily in the red states. But as already mentioned, she will concentrate on the states the Bush narrowly one e.g. FL, OH, NV, IA etc.

There is noone more politically savvy than the Clintons and though Hil doesnt have Bill's charm, I think she would still win.

28/07/2005, 5:51 PM
Got an email from FAIR (Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting) yesterday - did you read that article in the NY Times by Friedman about establishing am O'Reilly type "list" of anti-Iraq war protestors.
I wish I knew how to move that email to this site as FAIR's reply completely scuppered him by quoting past comments he had made regarding war and so on.

Anyway, it meant that, by his own judgements, Friedman would qualify for that list himself.

The whole article would be perfect for this thread. Sorry, am useless at pasting etc.

ken foree
28/07/2005, 6:06 PM
there's a fairly big story blowing up here about the administration's outing of the undercover c.i.a. operative in the run-up to the war. finally *some* of the yank media is growing a pair of balls. try buzzflash.com or democraticunderground for more if you like

28/07/2005, 6:11 PM
there's a fairly big story blowing up here about the administration's outing of the undercover c.i.a. operative in the run-up to the war. finally *some* of the yank media is growing a pair of balls. try buzzflash.com or democraticunderground for more if you like

They're great sites Ken - I usually go the SMUDGE REPORT (not Drudge) - that site has loads of great sites - Media Matters, Newshounds, Take back the media and a great one called Crooks and Liars.

Try also DemTV - it's really nasty but kinda funny - you can link over to it from Crooks site.

Hope Rove gets shafted - he's a nasty piece of work - always has been - he even shafted John McCain a few years ago in the most disgusting way possible.

ken foree
29/07/2005, 1:41 PM
They're great sites Ken - I usually go the SMUDGE REPORT (not Drudge) - that site has loads of great sites - Media Matters, Newshounds, Take back the media and a great one called Crooks and Liars.

Try also DemTV - it's really nasty but kinda funny - you can link over to it from Crooks site.

Hope Rove gets shafted - he's a nasty piece of work - always has been - he even shafted John McCain a few years ago in the most disgusting way possible.

yea good sites them hamish, buzzflash links to a lot of them as well as daily kos, gop hypocrites and tons of others.

ken foree
02/08/2005, 7:22 PM
gallup just conducted a poll where they posited to responders the question of who they'd vote for in the next pres. election over here if the candidates were mccain and hilary. seems she got fairly trounced. polls are polls but the margin was for mccain was surprising! and irritating.

03/08/2005, 5:11 PM
gallup just conducted a poll where they posited to responders the question of who they'd vote for in the next pres. election over here if the candidates were mccain and hilary. seems she got fairly trounced. polls are polls but the margin was for mccain was surprising! and irritating.

Pointless poll, McCain will never ever get the repubs nomination. My blind pet dog has more of a chance that McCain has.

Another one being talked about is Virginia governor, Mark Warner, a dem.

ken foree
03/08/2005, 6:43 PM
Pointless poll, McCain will never ever get the repubs nomination. My blind pet dog has more of a chance that McCain has.

Another one being talked about is Virginia governor, Mark Warner, a dem.

mccain's an arse but i'd rather him over santorum. hadn't heard of warner yet