View Full Version : maybe its time to get onto to Galway Bay

30/06/2005, 3:37 PM
FM and see what they can do to get out a Galway Crowd on the Night.

The Galway500


Just a quick note to those who don't know yet but we at thelimerick.95mb.com (plug!) are trying to get 500 Lims fans up at the Galway
match, Friday July8th (the match after Dundalk).
The plan is simple. Galway is only a short drive away, if anybody hasn't been
to an away match this season or if your planning to at some stage, then MAKE IT TO THIS MATCH. We get on average 1000 lims supporters to our home matches, EASY. If we manage to get half that to ONE away match this season, we will send out a massive message of intent. It will show Danny Drew that the fans are there to support his efforts, it will show the team that we believe in and support their goals for this season, It will be a statement of INTENT. Imagine 500 of the blue and white army arriving in galway, taking over Terryland, Roaring, Chanting for the blues, drowning out the Galway supporters in their own ground.
Our supporters have been excellent this season. Lets show the entire league of Ireland what Limerick FC is all about. Get cars, buses out to the Davin Arms
Carpark on the Ennis Road at 5 on Friday. If people have no way up, take them up in your cars with you, make room! We leave at exactly 5.30 so be there at 5 sharp. If for no other reason it should be a good laugh!
See thelimerick.95mb.com over the coming week for more details...

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Patrick Dunne
30/06/2005, 4:25 PM
.. 500, but at least they are making an attempt to drum up some interest.
100 would be a decent crowd from Limerick.

Our supporters seem to have an aversion to travelling to away games in large numbers. We normally bring 20-30 away, but these people are generally the same week in, week out.

Conor H
30/06/2005, 5:58 PM
Alot of premier clubs struggle to bring 500 to away matches,limerick will definitely not get near that.When we were down in Limerick we had about 40 and we still made alot more noise than they did and any Limerick fan at that game will back me up on that.It would be great if they did bring a large support,ther would be a cracking atmosphere but either way with King Eric returning it will be a Galway victory no matter how many they bring.

Conor H
01/07/2005, 10:49 AM
It will be the same lot again on the bus tommorrow with the possibility of one or two more :rolleyes: But don't worry if we start to put a run together then all the so called "fans" will come straight back until they go through another rough patch :mad:

01/07/2005, 11:17 AM
Hey Conor!

You dont have to go to the away games to be a "fan" of the club ! I have been going to terryland since before you were born but haven't made an away match this season because of a new addition to the family, so does that still not make me a "fan" ? Cop On !!! :mad:

01/07/2005, 12:38 PM
i don't see fans that only go to home matches as full fans
What? What the F*ck is a "full fan"? A fan of the club is a person who supports the club. Yer talking complete rubbish thinking that the club only has 20-30 "Full fans" if that is the case! whats the point in everyone else even turning up in terryland if thats the case?? STUPID!! :rolleyes:

Mark Lyons
01/07/2005, 12:46 PM
What? What the F*ck is a "full fan"? A fan of the club is a person who supports the club. Yer talking complete rubbish thinking that the club only has 20-30 "Full fans" if that is the case! whats the point in everyone else even turning up in terryland if thats the case?? STUPID!! :rolleyes:

Agreed Terry. I hate this horse sh*t of people giving themselves a big pat on the back cos they go to all the games. I work Mon-Fri in Dublin so don't get home on time to go to matches on a Friday night. Can't be helped. Doesn't make me any less a fan. If the 21s played somewhere a bit more accessible than Drom I'd watch them play.

Conor H
01/07/2005, 1:02 PM
Terry if you took note properly of what i was saying i said once the team starts doing well the crowds will come back not go to away games.We have alot of supporters who go to every single game they can.I was talking about the supporters who go to Terryland when the team starts winning.If you can't go to away matches you can't go -simple as.However alot of people aren't in your situation and are just plain lazy.One last thing is i hate the line "ive been supporing them since before you were born"-well obviously im only 16 :rolleyes: That doesn't make me any less of a fan, i help out when i can and go to every game i can just like you. :mad:

Patrick Dunne
01/07/2005, 1:07 PM
.. the lads are only saying that it would be better if we had a larger away support (and a larger home one !)

Obviously not every one can get to all games for family, work, reasons etc.
I would estimate that we have 500 hardcore Terryland supporters who attend 15 + home games a year, probably another 1000 + who attend 2 or more home games, 20 who attend 10+ away games and 100 + who attend 2+ away games.

We need to increase numbers in all categories. One category we also have is a large "I support United, live in the city, check the results on Aertel but don't bother going to Terryland" brigade. We need to mobilise this group. They are pro-United and will go up once a season, or when there is a big match. We had an attendance of 2,000 for our first game of the season.

Incidentally, I am a bigger supporter than the lot of you, so there :D

01/07/2005, 1:09 PM
I did read it again Conor, and you were talking about the away support! never once did you say that the supporters that would come back are the home ones! All you are talking about was the travelling support??

Conor H
01/07/2005, 1:11 PM
That's exactly who i was talking about-the people who go when things are going good.If we were top of the league we would have 2500 no bother at Terryland but because at the moment there not exactly challenging for promotion only around 200 could be arsed to go to the home games.

01/07/2005, 1:11 PM
Incidentally, I am a bigger supporter than the lot of you, so there :D

No your not!!! Im at least 4 or 5 inches taller than you !!!! :p :)

Conor H
01/07/2005, 1:16 PM
...I started off with the away support but the later comment was reffering to the support in general both home and away.Do you not agree that the Galway public in general are poor supporters of there local side?We are all fans ,it's not a competition between us as to who goes to more games and that was never my point.We will all go to terryland every friday this season whether were 1st or 2nd last(kilkenny will always be last).

Patrick Dunne
01/07/2005, 1:17 PM
.. at least 4-5 inches bigger than you !!! :p :)

01/07/2005, 1:36 PM
...I started off with the away support but the later comment was reffering to the support in general both home and away.Do you not agree that the Galway public in general are poor supporters of there local side?We are all fans ,it's not a competition between us as to who goes to more games and that was never my point.We will all go to terryland every friday this season whether were 1st or 2nd last(kilkenny will always be last).

Ok, We'll agree to disagree with what has been written. I do agree with you on the support from the public but the only way that will change is through success on the pitch which wont be happening this season unless we put a serious winning streak together.

01/07/2005, 1:37 PM
.. at least 4-5 inches bigger than you !!! :p :)

How do you know? have you been spying on people in the jacks AGAIN ??? :eek: We have to move the shop !!! :p :)

Conor H
01/07/2005, 2:25 PM
Ok, We'll agree to disagree with what has been written. I do agree with you on the support from the public but the only way that will change is through success on the pitch which wont be happening this season unless we put a serious winning streak together.

Ya i agree winning is what draws crowds which brings money and so on.I was saying that it's a shame people won't support them through the good times and the bad.

01/07/2005, 4:12 PM
its only a minority that stick with their teams thru good and bad times while there is the bandwagon supporters who will be the first looking for cup final tickets and international tickets.

The difference between here and england is that even at the smaller clubs there is a tremendous love and pride in their team no matter what division they play in. I follow QPR and get over at most 3 times a season but GUFC means a lot more to me than the Hoops and most of the lads i meet over there cannot believe the way Irish Fans ignore their own local teams while fighting over english teams in pubs.