View Full Version : Oxegen 2006

14/07/2005, 1:21 PM
In response to the phenomenal number of requests from fans looking to secure tickets for next years Oxegen festival, organisers have finally given in to music lovers' demands and will release the first batch of two day camping tickets for OXEGEN 2006 (subject to licence) next Friday 15th July at 9AM!

Not only will eager fans be able to obtain their much sought-after tickets, but they'll also be able to avail of them at this years 2005 prices! However, tickets will only be on sale for a limited time period and are restricted to 6 per person.

'We've been inundated by thousands of fans looking for tickets for next years Oxegen event especially after this years 70,000 tickets Sold Out in record time. It's brilliant news for fans who missed out this year and were are delighted that promoters finally agreed to release some tickets next Friday,' commented Eamonn O' Connor, Managing Director of Ticketmaster.

Denis Desmond of MCD commented "for this year's OXEGEN to sell out so far in advance in its short history, it is an incredible achievement and goes to show that the event has already established itself as one of the most important events in the Irish music calendar and were already looking forward to next year."

Millions of fans across Europe will be able to see the highlights of this years Oxegen festival when MTV Networks broadcast over 150 hours of live action within the coming weeks - a first for any Irish festival!

Two day with camping tickets for Ireland's premier annual multi stage music festival go on sale this Friday 15th July at 9AM priced 145.00 (including booking fee) from the following:

In person: from 72 Ticketmaster outlets nationwide or 24hr hotlines: Tel: (ROI) 0818 719 300 (NI) 0870 243 4455
Buy online: www.ticketmaster.ie
I think it's a bit stupid selling them already, and I can't see too many people buying them yet.

14/07/2005, 1:43 PM
Not only will eager fans be able to obtain their much sought-after tickets, but they'll also be able to avail of them at this years 2005 prices!

Ya mean that they are going to hike up the prices again!?! :eek:

F-off! (although would be a handy money earner if I had the cash)

14/07/2005, 2:08 PM
Its a good way to scam people into buying tickets early.Those who had a class time at the weekend and have a bit of money will buy them and also does who left it too late this year and couldnt get a ticket will want to make sure they get one this year.Strange for people to be buying tickets to a music festival before any bands are announced,if they sell them out quick enough they wont have to bother booking any bands and can make a huge profit

14/07/2005, 2:15 PM
Just a theory, but with the World Cup (hopefully) burning a massive hole in the collective Irish pocket next year, are they trying to recover as much as possible before everyone decides "sod Oxegen, I'm off to Germany"??

14/07/2005, 2:48 PM
I totally disagree on selling tickets before the lineup is announced. Would you buy a ticket to a show before you know who's playing? Would you pay for an item before you know what it is? Its exactly that. They are hyping the gig up!!

14/07/2005, 3:01 PM
Not only will eager fans be able to obtain their much sought-after tickets, but they'll also be able to avail of them at this years 2005 prices!
Are we supposed to be impressed by this? F F S

14/07/2005, 3:17 PM
i believe the phrase that pat shortt used in that song parodying "stan" in refernce to mcd and ticketmaster was
"robbin shower of b*stards"
which is about right.

14/07/2005, 3:22 PM
Think it was Jon Kenny but you're right there Ted.

18/07/2005, 10:41 AM
im seriously thinking of not going next year this years was so poor music wise there must have been only 10 good acts out of 80 thats poor , ill wait for the line up to be announced or as was stated by off to germany !!.

red hot chilli peppers will head line next year

18/07/2005, 12:09 PM
Oxegen 2006

My requirements to go to it:

Muse, Pixies, Futureheads, The Shins, Tom McRae, The Zutons, The Coral, Weezer, Hell is For Heroes, yourcodenameis:milo, The Arcade Fire, Interpol, Bright Eyes, Modest Mouse, Wilt.

18/07/2005, 12:32 PM
before everyone decides "sod Oxegen, I'm off to Germany"??
what dates does the world cup run to and from, does anyone know?

18/07/2005, 12:36 PM
it's usually the month of June isn't it?

19/07/2005, 2:56 PM
Oxegen 2006

My requirements to go to it:

Muse, Pixies, Futureheads, The Shins, Tom McRae, The Zutons, The Coral, Weezer, Hell is For Heroes, yourcodenameis:milo, The Arcade Fire, Interpol, Bright Eyes, Modest Mouse, Wilt.

So you're not going then no? :D

19/07/2005, 4:37 PM
red hot chilli peppers will head line next year

Oh dear god no!!!!!!!!!!! :eek:

19/07/2005, 4:39 PM
Oxegen 2006

My requirements to go to it:

Muse, Pixies, Futureheads, The Shins, Tom McRae, The Zutons, The Coral, Weezer, Hell is For Heroes, yourcodenameis:milo, The Arcade Fire, Interpol, Bright Eyes, Modest Mouse, Wilt.

Agre with a lot of your choices but can't see all of them playing next year. How can wilt play now that Kerbdog are reformed and touring?

19/07/2005, 5:07 PM
Pearl Jam to headline ? :)
That would rule

19/07/2005, 5:12 PM
Oh dear god no!!!!!!!!!!! :eek:

thats the rumour going about , they would need a new album to tour im sick of the greatest hits tour seen it twice now

19/07/2005, 6:43 PM
How can wilt play now that Kerbdog are reformed and touring?
They play nearly all Wilt songs.

20/07/2005, 7:57 AM
They play nearly all Wilt songs.

Seen Kerbdog twice since they were back and they didn't play any Wilt.
I heard rumour that Battle was thinking about a Wilt reform (did they even break up.....) seeing as Kerbdog did so well!!

20/07/2005, 7:58 AM
So you're not going then no? :D

You can always hope!! :)

20/07/2005, 5:09 PM
I think the people who are going to buy tickets this early are the poeple who are there for the fun rather than the music.

A few years back I spent the whole of Sunday in the pit and it was grand but I felt I missed something. The following year I didn't listen to any (well very little) music and had the best laugh ever.

20/07/2005, 5:31 PM
I think the people who are going to buy tickets this early are the poeple who are there for the fun rather than the music.

A few years back I spent the whole of Sunday in the pit and it was grand but I felt I missed something. The following year I didn't listen to any (well very little) music and had the best laugh ever.

Not koncking you or anything, but why not go camping with friends insetad? If Im going to part with e145, I want to see some great bands, I can get ****ed with my mates for a lot cheaper and have just as good a time. Saying that though, I wouldnt like to spend a whole day in the pit, you do miss out on stuff.

20/07/2005, 6:08 PM
Not koncking you or anything, but why not go camping with friends insetad?

There's not many campsites around that allow 40,000 campers to get drunk and play loud music all night long. I just love the atmosphere of these fesitivals. Everyone's in such a good mood and is up for anything.

20/07/2005, 10:17 PM
Can't understand why anyone would have bought tickets before knowing any of the bands that are due to play at it

23/07/2005, 1:29 PM
i feel oxegen is a petty posers gathering these days, back when it was witness the real atmosphgere was there, now its full of D4/D6 brigade don't you know Oisin et al.

24/07/2005, 12:05 PM
i feel oxegen is a petty posers gathering these days, back when it was witness the real atmosphgere was there, now its full of D4/D6 brigade don't you know Oisin et al.

Agree with you here man, went to the taps at B10 to fill a bottle of water on the sunday morning this year at one tap there was a fella with a wee mirror shaving his little goatie and styling his hair, at another 3 women out with bottles of shampoo and conditioner washing their hair.

24/07/2005, 7:10 PM
there was a fella with a wee mirror shaving his little goatie and styling his hair, at another 3 women out with bottles of shampoo and conditioner washing their hair.

Oh good god! :eek: (honestly) Thats just wrong :o

25/07/2005, 4:53 PM
Oh good god! :eek: (honestly) Thats just wrong :o

I know, a guy a few people behind me shouted at the goatie fella "fu*k off to Homelands" :D

26/07/2005, 8:01 AM
washing at a festival ! pansies !! :)

but i cant understand people that go for the "laugh" not the music , go to the counrtyside sit in a field its the same thing .

but its gone too main stream now to pick the bands get a top ten in january this year was so dissapointing , grren day foo fighter killers all rubbish .snoop and the streets the sound was crap ,

only good show was kasabian , frames ... maybe one or 2 more i seem to have forgoteen for some reason ??