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15/07/2005, 3:00 PM
In response to the chav test on another thread - here's a snob test:


15/07/2005, 3:04 PM
Ha, i only got 20.

Way to go! You don't appear to have a snobby bone in your body. Your answers on the test show that you are generally laidback, open-minded and down-to-earth. You try not to judge others based on superficial outer qualities like their car, clothes or bank account. Either you are the type of person who likes EVERYONE, or you have your own measures of whether someone is worthy of your respect; chances are you look beyond the surface and judge people on their character and inner worth. This attitude surely brings a lot of interesting people and experiences into your life and allows you to develop real, quality relationships. The world needs more people with this perspective

15/07/2005, 3:08 PM
Ha, i only got 20.

Way to go! You don't appear to have a snobby bone in your body. Your answers on the test show that you are generally laidback, open-minded and down-to-earth. You try not to judge others based on superficial outer qualities like their car, clothes or bank account. Either you are the type of person who likes EVERYONE, or you have your own measures of whether someone is worthy of your respect; chances are you look beyond the surface and judge people on their character and inner worth. This attitude surely brings a lot of interesting people and experiences into your life and allows you to develop real, quality relationships. The world needs more people with this perspective

Could you not have cheated JUST a little - methinks there's a touch of the Sophie Ellis Bextors about you Babysis. LOL :D

15/07/2005, 3:09 PM
Could you not have cheated JUST a little - methinks there's a touch of the Sophie Ellis Bextors about you Babysis. LOL :D

me thinks not sir hamish :D

Thats a great site though, did a few of the other tests, pretty interesting :eek: :D

15/07/2005, 3:15 PM
I got 10 and thats even after I said yes to the Grey Poupon question cos I have it in my fridge at home

15/07/2005, 3:20 PM
I got 30 but it's American so it's not as good as the questions we've been asking.

15/07/2005, 3:20 PM
10 for me too ... we're not posh as fook down here in Athlone :)

Pat O' Banton
15/07/2005, 3:25 PM
10 and that's only cause I can't stand monkey man Adam Sandler.

Drumcondra Red
15/07/2005, 3:33 PM
Ha, i only got 20.

Way to go! You don't appear to have a snobby bone in your body. Your answers on the test show that you are generally laidback, open-minded and down-to-earth. You try not to judge others based on superficial outer qualities like their car, clothes or bank account. Either you are the type of person who likes EVERYONE, or you have your own measures of whether someone is worthy of your respect; chances are you look beyond the surface and judge people on their character and inner worth. This attitude surely brings a lot of interesting people and experiences into your life and allows you to develop real, quality relationships. The world needs more people with this perspective

Ha!!! You're such a snob, I got 0!!!

What the hell is Grey Poupon???

15/07/2005, 3:41 PM
Ha!!! You're such a snob, I got 0!!!

What the hell is Grey Poupon???

You eat it and you go poupon the toilet :D :D :eek:

15/07/2005, 3:54 PM
Ha!!! You're such a snob, I got 0!!!

What the hell is Grey Poupon???

Fancy mustard

15/07/2005, 3:54 PM
Your answers on the test show that you are generally laidback

???something fishy going on here????

15/07/2005, 4:01 PM
???something fishy going on here????

I dont think so :p

15/07/2005, 5:05 PM
not as good as the questions we've been asking.

Snob!! :p :D

15/07/2005, 5:33 PM
I got a fifteen,im happy with that. :

15/07/2005, 6:28 PM
Your score = 20

Way to go! You don't appear to have a snobby bone in your body. Your answers on the test show that you are generally laidback, open-minded and down-to-earth. You try not to judge others based on superficial outer qualities like their car, clothes or bank account. Either you are the type of person who likes EVERYONE, or you have your own measures of whether someone is worthy of your respect; chances are you look beyond the surface and judge people on their character and inner worth. This attitude surely brings a lot of interesting people and experiences into your life and allows you to develop real, quality relationships. The world needs more people with this perspective!

20 % snob
59% chav

whats the other 21% :confused:

15/07/2005, 6:50 PM
10 here, 17 on chav

WTF am I? :confused: :confused: :confused:

Drumcondra Red
15/07/2005, 7:44 PM
Your score = 20

20 % snob
59% chav

whats the other 21% :confused:

Villager!!! :D :D :D

Anto McC
15/07/2005, 7:51 PM
I scored 20 :eek:

Roy is wwaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyy more snob than me,I'm a townie

Drumcondra Red
15/07/2005, 7:56 PM
I scored 20 :eek:

Roy is wwaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyy more snob than me,I'm a townie

How the fook did you get 20??? I'd be more interested to see what you got on the chav test!!! :p :D :p :D

Anto McC
15/07/2005, 7:58 PM
I'll give the chav 1 a go

Plastic Paddy
15/07/2005, 9:11 PM
Your score = 20

20 % snob
59% chav

whats the other 21% :confused:

You follow Cork so I wouldn't worry about it. I've never met anyone from your city who I'd consider to be 100%, if you know what I mean... :eek: :p :D

:ball: PP

16/07/2005, 10:18 AM
My score is 5

16/07/2005, 1:12 PM
10 in snob test,41 in chav test

16/07/2005, 3:44 PM
You follow Cork

dont have much time for g.a.a. myself :p

16/07/2005, 9:39 PM
45. :o :eek:

Your test results indicate that you're somewhat snobby. You can be relaxed and accepting of those that don't fit your criteria for being "cool", but you also have the occasional bout of superiority. Perhaps there are certain things that matter more to you more than others, like clothes or work status, or you just get in a snobby mood from time to time. Whatever the case, you should refrain from judging others on superficial qualities. It may be an overused cliché, but it says it all: Don't judge a book by a cover. You don't know what fabulous and fascinating people you might discount just because they're not wearing the right brand of socks. Try to put aside your biases and give people a chance!

So what socks are you all wearing then?! :mad: ;)

16/07/2005, 9:57 PM
0, this thing is so accurate it's scary!

16/07/2005, 10:18 PM
10. Phew!

16/07/2005, 10:25 PM
25 for me!

De Town
16/07/2005, 10:58 PM
25 for me!
agus mise :D

us longford people arent snobs eh :p

Anto McC
16/07/2005, 11:21 PM
agus mise :D

us longford people arent snobs eh :p

More Hicks than snobs :D

De Town
17/07/2005, 10:55 AM
More Hicks than snobs :D
shut up D2 ;)

Anto McC
17/07/2005, 10:58 AM
shut up D2 ;)

Now now DE TOWN,don't talk back to your elders :D :p

Have you any totty for our dying thread

De Town
17/07/2005, 11:04 AM
Have you any totty for our dying thread
no im all tottied out :( :( :(

superfrank is usually good for a bit of totty, try him :cool:

Anto McC
17/07/2005, 11:06 AM
no im all tottied out :( :( :(

superfrank is usually good for a bit of totty, try him :cool:

I'll try get some myself

18/07/2005, 9:32 AM
no im all tottied out :( :( :(

superfrank is usually good for a bit of totty, try him :cool:
Sorry lads but I'm trying to curb my reputation. :o

18/07/2005, 9:48 AM
10 for me - Adam Sandler is a cnut.

Question 4 is stupid - where's the answer for just parking up normal.

18/07/2005, 1:54 PM
25 for me, only a Rovers fan snobbier than me here. :eek: ;)

18/07/2005, 3:01 PM
only a Rovers fan snobbier than me here. :eek: ;)

I'm snobier than you! :p

19/07/2005, 8:50 AM
Beat you all with 70%
:D :rolleyes:

You've got a superiority complex! You tend to judge others on a mental list of criteria you've developed over the years, and let me tell you there aren't too many people who make the cut! There's just no subtle way to say this - you are superficial. Perhaps you already know this, and don't really care. If you want to live in your closed little bubble, the only one you're hurting is yourself; but there's a whole world of fascinating people and places that you're missing out on because of your rigid views. If the most important thing to you is someone's outer shell, then you'll never get below the surface to find their real worth.

19/07/2005, 9:01 AM
55 :eek:

Your test results indicate that you're somewhat snobby. You can be relaxed and accepting of those that don't fit your criteria for being "cool", but you also have the occasional bout of superiority. Perhaps there are certain things that matter more to you more than others, like clothes or work status, or you just get in a snobby mood from time to time.

Hmm....to be honest that's probably accurate enough.
I can be a right pr!ck when I want to be, especially when it comes to music. :D :D :D

19/07/2005, 9:24 AM
10 ;) Fvck you and the horse you rode in on! :D

1 9 2 8
19/07/2005, 5:43 PM
I got 0% on this snob test :eek:

Green Tribe
20/07/2005, 5:33 PM
Your score = 25

Total = 25

What does your score mean?
Way to go! You don't appear to have a snobby bone in your body. Your answers on the test show that you are generally laidback, open-minded and down-to-earth. You try not to judge others based on superficial outer qualities like their car, clothes or bank account. Either you are the type of person who likes EVERYONE, or you have your own measures of whether someone is worthy of your respect; chances are you look beyond the surface and judge people on their character and inner worth. This attitude surely brings a lot of interesting people and experiences into your life and allows you to develop real, quality relationships. The world needs more people with this perspective!

Deadly, I think that is quite accurate of me. :D

20/07/2005, 11:16 PM
Beat you all with 70%
:D :rolleyes:

You've got a superiority complex! You tend to judge others on a mental list of criteria you've developed over the years, and let me tell you there aren't too many people who make the cut! There's just no subtle way to say this - you are superficial. Perhaps you already know this, and don't really care. If you want to live in your closed little bubble, the only one you're hurting is yourself; but there's a whole world of fascinating people and places that you're missing out on because of your rigid views. If the most important thing to you is someone's outer shell, then you'll never get below the surface to find their real worth.

Obviously a Taylors Hill graduate. :rolleyes: :D

20/07/2005, 11:19 PM
Your score = 25

. You try not to judge others based on superficial outer qualities

Anyone see certain posts in Tottywatch lately?? :D

(snigger) :D

20/07/2005, 11:24 PM
Beat you all with 70%
:D :rolleyes:

You've got a superiority complex! You tend to judge others on a mental list of criteria you've developed over the years, and let me tell you there aren't too many people who make the cut! There's just no subtle way to say this - you are superficial. Perhaps you already know this, and don't really care. If you want to live in your closed little bubble, the only one you're hurting is yourself; but there's a whole world of fascinating people and places that you're missing out on because of your rigid views. If the most important thing to you is someone's outer shell, then you'll never get below the surface to find their real worth.

My kind of person.... :cool: ;)


20/07/2005, 11:26 PM
My kind of person.... :cool: ;)



:D :D

20/07/2005, 11:39 PM
Oh well, if you must put a superficial label on me... :rolleyes:

;) :D

20/07/2005, 11:42 PM
Oh well, if you must put a superficial label on me... :rolleyes:

;) :D

Nothing superficial about pain. :D Just lookin' out for you man. LOL :D