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15/07/2005, 9:33 AM
A good performance and a good result last night.Should have won by 3 or 4 and ended the tie last night.Played good football when we got going and dominated the game for long periods.One of our better performances lately but at 2 - 0 the tie is still alive and it is only half time.I would be confident that if we play the way we did last night then we should win again over there.Good enough crowd and a good atmosphere ( why we can't have it for every home match is beyond me ) with Section O in fine tune.Really looking forward to the away leg and a few nights on the raz in Cardiff.
On a seperate note,congrats to Cork on a great result it's looking good for all EL clubs at the moment.

15/07/2005, 9:45 AM
Great result last night. Some super football played. If we go about it the same way in two weeks we should win in Wales. How many of the crowd that was there last night will make it for Saturday week against Finn Harps? Will we fall back from 2500 to 1000?

15/07/2005, 1:21 PM
Well done to the town last night. First European victory is a great achievment.

From the sounds of it ye were well on top and hopefully there will be a repeat performance in the second leg.

15/07/2005, 1:49 PM
And the same to you Paudie. Superb reslt away from home.

15/07/2005, 2:15 PM
Great result last night but lets not get carried away,carmarthen were not good at all.We never really hit top gear,our strikers still aren't performing,keegos workrate was excellent but he never looked like scoring,same with myler.We are still relying on our defenders to score goals,hopefully alan can bring in another striker,we need one badly.All round a good night,section o was the best its been in a long time,why cant it be like that every match.That flansiro chant most go into the section o record books,how long was it 20minutes+ anyway.Also liked the way bits in the fanzine were advertising for more people to come on over

15/07/2005, 2:44 PM
when was the last time a striker was really putting them away though (since Keith O'Connorin the season leading to promotion)? Dessie got 10 in the league last season was it? That's pretty average given he was the only one scoring with the odd Keego at al for good measure. There has to be problems outside the strikers themselves. They're either not getting the service they want/need or there's bad communication or a lack of comonality in their training objectives. Getting in a striker will not necessarily solve the problem imo. See Myler.

15/07/2005, 3:35 PM
Keego didn't score in the league at all last season.

Didnt he score in the league vs Drogheda last season? one of the last games i think after the cup final! *open to correction*

15/07/2005, 3:46 PM
He did score against Drogs

Martinho II
15/07/2005, 9:53 PM
Great result last night but lets not get carried away,carmarthen were not good at all.We never really hit top gear,our strikers still aren't performing,keegos workrate was excellent but he never looked like scoring,same with myler.We are still relying on our defenders to score goals,hopefully alan can bring in another striker,we need one badly.All round a good night,section o was the best its been in a long time,why cant it be like that every match.That flansiro chant most go into the section o record books,how long was it 20minutes+ anyway.Also liked the way bits in the fanzine were advertising for more people to come on over

as the author in that above mentioned article, i hope a lot more people will come over and join us. thats why i went to the trouble of doing an article for the fanzine to give an insight into section o.

i am still buzzing from the section o experience!it was by far the best buzzever seen! we literally sang non stop for the game and after the game showed our apprceiation for the good performance for the team. the quick nips must have helped plus the drumming!

thanks everyone for buying the fanzine -we sold out 120 copies of the fanzine and raised 280 euros for the andy myler sponsorship. i did not get around to selling some more so if anyone would like a copy kept please pm me and i will hold you a copy in exchange of a two euro payment! i am seriously consdiering selling the fanzine in wales for the supporters that could not make the home leg!

thanks again

the management of section o

now if i can remember to get the money in john joes behind the bar! :p

15/07/2005, 10:23 PM
Keego didn't score in the league at all last season. His first goal for the club was the winner in the cup final. :D

We are pretty solid at the back & the midfield are doing well. The strikers ain't striking - that's where the problem lies. They got great service last night - they saw lots of the ball & on the deck.

I think the problem lies with the way we're trying to attack. Its very, very difficult to attack with your back to goal - Keego had his back to goal for most of the match last night. You've either got to (a) run at the defenders from midfield or (b) send in the "killer" pass for the striker to run on to.
We did a fair bit of the latter last night - especially on the right side & Kirbs got in a good few times, as well as sending over a few lethal crosses (but again, no-one on the end of them :mad: ) We should then have sent absolutely everything down the right, as we were destroying them every single time.
But this lark of trying to win a ball with your back to goal & then lauch an attack very, very rarely works.

Yeah we'll make you manager ffs :rolleyes: , sure I got the solution give Keego the ball (without his back to goal i.e. facing their goal, thats what your saying isn't it :confused: ), that sounds smart, the midfielders pass it to his heels...Great! I don't think you understand, that the last time I checked there were no wonderkids nor Brazilians in the team. Therefore Keegan gets the ball and HOLDS IT, yes HOLDS it. Go to your nearest library and rent out football tactics for kids, its under the chapter Possession, I think :D If you had your way he (or some other unsuspecting fool) would have to come and bulldoze his way to goal by turning for goal, running and running and running into four defenders. Go go super Keego. 'Nuff said about your football knowledge. I like the way he plays at the moment, adds some composure on the attcking midfield.
On another note good performance last night and probably should have put it beyond all doubt at 3-0. Kirby played one of his best in years and Davy Byrne added some real quality. Contrary to what many think, the forwards did not get any wonderful supply(Keego won much of the possession he had for himself), yes balls were crossed in many a time with the box often being two crowded for Myler or Keegan to latch onto or the cross was off target. Nevertheless Keegan played well, working hard again, he falls a lot though. Myler couldn't really get into it at times. Pleasing to win in Europe for the first time and shouldn't be too threatened in Wales. I would rate them similar to the lower strands of the eircom premier or maybe the top teams in the first division playing at their peak. Their no. 9 and 10 showed a little quality but according to their fans they have little faith in them getting a goal.

15/07/2005, 11:14 PM
. not getting the service they want/need

Spot on!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :o

16/07/2005, 3:11 AM
Get with the programme, Vadus were full time and only the cream of our league can the top of their game would have beat Vadus.

Vaduz play in the World-class Swiss second division. :rolleyes: They are not Real Madrid. Vaduz's players were unfit, and out-of-season against a side who had 4 months of match fitness behind them in the top division of their national league. Nobody else had lost to them in Europe before. Any half-decent team in the NL would have beaten them both times, without breaking sweat. So why did you lose to them? :confused: :mad: There have been many disasters with Irish clubs in Europe. Longford's defeats to Vaduz last season, particularly the home one, were among the worst of them. :(

pineapple stu
16/07/2005, 7:25 AM
Vaduz play in the World-class Swiss second division.
And Longford play in the high-quality eircom League Premier Division. Come on, get a sense of perspective here! It was a disappointing defeat, but as their win during the week showed, hardly embarrassing.

16/07/2005, 11:53 AM
Any half-decent team in the NL would have beaten them both times, without breaking sweat.

rules out rovers then eh mypost :p

16/07/2005, 12:41 PM
Vaduz play in the World-class Swiss second division. :rolleyes: They are not Real Madrid. Vaduz's players were unfit, and out-of-season against a side who had 4 months of match fitness behind them in the top division of their national league. Nobody else had lost to them in Europe before. Any half-decent team in the NL would have beaten them both times, without breaking sweat. So why did you lose to them? :confused: :mad: There have been many disasters with Irish clubs in Europe. Longford's defeats to Vaduz last season, particularly the home one, were among the worst of them. :(

It was a poor result, no bloody doubt... and when I said the cream of our league, i blew it up a little. but without any doubt they have the operating budget of more than any eL club had at the time and they got through... now mypost, why don't you list your clubs disappointments in europe, seeing as your so fond of pointing ours out.

You've already been found out as regards your knowledge of vaduz... drop the sticking the boot in over last years result....

18/07/2005, 5:07 AM
now mypost, why don't you list your clubs disappointments in europe, seeing as your so fond of pointing ours out.

There have indeed been several disappointments involving my club in Europe, but unfortunately for you, that is not relevant here. :p

I would expect Rovers, or any other NL Premier Division team, to comfortably deal with Vaduz at any given time. If this league is as good as people make it out to be, then they should have zero problems playing against Vaduz. They are the dream draw for anyone playing in Europe. I'm sure Beveren fancied playing them more, than they fancied playing Longford in the next round. They duly beat them home and away, like you should have done.

As far as I am concerned, there is no excuse for any team who doesn't win against Vaduz over two legs. The people who defend Longford's results against Vaduz, are the same kind of people who say that Ireland's draw in Liechtenstein all those years ago, was not a disgraceful and humiliating result, but was actually a valuable away point. :rolleyes:

18/07/2005, 7:40 AM
Just fook off mypost with your back handed compliments.

Vaduz have a budget that písses all over anything in this league - even shels now with the silly money they're throwing about. Most of the Vaduz team went onto to draw with Portugal playing for the Liechtenstein national team. Get it into your thick head - they were actually a decent team. People who say it was an embarrassment are just wánkers that are too lazy to look up the relative strengths of the teams involved. Incidentally, I see some other team had to face the shame of losing to them in europe last week :rolleyes:

Town played well and the tie should be over now. A performance like Thursday next week and it will be.

pineapple stu
18/07/2005, 12:52 PM
Vaduz have a budget that písses all over anything in this league - even shels now with the silly money they're throwing about. Most of the Vaduz team went onto to draw with Portugal playing for the Liechtenstein national team. Get it into your thick head - they were actually a decent team.
Don't forget their result this year - beating a Moldovan team 2-0. Now how would an Irish team do against a Moldovan side... :o

18/07/2005, 11:53 PM
Our strikers are not striking (A defender is the joint highest scorer !) Our strikers have not scored for the last FIVE league games in a row.
There must be something wrong with their approach to goal scoring.
Its very, very , very rarely that you will score with your back to goal.
You don't "bulldoze" your way to goal. There are many, many approaches - including the beautiful one-touch move along the right touchline in the second half against Camarthen, which nearly ended in a score. Or Prunty's beautiful piece of skill on the left wing when he turned on a sixpence and "skinned" his man.
I don't see how you think Paul Keegan is the answer to our lack of killer instinct in the final third .

a. Whats your point? the forwards are inept? their footballing techniques are wrong? So what if Paisley is the highest scorer whats the point?.. hes on the pitch as well isn't he?

b.Yeah theres no final third alright cos theres no second third either. Keegan holds the ball up when it is booted up there which is better than losing it and I think he is doing a fine job at the moment in "the final third".

c.Other than the Carmarthen game midfield moves have been hard to come by in the last few games but Davy Byrne might add some real incisive quality which might aid the "final third" in getting the goals you anticipate from them. I believe our wings need to be used more ensuring to get crosses in and avoid aimless build ups with no delivery on the end of it. Look what Kirby was capable of in the Uefa Cup game when he was getting crosses in => you should be looking at our midfield game instead of the forwards. Football is about building up to achieve a goal, not booting it to the forwards and telling them to just do the rest with it and then getting annoyed when nothing comes of it.

d. Yeah there must be "something wrong with Myler and Keegans approach to goal scoring" :rolleyes: . Get in and sort them lads out, you should get them to cop on and play one twos all along the wing until they get to the 6 yard box ;)

in a score. :) Last time I heard that saying was on the Sunday game, you must love the ball up in the air getting to the final third :rolleyes: ;)

19/07/2005, 3:23 AM
Vaduz have a budget that písses all over anything in this league.

Yeah, yeah, so what? A big budget doesn't compensate for playing against a team who had not 1, not 2, not 3, but 4 months of competitive match practice, going into the tie. Would you have beaten Carmanthen so easily, on a level playing field?

Most of the Vaduz team went onto to draw with Portugal playing for the Liechtenstein national team.

We'll see how they do when they travel to Portugal, won't we? Somehow, I don't think it will be the same result. Portugal will be out for revenge.

Get it into your head - they were actually a decent team. People who say it was an embarrassment are just wánkers that are too lazy to look up the relative strengths of the teams involved.

Their poor results in Europe over 10 years, show that they are a very poor side, that everyone wants to play against. At the UEFA draws every summer, the competing clubs all ask "did we get Vaduz?" You did last season, and should have taken advantage of it, instead of letting the league down.

De Town
19/07/2005, 11:47 AM
Yeah there sure is something wrong with Myler & Keegan's approach. ONE league goal apiece so far. Pathetic.
your wrong there. i might be forgetting some myself but Myler scored v UCD, PAts, Waterford and Keego scored v Waterford.

19/07/2005, 1:43 PM
I think this discussion is gone mad - we have 4 stikers, one is injured, one is not starting. We got rid of Lavine, no harm there. We brought in the goalie from Bohs and Alan Cawley so I can't see the club bringing in another striker.

19/07/2005, 3:40 PM
vaduz won thier uefa cup match last week 2-0 and finished 2nd in the swiss leagues 2nd highest division for the last 2 seasons, only missing out narrowly on being promoted to the swiss top flight to NEUCHATEL xamax and SCHAFFHAUSEN IN THE PROMOTION RELEGATION MATCHES ON BOTH OCCASIONS, SO THEY ARE A DECENT SIDE. THE swiss league is one of the top 10 leagues in Europe and always have teams in the group stages of the champions league. SO WHAT IF CARMARTHEN ARE OUT OF SEASON my post!! Using your logic, we should beat chelsea and real madrid cos they are both out of season.!!!! IF you have nothing good to say get lost and be bitter on some other website

19/07/2005, 3:57 PM
Vaduz are rubbish ..

They are in the swiss second division for a reason!!
They got beaten every year in Europe due to them being unseeded and useless. Except of course for when you gave them two wins to get themselves seeded this season. They are playing weaker teams as a result.

Shels beat one of those Swiss second division sides 4-1 in a pre season game a few months back while they were in their season.

and the is not always a Swiss team in the Champions League. They are nearly a Norway in that they have about 3 or 4 decent teams and the rest of the league wins nothing.

The swiss league may be in the top 10 but Vaduz are playing in the second division. Stop defending it would you!!!!!!

Im a shels fan and can accept the result against Hibs was a disgrace. You have to take the blame for losing two legs against one of the worst teams in European competition ever. You didnt even play well against them did you?

19/07/2005, 6:52 PM
Its over and done with ffs, A year later we like Cork and shels look like getting through our round and you are still on about last year.
Build a bridge and get over it!!

19/07/2005, 11:44 PM
Use the wings more and get Kirbs to take on the defenders i.e. RUN AT THEM.

Long high ball is not going to work (as already stated numerous times on other threads !!!)

Now your just repeating what I said three posts ago ffs :rolleyes:
I just remembered why I dont look at the towns board any more

Yeah there sure is something wrong with Myler & Keegan's approach. ONE league goal apiece so far. Pathetic.
What does this mean? :confused: I not gonna keep on about this discussion but just for your benefit this statement means nothing in football terms.
Tip- Open your Eyes in future, Keegan= tryer, worker, doing well Myler=capable needs the ball more

(As for your ludicrous suggestion that "Paisley is on the pitch as well - sure why wouldn't he score ?" - well, applying this logic would you have Digger in the opposing box ???
Outfield players, but so what...doesn't take away from my point so what if Paiso scores?

21/07/2005, 5:52 PM
yup, we all have our poor results in europe, like yeas against the maltese side. you are arguing a fair point in a fair manner, but that my post geeser just annoys a lot of peeps with his vindictiveness and bitterness.

21/07/2005, 5:53 PM
Myler=capable needs the ball more

If thats your argument cop on what is the point in havin some1 who is "capable" if the supply is sub-standard WHICH IT HAS BEEN!! Bring back Robbie Coyle ;)

21/07/2005, 7:09 PM
Oh God - where do I begin picking your load of tripe to pieces - before it falls apart in my hands

Vaduz are rubbish ..

They are in the swiss second division for a reason!!

Yes, and I'll refer you to the below:

vaduz finished 2nd in the swiss leagues 2nd highest division for the last 2 seasons, only missing out narrowly on being promoted to the swiss top flight to NEUCHATEL xamax and SCHAFFHAUSEN IN THE PROMOTION RELEGATION MATCHES ON BOTH OCCASIONS, SO THEY ARE A DECENT SIDE.

You remember Neuchatel Xamax - they beat the Rovers-jersey wearing Glasgow side 5-1 in the UEFA Cup a few years back.

They got beaten every year in Europe due to them being unseeded and useless. Except of course for when you gave them two wins to get themselves seeded this season. They are playing weaker teams as a result.


Shels beat one of those Swiss second division sides 4-1 in a pre season game a few months back while they were in their season.

Athlone beat Coventry in a pre-season game a couple of nights ago, and Bohs beat Tottenham in a pre-season game a couple of years back.

That must mean Bohs are better than Tottenham and Athlone should feck off to the Football League Championship. Friendly games count for NOTHING tbh.

and the is not always a Swiss team in the Champions League.

That's because of: a). Servette (one of the Swiss League's better sides) getting themselves demoted for Finance Problems this season, and Grasshoppers Zurich and Young Boys Berne coming up against opposition from higher up the European Football Elite (such as AEK Athens, Inter Milan, etc.) - and naturally losing the tie.

FC Basle - did they not get through 3 ties or so to reach the Champions League group stages a couple of years ago? Once again, beating the Green side of Glasgow in the Qualification Rounds

They are nearly a Norway in that they have about 3 or 4 decent teams and the rest of the league wins nothing.

Now this bit made me laugh so hard I nearly ruptured my spleen :D

Norwegian football is one of the most progressive setups anywhere in Europe - look at Rosenborg as an example.

Twenty years ago no-one had heard of them - now they are one of the fairly good (but not best) sides in Europe.

This is the club which somehow has far and away much more money than any other Tippeligaen side - they pull crowds of 17,000-odd whilst the rest of the division scrape by on average gates of 6,000.

Oh - and as for your claim that "they have about 3 or 4 decent teams and the rest of the league wins nothing" - er no!

Brann Bergen are a superb footballing side as are Valerenga.
Viking Stavanger always challenge there or thereabouts - didn't they absolutely knock the stuffing out of Chelsea a few years back in the UEFA Cup?
IK Start are beginning to relive old glories - they sit top of the division the season after getting promotion back into the top flight.
Lyn Oslo are starting to attract some big names now - they have had a bit of cash pumped in.
Lillestrom are another good footballing side who challenge for the title year in year out.
Same with Molde FK and Tromso tbh.

And as for your assertion as to it being not competitive - the League isn't usually settled until 2 or 3 games from the end - last season it went down to Injury Time on the last day of the season before Rosenborg carried off the Championship.

I'd rather have a "Norway" in place here in the eL if it meant we were competitive in Europe and had the facilites they had.

I'd say - shut up about something you CLEARLY know nothing about.

The swiss league may be in the top 10 but Vaduz are playing in the second division. Stop defending it would you!!!!!!

See the point by gheewhizz above - they missed out via the play-offs two years running - when they finally get promoted - which should be this season - they will establish themselves in the top flight and stay there for a good long while.

Im a shels fan and can accept the result against Hibs was a disgrace. You have to take the blame for losing two legs against one of the worst teams in European competition ever. You didnt even play well against them did you?

Swiss League >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Maltese "League" ffs :mad:

Stop being such an idiot - and as in the name of one poster on here "Cop On"

22/07/2005, 2:57 AM
Jeez, that's aeons ago. Get over it.

No, we won't. If you think you have it hard, our fans continue to remind Pats of their shameful 10-0 reverse against Zimbru Chisinau (Moldova), and that was 6 YEARS ago. At least they managed to get to the third QR, before PSV Eindhoven sent them into the UEFA Cup, where Spurs took care of them. Whereas Vaduz are permanent Eurotrash, and it's a disgrace to our league that you lost to them.

As regards Shels result against Hibernians, I excuse their defeat, as even though they should have progressed, they were very, very unlucky to lose the tie in the last minute. Even Real Madrid would struggle to come back from an 89th-minute winner against them!! :eek:

22/07/2005, 12:48 PM
As regards Shels result against Hibernians, I excuse their defeat, as even though they should have progressed, they were very, very unlucky to lose the tie in the last minute. Even Real Madrid would struggle to come back from an 89th-minute winner against them!! :eek:
Very unlucky to sit back and play for the draw for 89 minutes.. :rolleyes:

29/07/2005, 3:46 AM
Ah now - sure of course he's right! Vaduz are a lower division team and Carmarthen aren't, therefore Vaduz are worse. Makes perfect sense!

Yeah it does :D - I was proved to be right on that point. :rolleyes:

pineapple stu
02/08/2005, 12:48 PM
Nothing at all to do with your usual warped logic though. :rolleyes: