View Full Version : Conspiracy Theories....

18/07/2005, 1:04 PM
..drive me up the wall. The Queen Mother murder Diana because she had one up the spout from Dodie (I personally think it was Inter Flora because they made a fortune out of it). There are frozen aliens in Roswell - the world might panic if we found out. JFK murdered Marlyn Monroe (but not the 100 other women he slept with) and the CIA, the Mafia and Uncle Tom Cobley and all shot JFK. The Israeli secret service carried out the 9/11 attacks. Man didn't land on the moon (all enacted in a studio) and it wasn't Titanic which floundered, but its sister ship.

I'm not saying there aren't conspiracies - there obviously are some. But the ones where it takes scores if not hundreds of people to be involved in the conspirator's theories, yet none has ever been adduced or come forward, do my head in.

18/07/2005, 1:22 PM
I wonder what your REAL motive is in starting this thread.

Jim Smith
18/07/2005, 3:00 PM
I wonder what your REAL motive is in starting this thread.
Steady now! If he told you he'd have to kill you...

18/07/2005, 3:13 PM
Steady now! If he told you he'd have to kill you...

Ah yes but are the people who believe in conspiracy theories... conspiring themselves? :D

Anto McC
18/07/2005, 4:01 PM
My favorite conspiracy theory was when Shels beat Cork in the Setanta cup in Tolka park,The Corkies genuinely believed that the linesman was paid by Ollie Byrne to swing the game in Shels favour,We won with a "Goal" ;) from Jamie Harris :D :D :D

18/07/2005, 4:56 PM
Man didn't land on the moon (all enacted in a studio)

I must say i like that one.

20/07/2005, 8:26 AM
..drive me up the wall. The Queen Mother murder Diana because she had one up the spout from Dodie (I personally think it was Inter Flora because they made a fortune out of it). There are frozen aliens in Roswell - the world might panic if we found out. JFK murdered Marlyn Monroe (but not the 100 other women he slept with) and the CIA, the Mafia and Uncle Tom Cobley and all shot JFK. The Israeli secret service carried out the 9/11 attacks. Man didn't land on the moon (all enacted in a studio) and it wasn't Titanic which floundered, but its sister ship.

I'm not saying there aren't conspiracies - there obviously are some. But the ones where it takes scores if not hundreds of people to be involved in the conspirator's theories, yet none has ever been adduced or come forward, do my head in.

Yep .. know what you mean ... enough looney ones mixed in that they are all thrown into the same loon category. Problem is though, that sometimes they are more plausible then the official story.

that hunt the boeing link that Conor74 posted.. well, if only a few CCTV camera footage (even from surrounding buildings) could be produced from that day .. surely there must have been something, then all these theories would not arise in the first place .. actually they probably still would.

Seems to be a lot going around on the net about the London bombings .. but I guess that is stuff for another thread.

The one I would love to know is what happened in the Brazil dressing room before the World Cup Final in 1998 .. and also about that Belgium v Ireland match in 1981/82 .. which I am too young to remember about .. but apparently we were done big time .. and would have made the World Cup Final .. and perhaps even have got to the latter stages with the team we had back then.

20/07/2005, 9:47 AM
..drive me up the wall. The Queen Mother murder Diana because she had one up the spout from Dodie (I personally think it was Inter Flora because they made a fortune out of it). There are frozen aliens in Roswell - the world might panic if we found out. JFK murdered Marlyn Monroe (but not the 100 other women he slept with) and the CIA, the Mafia and Uncle Tom Cobley and all shot JFK. The Israeli secret service carried out the 9/11 attacks. Man didn't land on the moon (all enacted in a studio) and it wasn't Titanic which floundered, but its sister ship.

I'm not saying there aren't conspiracies - there obviously are some. But the ones where it takes scores if not hundreds of people to be involved in the conspirator's theories, yet none has ever been adduced or come forward, do my head in.

You forgot the biggest hoax of the day - The Da Vinci Code !!!!

To be fair - conspiracy theories only work when there's at least a substantial body of 'evidence' to grasp onto to substantiate them partially, as below :

- Loads of quite convincing evidence that it was switched for it's sister ship, and that the plan was to scuttle the Titanic to claim the insurance on it.
- Sister ship Olympic received some fundamnetal damage to its dide in its first sailing. The ship wasn't insured, so White Star were facing a significant loss if they just decommissioned it.
- Titanic and Olympic were nigh-on identical, so idea is that they would ensure Titanic, switch it with the Olympic and then scuttle it in the Atlantic.
- Theory is that the plan went very badly tits up, leading to lots of deaths, so the whole story has been suppressed.
- There's a very good TV programme about it all that tracks rather dubious dealings at Haarland and Wolf in the run-up to the Titanic's sailing. Things being changed last minute, items being transferred between the 2 ships, a ship that was supposed to be in the vicinity when Titanic was scuttled etc. Fairly convincing, but not 100% though.

- Again : interesting shows about this.
- JFK said in early 60's that America would put a man on the moon by the end of that decade. When did they finally manage it ? With less than 4 months to go...
- With Russia trying to get a man up there as well (and leading in the space race at one point) there was immense pressure/ego at stake for the US in getting a man up there.
- Quite a few of the NASA people involved in the mission happened to die in 'accidents' and the like shortly after the event (remember that the 60's was an outrageously dubious period in US history, where even senior politicians like JFK, RFK, Malcolm X and MLK were being knocked-off with seeming ease...).
- There's circumstantial evidence that in itself appears rather compelling (the shadows from Neil Armstrong on the video footage are in the wrong place, the US flag is shown to be fluttering whilst fully unfurled, which would be impossible in the windless zero-gravity of space etc etc).
- Again - the story is probably just rubbish - but it's fuelled by the fact that a number of things around the event appear inexplicable.

- Ignoring the fact that their foreign policy was arguably responsible, this is just groundless anti-western rhetoric.
- There is no convincing prrof of this - unlike most other conspoiracy theories.

JFK, Diana etc - again there's things that just don't add-up with the real story, which when mixed with other background/side events/stories (usually suppressed) mean that the event smells fishy.

Personally I love conspiracy theories, and think they make life soooo much more interesting and exciting. Also - it would be naive to assume that of the many, many conspiracy stories there are, that even at least one of all of them may not be true. In particular, 1960's America was such a dubious and rotten place that I wouldn't be surprised if one of the many conspiracy theories from that era turned out to be true....

Lionel Ritchie
20/07/2005, 12:39 PM
Why did a man who's DNA was found at a bloody murder scene get off scott free? because the gloves didn't fit him.

Why didn't the gloves fit him or why would he wear gloves that didn't fit when murdering his estranged wife and her boyfriend?

The gloves belonged to their son who murdered the mother and boyfriend.

OJ contacted a solicitor who told him he couldn't get the son off but might be able to get OJ himself off the rap. OJ went on the run to consolidate his position as suspect no. 1., was tried and found innocent on the basis the gloves weren't his.

mad or what. :cool:

In a subsequent civil trial, where standards of proof are lower, Simpson was found liable for the deaths of Nicole Simpson and Ron Goldman. He was ordered to pay damages totaling more than $33,000,000. However, there's been little call for his acting skills or celebrity endorsements in recent years, leaving Simpson to live on his NFL pension. In 2004, he was ordered to surrender his income from autographs.

So, did O.J. Simpson get away with murder?

In 2000, a BBC investigation suggested that in their rush to prove Simpson's guilt, police had neglected a more likely suspect -- Simpson's son by his first marriage, Jason.

Jason Simpson was 24 at the time of the killings, and like his father had a history of violence. The younger Simpson was a professional chef who'd previously brandished knives when enraged. He was on anger-suppression meds at the time, and his alibi for the night in question -- that he was working -- was challenged by co-workers. Also, according to BBC's reporters, Nicole had said she thought Jason Simpson was stalking her.

From: http://www.nndb.com/people/390/000022324/

20/07/2005, 5:38 PM
- There's circumstantial evidence that in itself appears rather compelling (the shadows from Neil Armstrong on the video footage are in the wrong place, the US flag is shown to be fluttering whilst fully unfurled, which would be impossible in the windless zero-gravity of space etc etc).
- Again - the story is probably just rubbish - but it's fuelled by the fact that a number of things around the event appear inexplicable.

Personally I love conspiracy theories, and think they make life soooo much more interesting and exciting. Also - it would be naive to assume that of the many, many conspiracy stories there are, that even at least one of all of them may not be true. In particular, 1960's America was such a dubious and rotten place that I wouldn't be surprised if one of the many conspiracy theories from that era turned out to be true....

Funny you should mention that about the flags etc Steve, I saw a programme recently..oh....on one of those Discovery Channel/Nat. Geographic thingys and they produced various photographic and other experts (?) who carried out various trials showing how those anomalies could be explained. Can't explain the technicalities but those experts made a pretty good case which even I could understand.

Does any remember the Paul McCartney dies and was replaced by a doppleganger sceal that was around in the 70s - I knew a bloke from Mayo who was absolutely convinced by this story but he had a major heroin problem at the time. He's fine now btw.

20/07/2005, 6:04 PM
You mean someone else was misfortunate enough to be born with that weak chinned lost hangdog expression?


I take it you're not a Macca fan then Conor 74 - just a guess. :D

He was fierce contrary on Live8 lately though, did you notice?? Maybe his new missus is getting to him?

20/07/2005, 8:12 PM
The Grassy Knoll is to blame for everything :D

20/07/2005, 9:09 PM
The Grassy Knoll is to blame for everything :D

Yeah, looks just like the terrace opposite the stand in Belfield. Is that still a grassy slope btw??

Sorry CTID - couldn't resist. :D

20/07/2005, 9:47 PM
Yeah, looks just like the terrace opposite the stand in Belfield. Is that still a grassy slope btw??

Sorry CTID - couldn't resist. :D

Are you referring perchance to the West Bank? :D

20/07/2005, 10:02 PM
Are you referring perchance to the West Bank? :D

WHAT?? :eek: No smart assed repost - CTID - you're going soft on me. :p :D

Does repost have an "e" at the end of it???

20/07/2005, 10:09 PM
WHAT?? :eek: No smart assed repost - CTID - you're going soft on me. :p :D

Does repost have an "e" at the end of it???
It's riposte you illiterate so and so! :D Happy now?

20/07/2005, 10:11 PM
It's riposte you illiterate so and so! :D Happy now?

Thank you CTID - I'm happy now you're back to form. LOL It's still an empty grassy bank. :p :D In Mel's we have a nice variety of flora. Veritable Eden project it is. :D

20/07/2005, 11:20 PM
Thank you CTID - I'm happy now you're back to form. LOL It's still an empty grassy bank. :p :D In Mel's we have a nice variety of flora. Veritable Eden project it is. :D
Is the rockery still there? :D

20/07/2005, 11:23 PM
Is the rockery still there? :D

You name it - we've got it. David Bellamy will be doing a "Clara Bog" any day now and trying to get the ground declared as an endangered flora area or whatever they call it. :D

I hope none of the Athlone Town boys are reading this..... :o