View Full Version : Rovers Man of the Match

11/07/2005, 4:39 PM
Just to clarify something stated on another thread regarding the nominations of the Man of the Match Award at Rovers Home games.
The following is the actual quote;

"Man of the match means nothing in the Showgrounds anymore cos it's not given to the best player, it's given to whoever scores".

Taking the sound advice - Think Before You Type - I endeavoured to check back over the games Rovers played and scored in at the Showgrounds to comfirm if the above quote is correct.

Sat. Apr. 2 - Rovers home to Dundalk
Rovers goal scorer - Ciaran Foley
Man of the Match - Raffael Cretaro

Sat. May 21 - Rovers home to Dublin City
Rovers goal scorer - Michael McNamara
Man of the Match - Paul McTiernan

Fri. June 3 - Rover home to Galway
Rovers goal scorers - McTiernan, Frawley og, McNamara, Flannery
Man of the Match - Conor O' Grady

Sat. June 25 - Rovers home to Cobh
Rovers goal scorers - Steve Feeney, Carlos Alverez
Man of the Match - Liam Burns

Considering that Rovers have played Nine League games at home in the Showgrounds and it's only League games that the Man of the Match is awarded. Taking this into account, of the nine games Rovers failed to score in two (Limerick on Sat. Apr. 9 and Monaghan Sat. Apr. 23) so the Man of the Match award for those games couldn't have been awarded to the goalscorer and the above four games the Man of the Match award didn't go to any of the goalscorers. Which leaves three games where the goalscorer was awarded with the Man of the Match accolade.

I think my findings speak for themselves so I rest my case.

11/07/2005, 5:32 PM
Well researched and well stated petmuller :o
Flannery deserved a man of the match reward, he has put in some very good performances over a number of games. I would have chosen Raff on Sat night, but its a personel choice. Everyone will not choose the same way.
Its a poor reflection on supporters if we begrudge a player his hour of glory.
I for one, am delighted for Sean. Well done.

11/07/2005, 8:11 PM
:rolleyes:,Oh what a sad little man you are Petmuller

11/07/2005, 9:23 PM
:rolleyes:,Oh what a sad little man you are Petmuller

Don't like to be proven wrong then??

:p :p :p

11/07/2005, 11:07 PM
Don't like to be proven wrong then??

:p :p :p

And you were the one telling me to get a life? You clearly have none considering that you actually went and checked all our results to see who scored and who got man of the match:rolleyes:. I dont think anybody on this site cares about our arguments petmuller so I think we should end it now or like I said if you want to continue it, then do it in pm ;) .

11/07/2005, 11:12 PM
And you were the one telling me to get a life? You clearly have none considering that you actually went and checked all our results to see who scored and who got man of the match:rolleyes:. I dont think anybody on this site cares about our arguments petmuller so I think we should end it now or like I said if you want to continue it, then do it in pm ;) .

AS IF :rolleyes:

Da Real Rover
13/07/2005, 12:04 PM
I dont think anybody on this site cares about our arguments petmuller so I think we should end it now or like I said if you want to continue it, then do it in pm ;) .
Please, please do that cause this bitchin is getting damn repedative. Just wondering why so many fans have taken issue with Sligomans opinion that Flannery is crap, so what everyone gots an opinion. I think he has really improved just in case i get torn to shreds like sligoman. But your arguments have not changed his opinion, so stop, no one enjoys it. Also i feel that the man of the match reward is a joke, its rarely given to who deserves it and once in a blue moon its given to someone outside sligo.