View Full Version : cork city sold for a bagof chips. words from brian lennox

20/03/2002, 3:08 PM
Brian Lennox of the famous Barrack street/Bandon rd chipper has become the new owner of Cork City FC. He was on the board for a number of years and his father Jackie Lennox played with the great Cork sides of the 1950's. Furthermore his father is credited with bringing the potato pie to Cork which as far I know is unique to this country. Apparentely brian envisages in bringing CCFc to pro standard.

Let's just home the players don't get too many free chip and pie suppers!!!!!

AS he said himself he reckons Cork City in a couple of years will "batter" the opposition and the days of getting "stuffed" and "codded" around are over. I suppose you could say he is a "chip" off his father and our strikers will be lethal "on the one and ones". (ok he didn't say any of that but I couldn't resist it) :D

20/03/2002, 3:11 PM
BOOOOOOO and so forth

20/03/2002, 3:17 PM
dalo you've been in dublin too long boy :D

20/03/2002, 3:47 PM
You certainly seem chipper, Dalo!
But let's hope Brian can grease the wheels to better things in the future, and put CCFC back in it's rightful plaice. There are people who have put their heart and sole into supporting the club, and Brian may just be the ray of hope we need. Under LM, City have been crawling crab-like along, but this may get us netting a few goals again. Let's just hope he has not jumped from the fryer into the fire!....

20/03/2002, 3:57 PM
i agree oddboy brian is indeed a good burg(h)er of the city . :D

20/03/2002, 4:38 PM
That's enough puns for now plaice.


20/03/2002, 4:53 PM
awe but adam, you've gota be codding us there, we're having a whale (do they serve whale in lennoxs !! :D) of a time..

20/03/2002, 6:03 PM
do they serve whale in lennoxs

Well, they've always served me before... :)


20/03/2002, 6:22 PM
Does Lennox intend on getting others to chip in to realise his ambitions or is he going to fork out for it himself?

Does this mean I should no longer eat from KCs in Douglas?