View Full Version : Pete Doherty @ Live 8

04/07/2005, 5:53 PM
Did any of you see Pete Doherty's duet with Elton John :confused: at live 8, they covered T-Rex's classic Children of the Revolution. Now I'm a big libertines fan and I like what I've heard from Babyshambles, but this was a joke Doherty was clearly out of it.

05/07/2005, 8:09 AM
Did any of you see Pete Doherty's duet with Elton John :confused: at live 8, they covered T-Rex's classic Children of the Revolution. Now I'm a big libertines fan and I like what I've heard from Babyshambles, but this was a joke Doherty was clearly out of it.

its just an stage act , same as elton wear silly costumes , slim shady acts all hard , they are performers to play up to an image , but he cant sing any way carl barat was allways the better singer guitar player etc

05/07/2005, 12:48 PM
Only saw a snippet of it unfortunately but he said in todays mirror he wasnt taking anything beforehand and that he was still off the drugs

05/07/2005, 12:55 PM
he is still of it you can tell a smack head way off by his fingers lips face dublin accent etc :)

pete has been clean for a while now , he had implants in his stomach plus treatment for it and is now clean , they way he acts on stage is like that at every show , belive me ive seen the shows when he is on something they are really poor cant hear a words he sings he falls over and it ends after about 5 songs !

05/07/2005, 11:18 PM
Pete Doherty and The Libertines :rolleyes:

For 10 year old "indie kids". First time I heard The Libertine's album I thought it was a **** take. They are only known because their "singer" "songwriter" (ahem) is a drug addict and the teeny bopper paper the NME with zero sales needs to latch onto any British personalities to get kids to keep the paper alive.

The Libertines are a very very very embarassingly bad attempt at emulating The La's. I had to laugh at hearing Doherty's cover of Callin' All! He's a cheeky ****er for citing Lee Mavers as his influence I must say!

I doubt anyone over the age of 16 gives to ****s about Pete Doherty to be honest. I bet I could stroll over to NME's website and find a meaningless story about what that "genius" is up to right now.

05/07/2005, 11:49 PM
I bet I could stroll over to NME's website and find a meaningless story about what that "genius" is up to right now.

Yes Barat and Doherty described somewhere as the next Lennon McCarthney :rolleyes:

06/07/2005, 8:17 AM
Pete Doherty and The Libertines :rolleyes:

For 10 year old "indie kids". First time I heard The Libertine's album I thought it was a **** take. They are only known because their "singer" "songwriter" (ahem) is a drug addict and the teeny bopper paper the NME with zero sales needs to latch onto any British personalities to get kids to keep the paper alive.

The Libertines are a very very very embarassingly bad attempt at emulating The La's. I had to laugh at hearing Doherty's cover of Callin' All! He's a cheeky ****er for citing Lee Mavers as his influence I must say!

I doubt anyone over the age of 16 gives to ****s about Pete Doherty to be honest. I bet I could stroll over to NME's website and find a meaningless story about what that "genius" is up to right now.

Ah come one, the two libertines albums kick a**e - especially the first one :)

06/07/2005, 10:11 AM
Pete Doherty and The Libertines :rolleyes:

For 10 year old "indie kids". First time I heard The Libertine's album I thought it was a **** take. They are only known because their "singer" "songwriter" (ahem) is a drug addict and the teeny bopper paper the NME with zero sales needs to latch onto any British personalities to get kids to keep the paper alive.

The Libertines are a very very very embarassingly bad attempt at emulating The La's. I had to laugh at hearing Doherty's cover of Callin' All! He's a cheeky ****er for citing Lee Mavers as his influence I must say!

I doubt anyone over the age of 16 gives to ****s about Pete Doherty to be honest. I bet I could stroll over to NME's website and find a meaningless story about what that "genius" is up to right now.

so what about the people that were listening to the libs before any albums were out before the SUN started to write about him every day . before he got messed up in the drugs ??

06/07/2005, 10:17 AM
Ah come one, the two libertines albums kick a**e - especially the first one :)
Are you taking the mick?

06/07/2005, 10:18 AM
so what about the people that were listening to the libs before any albums were out before the SUN started to write about him every day . before he got messed up in the drugs ??
Well I presume most of them are kids to be honest.

06/07/2005, 10:55 AM
Are you taking the mick?

Eh no, and I'm 23 :eek:

06/07/2005, 11:23 AM
Well I presume most of them are kids to be honest.

im 26 , ive been to there gigs most people there are over 18 at least , or is that still too young for you granddad ??

06/07/2005, 11:29 AM
im 26 , ive been to there gigs most people there are over 18 at least , or is that still too young for you granddad ??
Having reviewed Libertines and Babyshambles gigs I know you are talking bull if you think most people there were over 18 grandson.

06/07/2005, 12:50 PM
well there has been two shambles gig s , that were both over 18's so i dont know what kinda reveiwing you were doing

06/07/2005, 10:19 PM
He was a shambles at Live8 and in today's Mirror he blamed Peaches Geldof for it. He says she made a pass at him and grabbed his bum. And he said her Dad would not have been pleased... seems she is taking after her mum unfortunately :rolleyes:

Plastic Paddy
09/07/2005, 7:23 AM
pete has been clean for a while now , he had implants in his stomach plus treatment for it and is now clean , they way he acts on stage is like that at every show , belive me ive seen the shows when he is on something they are really poor cant hear a words he sings he falls over and it ends after about 5 songs !

Pete and Kate shocked friends backstage at Live8 with their open crack use. Kate's lost two stone, and Elton's offering to pay for Pete's treatment.

Still Anto, if you know better... :rolleyes:

:ball: PP

Closed Account 2
10/07/2005, 12:36 AM
Ah so he's the clown who was singing with Elton John! At first I thought it must have been some guy who'd won some sort of "sing at live 8 competition" and then had a few jars to calm himself down...