View Full Version : Anyone know if Eddie Annand

red metal
16/07/2005, 3:35 PM
Anyone know if Eddie Annand will be with the C/E/L/T/I/C u 21 on tuesday night.i here he,s a coach with them ??????????????????????Why wont it let me spell it properly.????????????????????????????????

16/07/2005, 5:27 PM
Why wont it let me spell it properly.????????????????????????????????

See here. (http://foot.ie/showpost.php?p=310204&postcount=24)

Da Real Rover
16/07/2005, 5:29 PM
The moderaters dont want ****** or Rangers talk on the site because they think it will lead to arguments about Religion, only god knows why they dont do the same with Linfield, Cliftonville etc

Mayo Red
16/07/2005, 6:11 PM
It would be nice to see Eddie Annand back at the Showgrounds along with Willie McStay.

The moderaters dont want ****** or Rangers talk on the site because they think it will lead to arguments about Religion, only god knows why they dont do the same with Linfield, Cliftonville etc

I can see where they are coming from and there is no defence for that sort of carry on, but this is PC gone mad. How come we can still say Rangers and not ******?

Da Real Rover
16/07/2005, 8:14 PM
I can see where they are coming from and there is no defence for that sort of carry on, but this is PC gone mad. How come we can still say Rangers and not ******?
Just the usual Political correctness in the south that nearly always seems to lead to self loathing. One of the finer attributes the Brits have left ingrained in our nation.