View Full Version : Take military action against Zimbabwe

30/06/2005, 1:18 PM
Having heard all the horror stories from Zimbabwe on the radio, do you think the wester world / UN should take / threaten military action against Robert Mugabe's regime?

30/06/2005, 1:52 PM
You should of put a 'not interested' option

30/06/2005, 1:52 PM
Can't believe I'm watching all this unfold and nothing is being done about it :eek:

Jeez the U.S and it's bitches didn't need much of an excuse (or made up one at that ;) ) to go into Iraq so what stops them now?? Not that I'd want them anywhere near the place though.

In my limited political knowledge I always assumed the U.N. would stop anything like this happening or at least take action if it did?

There's a lot of silence regarding it, I saw the South African President on telly the other night and steadfastidly refused to condemn it :eek: :confused: :rolleyes:

30/06/2005, 1:57 PM
How about the UN mandate and all that. Isn't the lack of a UN mandate one of the reasons all the anti war campaigners protested against the war in Iraq?

That said yes of course action should be taken against Zimbabwe. Just goes to show how sometimes war is neccessary.

30/06/2005, 2:05 PM
the un does nothing at all in relation to the above post, all they are is peacekeepers i.e. once a situation is no longer volatile they will go into a country, in reality the UN is a joke....

Pat O' Banton
30/06/2005, 2:17 PM
What usually happens is the US will veto any sort of UN military intervention as they would be instrumental in funding such a project so talking will continue until its too late. Rwanda for the worst of this, but unless the US has a straegic or economic interest in a problem nothing will happen. (Samantha Power's book 'A Problem from hell' is particularly scathing about both US and UN lack of any sort of intervention in cases of genocide in the twentieth century)

30/06/2005, 4:35 PM
I doubt the US will get support in their own country to go to war again for a long time without a major reason (ie an attack on US soil)

30/06/2005, 5:07 PM
You should of put a 'not interested' option

If you're not interested, don't post on this thread or try to vote on the poll!

:rolleyes: :confused:

30/06/2005, 5:11 PM
I doubt the US will get support in their own country to go to war again for a long time without a major reason (ie an attack on US soil)

Yes but they could eliminate Mugabe and his regime with a well timed airstrike..........although that would lead to a vacuum of power, then warlords etc so a UN ( or some other ) force would have to move in immediately afterwards.

That said, when you consider that the yanks have reputedly managed to kill, injure or maim more than 100,000 iraqi's it leaves a lot to be desired about their precision weapons ( or use of them more like ).

30/06/2005, 5:13 PM
Sanctions don't affect the rulers, only the ordinary people.
Could you add a 'do nothing' to the poll?

Mugabe will be dead in a few years, what age is he now? Hasn't he got cancer or something as well.
There's no point in military action, it'll only end up killing more people than he'll do.

Wait for him to die, then change will come. Bit like Paisley really.

Green Tribe
30/06/2005, 5:34 PM
Sanctions don't affect the rulers, only the ordinary people.
Could you add a 'do nothing' to the poll?

Mugabe will be dead in a few years, what age is he now? Hasn't he got cancer or something as well.
There's no point in military action, it'll only end up killing more people than he'll do.

Wait for him to die, then change will come. Bit like Paisley really.

True, but these oul nasty fcukers seem to last forever, Mugabe has cancer and sure i think Big Mouth does too, hard to get rid of a bad thing........... :mad:

30/06/2005, 5:43 PM
The US will be in like a shot if oil is discovered in large quantities. The biggest disgrace is the behaviour of the African Union and Mbeke of South Africa etc. They won't even give out to him.

30/06/2005, 6:07 PM
sirhamish is right. the yanks won't do anything unless there's something massive in it for them. Something should be done, I'd ber very slow to support military action, but sending in a team to take muagbe out would be no harm.

30/06/2005, 8:59 PM
sirhamish is right. the yanks won't do anything unless there's something massive in it for them. Something should be done, I'd ber very slow to support military action, but sending in a team to take muagbe out would be no harm.

Funny Eanna you remind me of a chat I had with a relation of mine(born and bread in Millwall). He fought in the last six months of World War 2 - he was just old enough to be drafted. I said to him, "Thank God the Yanks came in and joined the effort" (OK OK it was a wind up). He replied, "Fakkin yanks, they charged ten dollars for every one dollar bullet....................." and on and on. He gave me a complete "inventory" of every over charge. This "Yanks in it for themselves" goes waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay back. :D

30/06/2005, 9:53 PM
but sending in a team to take muagbe out would be no harm.

Christ, where would that all end? Do the same with Israel, Sudan, the US, until we get someone we like?
That'd be a risky precedent to set, to say the least.

30/06/2005, 10:02 PM
Christ, where would that all end? Do the same with Israel, Sudan, the US, until we get someone we like?
That'd be a risky precedent to set, to say the least.
I should have phrased it a bit better- I didn't mean take out as in kill necessarily, I was talking about bringing him to court like milosevic

30/06/2005, 10:06 PM
I should have phrased it a bit better- I didn't mean take out as in kill necessarily, I was talking about bringing him to court like milosevic

Oh right, fair enough. Would but a bit of a mission pulling it off though. Would his guards let him go quietly? And legally, you'd still be invading another country.

30/06/2005, 10:12 PM
hence it would have to be ordered by the UN

30/06/2005, 10:38 PM
Can't believe I'm watching all this unfold and nothing is being done about it :eek:

Aye what makes it worse is the same has been going on in Burma for 40 years and nothing has been done still;

"United Nations stood around and watched our homes burn to the ground,
While the junta tells the world that we're to blame,
The words rehearsed and all their lies,
They stood and tried to justify,
Such savagery and hate I hope i'll never see again"

Take action against Zimbabwe and Burma!