View Full Version : Very Important Meeting on Tomorrow

04/07/2005, 1:50 PM
night at 8.00pm in Drom.Anyone who wants to help in any way with the 3 big Fundraisers in the pipeline for the next Month are asked to Attend. If we all give a hand for the next 30/40 days it could see all three being a success and lessening the financial burden on our Club.

Also we are trying to get out some of our "lapsed" supporters for this friday night game versus limerick. If we win this friday we will be 5 points off limerick with a game in hand so if everyone that posts here encouraged 3/5 friend along to Terryland we could have our biggest gate of the season.

Patrick Dunne
04/07/2005, 9:09 PM
.. these fundraisers are crucial to the long term future of the club. We need to double our existing budget in order to compete at Premier Division level. Events like the Lark in the Park have the potential to bring in a six-figure sum annually.

Can you help ?

See you in Drum on Tuesday at 8.00pm.

04/07/2005, 11:06 PM
gufct, wont be able to make the meeting tomorrow (today),
I'll be working at the time of the meeting. Will try and get it off
but not likely. If Utd need a hand over the next month, I'll gladly
help, if I can. GalwayFrancis